Tips on finding dead enemy corpses?

Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 12:34 am

Whenever fighting more than a few enemies outside, especially in forest areas, I often cannot find the enemies to loot them. I'm too distracted to remember where every enemy has died.

Any tips to help with this, or perhaps a mod that would for example, highlight dead enemies when entering vats?

I just got done fighting a legendary enemy, who decided to explode. Thankfully 2 BoS friends showed up to help. I think they died in the explosion, and I cannot find their bodies anywhere. Their gear would be really nice this early in the game for me.

Another quick question: do explosions destroy dead bodies? Because this isn't the first time I've been unable to find an enemy that died in some sort of explosion. I assumed their bodies just flew away never to be seen again.

Thanks for any help

EDIT: typing tfw into the console and this makes it much easier to spot enemies. I certainly wouldn't do it a lot, but if I've just almost died 5 times over and im gonna get something out of it!
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Post » Thu Dec 10, 2015 4:46 pm

That title is a little unsettling lol but yeah it can be a pain sometimes especially when fighting smaller things. I got used to this type of thing in Skyrim when seeing giants launch NPC's into the stratosphere. Just thought Nope! Not seeing that again..

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m Gardner
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 7:20 am

It would be really nice to have a 'highlight bodies/containers' -button.
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Farrah Barry
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 8:18 am

I can hear the "they keep dumbing the game down!" whinefest already. :lol:

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Chad Holloway
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Post » Thu Dec 10, 2015 9:18 pm

If you are on the PC then you can enter 'tg' into the console. That toggles the rendering of grass and can make corpses easier to spot. Other than that, I got nothing.

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Post » Thu Dec 10, 2015 10:30 pm

This seems like it could be pretty useful, thanks
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Post » Thu Dec 10, 2015 7:42 pm

Well . . . to be "realistic" they should perhaps BE a bit difficult to spot sometimes . . . nuclear detonations have been known to 'disperse' body parts quite a bit . . . But yeah, that ~ tg console command is gonna be my buddy a lot in the near future!

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Prisca Lacour
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 4:33 am

Still, one of the better parts of this game is the modding freedom, sometimes I spend hours in an area that has few enemies, but I spend way too much time sauaging.

It's a single player game, no leaderboards even. I don't see the problem with it. Can you imagine if they removed the similar options from Diablo or pillars of eternity (I'm just making the first comparison I can think of, don't hate)?

I'd donate for a mod like this, maybe. It could be a perk in the perception tree?

Also, typing ~tt says it culls all trees, haven't tried it but maybe it would help too.

EDIT: typing tfw into the console turns on wireframe mode, and this makes it much easier to spot enemies. I certainly wouldn't do it a lot, but if I've just almost died 5 times over and im gonna get something out of it!
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Jennifer Rose
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Post » Thu Dec 10, 2015 6:15 pm

Yeah mixed feelings on that 1, am stealth PC so if I can't remember GA of kill ie w/ rocks and trees; hell buildings and hills even. I chuck it to "should have been more watchfull you idiot" and sulk away...then again spent 15mn of looking for a legendary raider I'd just kill, hoping for something good and when I did find him was happy, mpore about actually finding then anything good on him heh.

I just wished that night scopes had real IR and we could see body heat threw them. Simple enough to have the body heat go away after x amount of time...then again the raider and dog corpse on the road just outside of sanctuary are still there so *shrugs*

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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 12:13 am

If you highlight leather or cloth in crafting will it make bodies glow?
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Post » Thu Dec 10, 2015 4:07 pm

Keep in mind, it may not be you. Places like the quarry raider style sites are really bad for this. I'm a sniper and vats scummer (meaning I plunk away at range with silenced headshots until they notice me, and then switch to vats just to make it hard for them, with the reaper sprints and using Righteous Authority as a sniper rifle at that point, yes I switch when I switch to vats for it)

Had a funny situation. I was sniping away at the distance foes, keeping track of how a few raiders were getting closer and closer, then when they're almost in melee range I switch to CQB setup and kill them quick, and as I'm switching back to my sniper rifle, I watch 2 of the bodies just straight up disappear. They just... faded out right in front of me. Nothing to be done about that.

Now I more just do looting as a pro forma wonder what was in here thing rather than actually care about what they have. item codes for all craft mats 100k each and bat file it into every workshop I unlock, along with crafting mods, I no longer need to rely on dodgy loot and disappearing bodies and loot.

Cuz that crap is for the birds. I hate having to do this, but it's that or simply don't play the game cuz disappearing loot just.... frothy mouth madness on that one

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Post » Thu Dec 10, 2015 6:11 pm

It was one of the worst 'feature' in TW3 (batman detective mode) and DA:I (metal detector mode). Immersion breaking and annoying.

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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 12:32 am

To answer one of the questions in the thread - nuclear detonations and large explosions won't ever destroy a body. Often times it will destroy body part(s), but there will always be the "gibs" left behind that you can still target and loot. So if you see the meat chunks on the ground, scan over those with your cursor, they might contain the loot you're looking for. However, if you're in a Super Mutant camp.... good luck on those. :(As far as finding a body, I've had to just sweep an area after I'm done with combat and vaguely keep track of where things die. I'm sure I miss a few things sometimes when my helpers or a third-party NPC kills something, but oh well. I'm playing on PS4, so unfortunately I don't have the option to toggle grass/trees, which seems like it'd be amazing and yet sorta cheating at the same time.
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Post » Thu Dec 10, 2015 11:11 pm

I'm not troubled that you can't magically 'ping' all the crap...

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Post » Thu Dec 10, 2015 6:55 pm

At least you saw them dissapear and didn't spend 30mn looking for them lol

Sometime meshes aren't well lined-up and poof goes the magic dragon or in my case SPLAT! when I fell through 1 while reconing a piece of highway heh

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Eric Hayes
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Post » Thu Dec 10, 2015 11:11 pm

It really doesn't bother me if I cant find everything, as its sort of the nature of the game. Stuff can be blasted clear across town, be turned to paste, or be piled so high the question becomes do I really want to sort through all of this.

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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 8:11 am

I don't remember which mod it was for FONV, but for FO3 is was Mart's Mutant Mod,,,, so most likely Project Nevada is what I'm thinking of for FONV, anyway, mod made Mobs loot each other. Gang of Jackals come over the ridge and jump you and you start taking them down, they move to cover, run to the guy that just died, pick up his grenades, toss one at you....

It was awesome. It also made them do the looting for me mostly, so all I'd have to do is keep track of the last 1 or 2 that died, because they were the ones with all the loot by the end of the engagement. Very tidy. they didn't grab ALL the loot, but usually the weapons/ammo and aid/chem items that you'd want to be looting in the first place, so if you miss that one raider with 37 caps on him only... but you still got his grenades and service rifle.... then who really cares about those 38 caps? you've got more than that in hand already from the loot you DID get.

I would expect to see a mod that handles this come out when they release the creation kit tools. Also, I'm not sure, since I walled Dogmeat up in Sanctuary, but try asking him to take a look around and see if anything good is nearby? Seems like the dog would be a no brainer solution for this, and if they haven't added that to him, refer to the first sentence of this paragraph again.

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Post » Thu Dec 10, 2015 10:59 pm

I've never had luck with dogmeat, unless he's 5 feet away from something. Even then..

I don't mind about every single enemy, I don't even loot normal raiders (anymore). But legendary or unique enemies (won't give spoilers but there's items they drop unique items that you can't get anywhere else unless you use the console. It's really annoying to spent a lot of ammo, resources on an eneme, coming up with a strategy, and then not being able to get your loot! That's really why I made this post, I was a newbie and needed that gear.

And thanks bloodtalonx for answering my other question!
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 5:57 am

Welcome to a common problem among hunters...that's why you shoot close, and shoot well. Ground never looks the same where the target was when you get to it, and if your game has moved after you shot it, such as running a bit before dropping, that's where a bit of tracking comes in handy...either way, means a lot of hard looking and a bit of time.

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Post » Thu Dec 10, 2015 4:06 pm

Huh, how about that... (okay, that would have worked better if you had called it dumbing down :P )

But as someone suggested, infrared vision could be a good solution. Optional, realistic and practical.

EDIT: Well, "realistic" enough. Everything works on Science!, after all.
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Post » Thu Dec 10, 2015 4:50 pm

Throw a mollintov to finish each enemy off than look for the burning patches while looting after they are all dead. Use ospestose lining on your chest peace to take no fire damage.
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 4:41 am

Similar thing happens to me, almost always on larger opponents. My last shot will cause what looks like a dust cloud or "dirt blood" and the target vanishes. No corpse to be found. It's happened once with a death claw and once with a behemoth. TCL console command and I usually find them just under the ground plane.

It also happened once to a power armor raider. Jumped from above and shot on my way down. *poof*. Ended up finding him under water almost exactly under the place I attacked.

Now that I think of it. Every time it happened was on rough terrain. Wonder if there's some bugginess where you can plow enemies through the ground plane.
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bonita mathews
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 3:05 am

Thought of something with the second scrapper perk items, you are watching in pipboy, glow wether by itself or the container, if in a container anyone can comfirm if it works with meat containers as well? Would solve the lost bodies problem

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An Lor
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Post » Thu Dec 10, 2015 5:34 pm

It is not a big deal if I miss a body or two when looting, tho I always try hard to remember where the fallen legendary enemy is *wink*.

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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 8:24 am

Yes I'm in agreement on this. A highlight function to show where the hell they went would be very nice indeed! I''ve been thinking this since launch. I managed to lose an entire Deathclaw the other day, never did find him/her/it. But highly annoying. I want my spoils of war.

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