Tips and tricks

Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:57 am

-Crouching reduces spread by 20%. Use it like you would use prone in another game-- it helps a lot at longer distances. I'd go so far as to recommend that you always keep it on toggle.

-Assault Scope + Weapon Pro actually seem pretty powerful on PC because the recoil increase hardly makes a difference. You give up some close-range power in favor of some long range power. I love this on Feline and Grendel the most.

-Nano vision can see through walls and ceiling. Make sure no one is sneaking around you. Should always use it when entering a small space to be sure no one is camping there.

-Stealth enhance + mobility enhance for someone who likes the safety of being stealthed but still wants to sprint around.

-Nano recharge is probably better for you unless you're getting a ton of kills using energy enhance.

-Hit "Q" to turn on armor mode before you start shooting. No need to waste all your energy shooting while stealthed-- even if the kill is a sure thing.

-Silencer causes your damage fall-off to occur at closer ranges for Feline and Grendel. Opting not to use it makes them both better at longer ranges.

-2 hits to get a melee kill if you're in armor mode. 3 hits if not. Doing just about any damage with a gun and then meleeing with armor mode should get a kill.

-Without silencer Grendel = 2 good body shots for a kill. Very useful on maps like Skyline where you can get to the roof and unleash. I recommend Assault Scope + weapon pro in combination with it.

-Sometimes your energy will start to recharge in the middle of a fight-- be sure to put armor mode back on!

-Dont re-stealth INSTANTLY after killing someone. At this point in time, it is likely someone else will start attacking you and you will die instantly. Wait a second and try and find whoever is de-stealthing to shoot at you. After a moment, stealth and sprint to safety.

-When to use the Gauss rifle? In team game modes. Its high damage means that if an ally or grenade has so much as nicked them, they will die in one hit. It can also take down gunships in only a few shots due to its massive damage.

-Kill-streaks activate energy recharge, making energy recharge and retriever a good combination if you can maintain decent gunship uptime.

-Place nano-suit jammers on points in Crash Site. On certain maps, there is an obvious part of the map you want to control, such as the roof in Skyline or the most elevated section in "Downed Bird". Place nano-suit jammers here. Having a single class with Armor Enhance III means you can still assault and take a point when an enemy has carried out this strategy.

-Maybe I'm a fool for not realizing this until someone pointed it out in the comments: you can shoot at and destroy nano-suit jammers.

-Single-shot jackal is a one-hit kill at close range and a two-hit kill at medium-ish range. Very powerful on certain maps and game modes.

-AY96 is probably the best sidearm for players who don't quite feel comfortable with the handguns. Don't force yourself to use a handgun if its giving you bad results.

-Having trouble seeing other players? Don't underestimate "Visor Enhance" for your normal classes. It is more helpful than it might seem.

-Don't let your team get torn up by gunships. Have a class with the JAW equipped.

Will add more.

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Juanita Hernandez
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 8:46 am

Forgot the main tip.Pro jumping like bunny when being shot.
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Lisha Boo
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:59 pm

Forgot the main tip.Pro jumping like bunny when being shot.

This is considered extremely noobish and sometimes will get you kicked from a serious admins server. I don't know about this game but a lot of games making this impossible to do which they should. Bunny hopping will get you discredited by a lot of pro players and they will not allow you on their servers. It is something that shouldn't be allowed in any game. Its not a tactic its just a game exploit.
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Betsy Humpledink
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:03 am

-Assault Scope + Weapon Pro actually seem pretty powerful on PC because the recoil increase hardly makes a difference. You give up some close-range power in favor of some long range power. I love this on Feline and Grendel the most.

-Place nano-suit jammers on points in Crash Site. On certain maps, there is an obvious part of the map you want to control, such as the roof in Skyline or the most elevated section in "Downed Bird". Place nano-suit jammers here. Having a single class with Armor Enhance III means you can still assault and take a point when an enemy has carried out this strategy.

Will add more.

Did you mean Aim Enhance for the first part? I hated using the assault scope because with high recoil, it shakes too much, so I'm guessing it's Aim Enhance that you meant.

Also, nano-suit jammer can't be activated in Skyline. Orbital strike is the 2nd killstreak on that map always.

Somebody posted about bunny hoping. I've yet to see bunny hopping in this game O-o. The guy meant pro-jumping as in tactics like jumping sideways then activating cloak to cause confusion to an enemy. The tactic works everytime I'm getting shot from far away.
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Devin Sluis
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 11:28 am

Forgot the main tip.Pro jumping like bunny when being shot.

This is considered extremely noobish and sometimes will get you kicked from a serious admins server. I don't know about this game but a lot of games making this impossible to do which they should. Bunny hopping will get you discredited by a lot of pro players and they will not allow you on their servers. It is something that shouldn't be allowed in any game. Its not a tactic its just a game exploit.

Idk if you are serious or what, anyway... any legit action to prevent being killed is considerate as an tactic. Jumping same as crouching is one of basic character abilities in game such as FPS, those as you call them "pro players" are just ridiculous at so many level that no one should even listen to them. Maybe next thing which they should forbid is crouching in melee combat lmao, because idk "midget wrestling" is gayish?
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:42 am

It's not really as bad in this game but ya bunny hopping is bad in some fps. Going boing boing boing around in circles is not considered a good practice by most players. I know a lot of servers in other fps that have kicked players for abusing it. Crysis 2 it isnt really so bad though. You can jump around like that but will soon run out of energy and be an easy kill.
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Sam Parker
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:54 pm

i totally power jump when in combat , thats what it is made for as far as i can feel. This game due to the "climbing, power jumping ability" is not horizontal anymore it becomes spaced on all levels in my oppinion, i always utilize the environment to evade enemies / flank them etc but if no objects are present i almost always power jump or crouch ... :)

This said ive been always very mobile in most fps games ive been playing... Although when it comes to "bunny hopping" you are rights in left 4 dead, cs tournaments it has been prohibited , considered as exploit "similar to using different animations to boots reload speed, mobility speed etc " eg left 4 dead melle + reload exploit".
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Chenae Butler
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:53 am

i totally power jump when in combat , thats what it is made for as far as i can feel. This game due to the "climbing, power jumping ability" is not horizontal anymore it becomes spaced on all levels in my oppinion, i always utilize the environment to evade enemies / flank them etc but if no objects are present i almost always power jump or crouch ... :)

This said ive been always very mobile in most fps games ive been playing... Although when it comes to "bunny hopping" you are rights in left 4 dead, cs tournaments it has been prohibited , considered as exploit "similar to using different animations to boots reload speed, mobility speed etc " eg left 4 dead melle + reload exploit".
Power jumping to get out of the line of fire is completely acceptable, in my opinion. I think the original argument was aimed directly at "bunny hopping" as is found in most Source Engine games. As a friend of mine says, "The ****? I came here to fight, not be a **** princess bouncing around."
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 11:08 am

-Place nano-suit jammers on points in Crash Site. On certain maps, there is an obvious part of the map you want to control, such as the roof in Skyline or the most elevated section in "Downed Bird". Place nano-suit jammers here. Having a single class with Armor Enhance III means you can still assault and take a point when an enemy has carried out this strategy.

Alternatively, you could just shoot the jammer and blow it up - if you shoot it with a shotgun every pellet counts as a bullet impact so the jammer tends to fly 15m away.
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brian adkins
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:07 am

Anyway, id those "PRO players" are so PRO, why they have problem to aim at someone who jump? lol
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Amy Gibson
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 7:39 am

Anyway, id those "PRO players" are so PRO, why they have problem to aim at someone who jump? lol
I guess "pro" is kinda a loosely used term lol. Better would be "more serious" players I guess.
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Guy Pearce
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:12 am

The obvious ones shouldn't need listing, I have a couple that really help my kdr since I figured out the game more and have been using them. But I don't want to share them, figure out yourselves lol.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:57 am

Another very useful tactic I've had used against me and that i've used against others is stealth + slide or stealth plus power jump if the stealth player has the energy that is. When I'm the player who's not stealth but I see the shimmer long enough to realize someone is there (didn't catch them with visor enhance/nano vision) and open fire accordingly the number one way in which I've lost sight of them and ended up dead is the cloaked player sliding or jumping. When I'm the stealth player being attacked i usually decloak at close range(into armor mode) or as soon as I run out of energy and the players isn't pointed directly at me anymore. Of course all the non-stealth character has to do is remember that as soon as they see a shimmer to go into nano-vision if they don't have visor enhance equipped. To be honest this happens so quickly that they often have a hard time getting it activated before they are dead
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Nicole Mark
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 10:00 pm

Haha, jumping is a very valid tactic, especially in THIS game where you wear superarmor that makes it possible. Counter-Strike? I understand the limits. But Crysis? Think of Quake 3 Arena, players were jump accelerating everywhere, flying across the map like madmen. Ah, good old days.

It gives you a tactical advantage and works best with rocket launchers, grenades, or any other similar weapon.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 6:32 am

-Assault Scope + Weapon Pro actually seem pretty powerful on PC because the recoil increase hardly makes a difference. You give up some close-range power in favor of some long range power. I love this on Feline and Grendel the most.

-Place nano-suit jammers on points in Crash Site. On certain maps, there is an obvious part of the map you want to control, such as the roof in Skyline or the most elevated section in "Downed Bird". Place nano-suit jammers here. Having a single class with Armor Enhance III means you can still assault and take a point when an enemy has carried out this strategy.

Will add more.

Did you mean Aim Enhance for the first part? I hated using the assault scope because with high recoil, it shakes too much, so I'm guessing it's Aim Enhance that you meant.

Also, nano-suit jammer can't be activated in Skyline. Orbital strike is the 2nd killstreak on that map always.

Somebody posted about bunny hoping. I've yet to see bunny hopping in this game O-o. The guy meant pro-jumping as in tactics like jumping sideways then activating cloak to cause confusion to an enemy. The tactic works everytime I'm getting shot from far away.

I actually meant Weapon Pro. If you have to waste a module on Aim enhance in order to use assault scope, it probably isn't worth it.

In my opinion, having spent time playing games like DOD back in the day, even with assault scope the recoil is almost zero in this game-- so using weapon pro to get faster ADS, the bit of zoom can be quite helpful. This probably doesn't apply to everyone since we all have different abilities to compensate for recoil.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:00 am

In IA the biggest tip I have to offer is this: Never go straight for the kill. If you see someone, first look around for other players and/or think how you can improve your situation. Getting between fire is certain death. Getting shot in the back will also get you killed. Easy kills and few deaths are both critical in IA.

+ agree for the "no stealth after killing" tip.

ps: I play with SCARAB, mobility, stealth enchance, power transfer.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:34 am

What module makes your hud interfere, blur and beeps when aiming at the one person?
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Ria dell
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 10:02 am

What module makes your hud interfere, blur and beeps when aiming at the one person?

I think its the jammer perk but I'm not sure...
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:14 pm

Anyway, id those "PRO players" are so PRO, why they have problem to aim at someone who jump? lol

Did you ever think about the fact that it is not easy to follow the vulnerable parts of an enemy if he is jumping like an idiot? Especially in a game where you can jump like 3 meters and the enemy is shooting in your head from above at the same time?! This has nothing to do with being a "pro" or not...

I don't have a problem if my opponent is jumping ONE time to get out of the firing line or if I attacked him unexpected.
But bunny hopping is a noobish "tactic" that only shows that someone can't handle a situation with more skill.

If you want to jump without cease go playing doodle jump -.-
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:17 am

Forgot the main tip.Pro jumping like bunny when being shot.

This is considered extremely noobish and sometimes will get you kicked from a serious admins server. I don't know about this game but a lot of games making this impossible to do which they should. Bunny hopping will get you discredited by a lot of pro players and they will not allow you on their servers. It is something that shouldn't be allowed in any game. Its not a tactic its just a game exploit.

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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 7:00 am

Anyway, id those "PRO players" are so PRO, why they have problem to aim at someone who jump? lol

Did you ever think about the fact that it is not easy to follow the vulnerable parts of an enemy if he is jumping like an idiot? Especially in a game where you can jump like 3 meters and the enemy is shooting in your head from above at the same time?! This has nothing to do with being a "pro" or not...

I don't have a problem if my opponent is jumping ONE time to get out of the firing line or if I attacked him unexpected.
But bunny hopping is a noobish "tactic" that only shows that someone can't handle a situation with more skill.

If you want to jump without cease go playing doodle jump -.-

Ouu yea because you can handle being shoot by 5 people without any evasion tactic right.
It's even harder for people who power jump to shoot someone that for person who is shooting at jumping player. Actually to kill someone while being in mid air you need to have some skill and practice. I can kill jumping people without problem, but to shoot someone while power jumping thats another story because not only target is moving but you are changing your attitude. So instead of biching about "noobish tactic" how about you just learn to aim? or go play Bad Company, CoD or w/e. Or play freaking Classic servers geez....

FYII with full bar of energy you can power jump just 3 times, and normal jumping is not even high nor fast.
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Sara Lee
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:53 am

Anyway, id those "PRO players" are so PRO, why they have problem to aim at someone who jump? lol

Did you ever think about the fact that it is not easy to follow the vulnerable parts of an enemy if he is jumping like an idiot? Especially in a game where you can jump like 3 meters and the enemy is shooting in your head from above at the same time?! This has nothing to do with being a "pro" or not...

I don't have a problem if my opponent is jumping ONE time to get out of the firing line or if I attacked him unexpected.
But bunny hopping is a noobish "tactic" that only shows that someone can't handle a situation with more skill.

If you want to jump without cease go playing doodle jump -.-

Ouu yea because you can handle being shoot by 5 people without any evasion tactic right.
It's even harder for people who power jump to shoot someone that for person who is shooting at jumping player. Actually to kill someone while being in mid air you need to have some skill and practice. I can kill jumping people without problem, but to shoot someone while power jumping thats another story because not only target is moving but you are changing your attitude. So instead of biching about "noobish tactic" how about you just learn to aim? or go play Bad Company, CoD or w/e. Or play freaking Classic servers geez....

FYII with full bar of energy you can power jump just 3 times, and normal jumping is not even high nor fast.

QFT. some pro u are if u can't even aim at someone who's jumping. LOL u can't claim ur "skillful" if ur dismissing a valid evasive tactic as something "noobish" just cause u can't aim at their vulnerable spots...
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krystal sowten
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 11:04 am

Anyway, id those "PRO players" are so PRO, why they have problem to aim at someone who jump? lol

Did you ever think about the fact that it is not easy to follow the vulnerable parts of an enemy if he is jumping like an idiot? Especially in a game where you can jump like 3 meters and the enemy is shooting in your head from above at the same time?! This has nothing to do with being a "pro" or not...

I don't have a problem if my opponent is jumping ONE time to get out of the firing line or if I attacked him unexpected.
But bunny hopping is a noobish "tactic" that only shows that someone can't handle a situation with more skill.

If you want to jump without cease go playing doodle jump -.-

You can't even power jump that many times before you run out of energy. You can only jump once or twice because you'll need to save the rest of your energy to power sprint out of sight. And if you don't like dealing with this stuff, there's always the Classic servers, which are standard FPS play with all the unique Crysis elements taken out.
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Lillian Cawfield
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:02 am

Have to agree with the majority here on the bunny hopping thing...should be swiss cheese for a PRO.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:35 am

if you want really good tip you need a good skill at fps games..and a little brain :)

you can watch my video if you want and learn a bit..yeh when i record i lose 30 fps but essence tricks you can see put it 1 moth ago
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