I tip my hat off to you dead money

Post » Fri Jul 16, 2010 5:01 am

Dear Dead Money,

You broke my god damned save file. You wouldn't let me properly finish the DLC and forced me to skip quests since it bugged. You returned NOTHING of mine from when I went to Sierra Madre, including all gear // misc // caps // items I had in Sierra Madre.
I am also now stuck with a god damned slave collar on my character, forever.


I hate your [censored] guts, you crappy DLC
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Post » Fri Jul 16, 2010 7:04 am

lol :obliviongate:
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Post » Fri Jul 16, 2010 9:27 am

Only use two saves by any chance? One is named Quicksave and the other is called Autosave.
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Post » Fri Jul 16, 2010 9:36 am

Only use two saves by any chance? One is named Quicksave and the other is called Autosave.

I'v got approximately 6-7 saves. I use quick-saves soley for if my game decides to crash. It doesn't happen often, but it will happen at the worst possible time. I make an actual save every, 2-3 hours of playing, and I try to keep saves spaced out between 5-7 hours, just incase. I did, however, just spend the better part of the last week getting everything I possibly could out of Dead Money (Picked up EVERYTHING, to trade for pre-war money, which I used in the Casino. I spent about... 4-5 hours alone GAMBLING in the casino, getting over 50,000 chips, which I planned on using to mass-buy from the machine in the BoS bunker) and it turned out to end badly in so many ways.

I can use console commands to get my stuff back, however I don't remember most of my misc // aid items. And as far as i'm concerned, the fact this game did just waste, god knows how long of my time (The bugs won't change, regardless of loading earlier or later saves. I'v tried) with bugs and other crap.

This easily has to be the worst experience i'v had with DLC, ever. Never have I felt so profoundly ripped off, and I love New Vegas. :(
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Post » Thu Jul 15, 2010 8:34 pm

Only 6-7 saves? I have about 40. I number all mine.

DLC worked fine for me BTW.
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Post » Fri Jul 16, 2010 1:05 am

Only 6-7 saves? I have about 40. I number all mine.

DLC worked fine for me BTW.

I recycle saves. Once I start getting so far, I will start rewritting my previous saves from the first. I have no use for more than that, otherwise it's just a waste of space to me. I never plan on reloading my first save after 10 hours of gameplay.
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Stephy Beck
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Post » Fri Jul 16, 2010 12:10 pm

I recycle saves. Once I start getting so far, I will start rewritting my previous saves from the first. I have no use for more than that, otherwise it's just a waste of space to me. I never plan on reloading my first save after 10 hours of gameplay.

Do you delete your saves and then save on a fresh spot? Don't ever simply write over a previous save while using gamegryo. It causes a glitch in the matrix.... or something like that.
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Silvia Gil
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Post » Fri Jul 16, 2010 10:35 am

Only 6-7 saves? I have about 40. I number all mine.

DLC worked fine for me BTW.

Only 40 saves? Geez, I've got over 200 (pc) nearly all hard saves. It's a lesson I learned starting in Oblivion; save early and save often, you never know when you are going to crash. It's better to for me to have a large save file (which I can always delete old saves) than to lose hours worth of play time.
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Tom Flanagan
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Post » Fri Jul 16, 2010 2:05 am

Glad I played it on ps3, where Dead Money ran pretty good after the first patch [no glitches,bugs]. Always save a lot no matter what you use [pc or console]. I save every 20-40 min. with a # of saved games.
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Post » Fri Jul 16, 2010 12:42 am

Dear Dead Money,

You broke my god damned save file. You wouldn't let me properly finish the DLC and forced me to skip quests since it bugged. You returned NOTHING of mine from when I went to Sierra Madre, including all gear // misc // caps // items I had in Sierra Madre.
I am also now stuck with a god damned slave collar on my character, forever.


I hate your [censored] guts, you crappy DLC

That is horrible....... It worked better than the main game on ps3.

wow I m scared to take my current man in there now. Im saving like 27 times before I go in.
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Lyndsey Bird
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Post » Fri Jul 16, 2010 12:11 pm

i saved after every fricken step, because it was the 2nd time i was in there. the 1st time i was in the Sierra Madre i had this weird bug that kept decreasing my heath (no, im not on hardcoe mode) and i saved over my saved from the villa and (cuz im dumb) from the mojave, BIG mistake, i kept dieing because i was losing like 5 bars of health per second, and i wasted like 50 stimpacks just to die half way to the vault........ moral of the story : ALWAYS KEEP A BACK UP SAVE!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Nichola Haynes
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Post » Fri Jul 16, 2010 12:34 am

Didn't have any problems with Dead Money, except for a few minor bugs and glitches. I thought Dead Money was great and it certainly had a much better story than any of the Fallout 3 DLC. Plus, you got the Assassin suit along with cool weapons like the Holorifle. It was a good investment overall.
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Ownie Zuliana
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Post » Fri Jul 16, 2010 4:57 am

It's kinda late for you, but I gave this advice over in the xbox forums,

Doing dead money My advice for anyone doing it,

goto the area where dead money starts, don't go in just discover it.

If you have a place at Novac then leave everything you can there and fast travel back to abandon BOS bunker. you don't need weapons or armor.

create a NEW save before you go into the bunker, then a separate save once inside(after you agree to message) Once you start the DLC and wake up, make a new save.

Never use the first save, the others you can use. Also save before big decisions or even small to medium. thats up to you.

above all watch your feet :)
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Post » Fri Jul 16, 2010 6:03 am

Didn't have any problems with Dead Money, except for a few minor bugs and glitches. I thought Dead Money was great and it certainly had a much better story than any of the Fallout 3 DLC. Plus, you got the Assassin suit along with cool weapons like the Holorifle. It was a good investment overall.

Unfortunately, leaving with the Gauss Rifle, Holorifle, Assassin Suit and tonnes of other stuff, I got NONE of it. I left Sierra Madre with it all in me, it went to the slide show (And I got an ending that wasn't what mine should of been since I had to console command my way past the bugs.), than I spawned back in the BoS bunker with absolutely nothing from when I went in with, or what I should of left with.

Wait. That's a lie. I'v got the slave collar on still!!!!

It's kinda late for you, but I gave this advice over in the xbox forums,

Doing dead money My advice for anyone doing it,

goto the area where dead money starts, don't go in just discover it.

If you have a place at Novac then leave everything you can there and fast travel back to abandon BOS bunker. you don't need weapons or armor.

create a NEW save before you go into the bunker, then a separate save once inside(after you agree to message) Once you start the DLC and wake up, make a new save.

Never use the first save, the others you can use. Also save before big decisions or even small to medium. thats up to you.

above all watch your feet :)

I did most of that. I made a new save just outside the Bunker, made a new save as soon as I gained control in the Madre. Whilst the "losing items" and such stuff svcks, I could always do a reload of an earlier file, however odd's are the DLC will bug on me again, and I just don't want to put another 12+ hours into the DLC combing over every area, and whatnot. And it wouldn't be so bad (I could console command stuff back to me) but again, I got a slave collar on my guy. So i'v officially said screw it, and I am no longer playing my EW character, which is a shame because I put a ridiculous amount of effort into making mods so Energy Weapons were balanced // made sense for my playthrough, and collecting weapons and ammo.

On a side note. Why the friggen hell does a Gauss Rifle use 3 shots per fire, yet it's got 5 rounds per clip...?
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Chris Jones
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Post » Fri Jul 16, 2010 9:35 am

I have over 100 saves on my xbox, the limit. and about 28 on my flashdrive, just in case.
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Stacy Hope
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Post » Fri Jul 16, 2010 12:58 pm

i only keep one save for each character (and autosave, which i delete when i finish playing) no problems yet, i also back up everything i did on a flash drive before i turn the system off.

oh ya, i did have 2 saves, one before dlc and one in it, then replaced the old when i finished the dlc.

anyway, this may have been suggested already, i didnt read every post. check that footlocker at the entrance, your stuff might be in there
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