Wait, hold on a second - is this a gloss map we're talking about, or an environment map? Because enchant glow is an animated environment map, not a gloss map. The "default gloss map" (read: none) is equivalent to a blank white texture, that is, no dimming, removal, or color alteration of whatever environment map creates an item's shine.
Opps my bad, yes I meant the environment/light/reflection map(bah so many names). I'm not actually using a seperate gloss map as I'm manipulating the blue channel of the bump to control the specularity. Sorry everyone it was late, no wonder y'all seem a bit confused. You somehow seemed to have understood me before this though Plangkye
Anyway yea like you said the colour is still there, and there seems to be no way to get rid of it outside of the cs and without ruining the bump map.
I was hoping Hrnchamd could whip something up to stop the game from actually applying the effect :shrug: For now I'll just hold on to that hope.
Old friend, I could take a screenshot if you want, but don't you have any enchanted, bump-mapped items in your game? I'm sure it's no different on your side.
Jiub, no thanks to "more vivid" colours! They are plenty vivid as it is, which really ruins the details when you have a nice texture.