I have this script set on a trigger under my http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=13638 and it counts down the ten seconds fine the first time you step under the running shower, which gives you the "Showered" perk which lasts for 12 hours just like the Well Rested perk, but the next time you get in the shower it immediately gives you the Showered perk instead of counting down the ten seconds. What am I missing?
scn ShowerTriggerEffectScriptfloat showertimerBegin OnTrigger player if player.HasPerk ShoweredPerk == 1 else if showertimer < 10 set showertimer to showertimer + GetSecondsPassed else player.CastImmediateOnSelf ShoweredSpell set showertimer to 0 endifendifend