Working on a new assassin/thief build and wanted input on where I can make my riches as fast as possible. Got a companion to play look out and think that in the right cities i can make a killing looting houses and shops and fencing. I am making an assassin thief character but as i have a new character sneaking and darkness are my best friend's, i will not murder out side random combat or brotherhood contracts. although if I'm caught well lets just say there are many dead bodies iv left lying around with empty pockets. being that this is my first play through as a thief, my questions are primarily......................
A) which are the richest cities of skyrim.
b ) what kind of shops offer the biggest payoff.
C) are there better fences for thieves as i progress in the guild, the one i have never has more that 10 or 20 lock picks and takes days to get more and I (being new to lock picking) break mine constantly.
D) are there assassin contracts i can get apart from the brother hood
E) random tips please
F) will my assassinations conflict with the thieves guild no murder policy
G) pretty new to role playing but would like to play out an evil character on the slippery slope of madness lol are there any good characters that would be fun to plot to murder
H) easy way to become a werewolf without being town to bits have read that you can ask someone in the brotherhood but i dont know how to initiate that
I) apart from Riften which are the trashier/poorer cities so i can live among the scum of skyrim.
as you can see im open to many different ideas and this should be a very entertaining character to try and nurture through the game slowly creeping him closer to the razors edge of madness. eventually i will run wild and try to live a life (at least until im bored) as a werewolf so another question is how strong can i actually be as a werewolf p.s i will only be turning into a wolf at night. dedicated? i hope so lol! talk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!