I'm stuck yet again, this time with a timer that I've set within a Begin GameMode block. The first timer was copied from FWE Triage section so I could have a menu within the Player inventory; it is working correctly, my menu is displayed and I'm allowed to select an item from it. The menu allows the Player to select a time frame: 1 to 3, 4 to 6, 7 to 9, 10 to 12 and 13 hours; this also works the way I want it to and one of those sections is listed below. The problem comes in the section of code after that.
I save off the current TimeScale as I've read here on the forum, I enter my BeginProst == 3 section, time speeds up and the screen blacks out, and that's it. The screen stays black, which confuses me because I thought FadeToBlackISFX was set to fade out then in. Also, time does not ever go back to normal. I've tried numerous things but nothing ever works; sometimes I can get the screen fading to come back, but the time never slows down. What am I doing wrong?
Thank you in advance for your time and energy!
Begin GameMode if Timer > 0 set Timer to Timer - GetSecondsPassed else if BeginProst == 1 ShowMessage yapmMenu set BeginProst to 2 endif endif if BeginProst == 2 set ButtonX to GetButtonPressed if ButtonX == 0 set BeginProst to 3 set ButtonX to -1 set numHours to 1 + GetRandomPercent * (3 - 1) / 99 set SleepTimer to 5 elseif ButtonX == 1 . . . endif set myTime to TimeScale endif if BeginProst == 3 set iCharisma to Player.GetActorValue Charisma ;I want the time to fly within a 5 second period; perhaps that's my problem set TimeScale to (360 * numHours * 2) ;Advance time imod FadeToBlackISFX ;SetPCSleepHours seems to crash the game on a random basis. ;SetPCSleepHours numHours if SleepTimer >= 0 set SleepTimer to SleepTimer - GetSecondsPassed else ;Done advancing time set TimeScale to myTime set BeginProst to 4 endif endif