Almost every guide for modding morrowind and its patching recommends using Timeslip's exe optimizer.
It states in the readme:
"This is an application designed to speed up executable files by searching the file
for vectorizable fpu calculations, and converting them to sse instructions. Use of
sse allows up to four instructions to be executed in parallel, theoretically giving
massive speed increases. In practise, such vectorizable code is generally not the
performance bottleneck of an application, and replacing it may only give marginal
speed increases. AMD chips especially have good fpu performance, and replacing fpu
code with the equivalent sse code can actually cause speed drops. Patches are
benchmarked before being applied to try and prevent this from happening.
Actually, after saying all that, the main perpose of this utility now seems to be to
prevent CTDs in morrowind. Very few people seem to see significant fps increases in
any software.
It was designed for, and tested on, morrowind. Some options, such as precreated
patches, are morrowind specific, and the default options are set up to give optimal
performance in morrowind. It should work just as well on other executables, but
you might want to try experimenting with the options to try and get a larger
performance gain. The default options also give morrowind a large stability boost. "
I am pretty sure I have some AMD driver thing. Doesn't that mean I should NOT use this?