Name: Leonid “Leo” Volsky
Age: 32
Race: Russian
Gender: Male
Short Brown hair
Moderately tan skin
Clean Shaven
Several scars on his body from being a slave
5’ 10” Tall
190 lb.
Muscular toned body
Strong facial features
Bullet Scars on left shoulder, and two on his chest (Only visible when shirt is off)
Soviet Uniform
MP-446 “Viking”
NR40 Fighting Knife
x7 Clips of 7.62x39
x8 Magazines of 9x19
x1 Canteen full of water
x4 Bottles of Vodka
x4 Brahmin Steak
x5 Insta-mash
x2 Cleaning kits (For both guns)
Personality: Leo is a tough fighter. He does not trust very many people, and those he does trust are very close to him. He may come off as an [censored], preferring to stay quiet and calculate the situation before speaking. Though he has seen other Russians who have come from Russia across the Bering Straights, he still does not trust them. Knowing that Russia is in an even worst situation that the US.
Bio: Traveling all the way from Mother Russia to the US, after fighting with the remnants of the Soviet Military, Leo has had a very interesting life. First he was a Caravan guard, going from Shady Sands to other small settlements in the NCR. After that, Leo moved out into the wasteland, and was caught off guard by a team of Slavers. He lived as a slave for five years, gradually escaping after he killed his owner and took back his belongings. While being chased by his former owners guards, Leo joined a Mercenary team out somewhere in what used to be Kansas. They did a few jobs, keeping people in line, and doing other things that they would kindly except payment to do. But while out on his last job, Leo was double crossed by two of his team mates after the job went south, and their team leader was killed by a Sentry Bot. They shot Leo in the shoulder and twice in the chest, leaving him for dead.
After a wasteland doctor found him almost dead and unconscious, the doctor brought Leo back to his settlement where he patched Leo up, and let him recuperate before leaving the wasteland doctor, and the settlers forever.
Leo now finds himself on the East Coast, willing to help in the fight against Ronto’s forces. He is determined to return to Mother Russia some day, but now his home is here in the US.
Thought I'd try with a 2nd character. See which one I like better?

Name: Dante Alighieri (If you know where I got this name, you get something special?)
Age: Between 26-32
Race: Italian
Gender: Male
Long Blonde Hair reaches his shoulders
Blue Eyes
Clean Shaven
Moderate Muscular build
5’ 10” tall
185 lb.
Moderately tan skin
-OD T-shirt
-Black Leather Jacket (Leather Armor modeled into a vest)
-White thin puffy shirt
-Brown stitched leather pants
-Tall Brown boots (Reach the bottom of his knee)
-Dark Brown stitched cape w/ Blood red cloth on the inside
-Small multi-color beaded necklace w/ mysterious pendant on it
-x2 Rapier Sword
-x2 Combat Knifes (hidden in each boot)
-x1 Silenced 10 mm Pistol
-x1 Scoped M91/41 Carcano Rifle
-x1 Canteen of water
-x3 Yao Guai Meat
-x4 Wine
-x4 Powdered Eggs
-x3 Brahmin Steak
-x3 Special papers given to him that read: FOR YOUR EYES ONLY on the top
-x4 Magazines of 10 mm
-x4 Stripper Clips of 6.5x52 mm
Personality: Dante is a secretive person, he mostly keeps to himself in social situations but can speak when he feels the need to. When in combat, Dante is usually not seen in the heat of battle or seen at all for that matter. At times, Dante can have a short temper with the people around him, and will sometimes start calling them names, in his native language of Italian. Most are thrown by what he says, because for one they don’t understand him. Most find him a bit scary and sort of an [censored]. He is good at taking orders, but if it doesn’t seem right to him, forget about him doing it.
Bio: Not much is known about Dante’s life. The only known thing about the man is that he travelled from Florence, Italy which surprisingly wasn’t bombed like other Italian cities. How he got here, no one can say for sure. When he did get here, Dante took on the job of hired gun. Though he doesn’t really use guns all the time, preferring to kill his victims up close with a knife or sword, he is a successful mercenary/assassin. His rates are high, and not many can pay him so most of his contractors are fairly rich wastelanders who have made it one way or another.
Dante now finds himself, willing to fight against the forces of Ronto and help defend against the invading forces. Though he is really on neither side, Dante is all but willing to fight for the forces of Ronto, if they pay him enough. Same goes for the Brotherhood of Steel and others.