It would be really nice to get some type of heads from Bethesda or Obsidian as to a rough time table for the save glitch patch which we're all assuming is forthcoming. Any devs reading this, just give us a heads up, eh? We've all been salivating over this game for months(in some cases years) and are very disappointed in its performance(technically) so far. We're willing to give you guys the benefit of the doubt, but only if a solution is presented quickly (and some free dlc wouldnt hurt either, like maybe give all the preorder dlc packs to anyone who preordered and didnt return the game?). That is all.
I agree with everyone here. I am a major fallout fan since the first one. Never joined a forum cause I just dont want to. However, I feel I would be in the wrong not joining in with the complaints. At first I thought people where just being baby's until I experienced the glitching my self. Now my friends game is freezing too. I have a brand new Xbox 360 slim and it crashes it on a daily basis. I had the DLC and I modded the weathered 10mm with a laser sight and a big red box with a exclamation point is enveloping my character. So i had to sell it because it was now useless. I have way to many problems to list here those are just a couple.
There is way to many problems with way to many people for this to go unchecked. Government guidelines for a product recall say something like 60% problematic and a recall should be issued. To the developers I am sure more than that amount are having problems. Do something or recall the game already, You all need to make this right for people. I spent a lot of money on the collectors ed. and already I am disappointed in the game (the coding not the story, great story line). This game will be known as the biggest problem or bomb release in gaming history in my opinion unless something is done. Ill be waiting by my computer for a comment.
Like everyone says at least post a response to let us know you even care about your customers.