Tips for managing your inventorybank space.

Post » Sat Mar 08, 2014 1:55 pm

From what I was doing in beta I discovered it will be entirely possible to be a crafter in 4 seperate disciplines at a time. Blacksmithing, Woodworking, and Clothier can all be done WITH PROVISIONING. I know because I did it. It required smart space allocation but I had absolutely no issues once I figured out what to keep. Anyone that says you cannot is not telling the truth. I made my own gear, food, and drink and equipped myself all the way to max level of the beta. Even if higher tiers contain more items at higher tiers I will have more bank and inventory slots as well. I even have wiggle room here because I also did Alchemy and Enchanting as well. I dropped enchanting because I wasn't getting returns from it (found no potency runes). I continued to do alchemy. But i'm being conservative in my statement and only listing 4 crafting disciplines even though the reality was 5 throughout and 6 for approximately 12 levels.

To be honest, my inventory load actually got lighter as I approached the end of their tier, perfected my space conservation, and less provisioning items were useful for leveling it up. Considering that I made all my own stuff, using all my money for inventory/bank slots was not an issue and I remained well equipped and I was still making a fair profit. Furthermore any alts coming after that character would be well equipped and make ridiculous profit by comparison.

People really need to try better inventory management instead of complaining about inventory/bank space and saying completely false statements on what you are able to do. I've done it, so I know it can be done.

Helpful tips:

  • Do not keep alternate crafting styles on hand (sell them) unless you are going to use them constantly, you can buy the rocks for not too much for one off items and get them easily from extraction
  • Do not keep lower tiered ingredients on hand or in the bank. Once you have better options and they no longer level you well, sell them
  • Do not keep refined ingredient on hand and do not extract in the field, keep refined ingredients in the bank and only raws on hand
  • Salvage all green items, do not use them for research
  • Do not horde items for research, you will eventually get them all I promise. Patience young one. Only save ones you have personal interest in using and be honest about that.
  • Abuse the wayshrines, if you discover a new wayshrine go back and craft/sell. If you complete an area and your inventory is near half full or over half full, go back and craft/sell
  • When to sell: If you get as efficient as you can and you run around with 30/70 items then you would take time to sell when at 50+. This "half full" relative to your free space available.
  • Inventory baseline: If you are running with more than 30 items baseline in your inventory, you shouldn't be lol. I managed to run 5 crafts with 30 items baseline and had what I needed.
  • Provisioning and Enchanting. Choose one or you will have issues doing multiple other crafts
  • Regarding skill points, choose wisely. You'll be balancing combat power and crafting power if you try to flesh out more than 1
  • Regarding that choice, focused characters (like my Bow/Medium Armor/Racials) characters will find multiple crafts far less demanding as well as more beneficial
  • Provisioning Specific: use everything you can while leveling, when lower ranked stuff stop giving much exp don't keep these specifc ingredients on hand, sell em.
  • Provisioning Specific: In realtion to that you'll find that things like drippings, meal, etc are shared between many different recipes, don't sell those.
  • Provisioning Specific: Pay attention to what drops and how much. If you find some elderberries once in 3 levels, keep it in the bank, things that drop often like drippings keep in your inventory (because you'll always get more)

It's really not hard. It just takes choices on what to keep on hand based on what is useful. You can keep all useful ingredients on hand and level all crafts, but you cannot keep every ingredient known to man on hand at all times for each craft lol. If you choose not to take available steps to manage your inventory then you are making a personal choice, that is not the fault of game design.

Edit1: Added some provisioning specific tips as well as a clarification on when to sell.

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Post » Sat Mar 08, 2014 10:41 am

Good tips! :tops:

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Trent Theriot
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Post » Sat Mar 08, 2014 8:11 am

ya , but I still want more space , I kinda like hording crafting supplies, I enjoy going up to every sack or barrel ect... and getting all the little tidbits, BUT I will not cry a river because I don't get more space, I will be more than happy to go with what they have at launch with no complaints.....

THREE........WEEKS left , woohooo

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rheanna bruining
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Post » Sat Mar 08, 2014 8:02 am

I thank you from the bottom of my heart for posting this! It will help me greatly, as I am a dedicated craftsman.

As for the Enchanting skill line, I read from others that they had a hard time finding the items they needed for this, also.

Thanks again!

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Post » Sat Mar 08, 2014 12:25 pm

Both enchanting and alchemy are going to be space hoggers, either of them will always have some ingredients you want in a short supply :(
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Trista Jim
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Post » Sat Mar 08, 2014 6:16 pm

We need a 'Like' button :-) Thanks very much, it's reassuring to know you were able to do this with a single character.

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Sarah Unwin
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Post » Sat Mar 08, 2014 3:07 pm

Well, it is actually possible to keep one of every known ingredient on hand. It's just kinda silly and wasteful to do so. I went through them and figured out that with max upgrades to bank and bag, you can store every single known ingredient in the game with room to spare, minus provisioning, without even using a horse. And that's including both extracted and raw materials of every level for blacksmithing, clothing and woodworking. Don't know how many ingredients provisioning will ultimately have, which is why I didn't count it, but there's still almost a hundred free slots worth of wiggle room there for it. More if you only store extracted materials rather than both raw and extracted. Yes, you will have a slow horse if you're using it for storage. What do you expect? You've loaded the poor thing up with six tons of junk. He's having trouble just standing up with all that crap on his back. Someone should call the ASPCA on you. :stare:

Anyway, yeah, it all just comes down to making reasonable choices in what you're keeping and what you're getting rid of.

Not as much as you might think. Alchemy has just 18 known ingredients, plus 7 different waters. Enchanting has 52 runes. That's total from level 1 to max veteran.

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Melanie Steinberg
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Post » Sat Mar 08, 2014 4:37 pm

It's not about the amount, I noticed that I would have a lot of triangle and square runes (about 7 slots worth) and not a single round one. That's what I ment with space hoggers :smile:

That's almost double the amount of slots compared to blacksmithing, clothing and woodworking combined.
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Rich O'Brien
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Post » Sat Mar 08, 2014 6:06 am

Great tips - already bookmarked this page, thanks!

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Post » Sat Mar 08, 2014 6:18 am

I appreciate your interest to help with the inventory issue but that is not inventory management is just a bandaid in a gaping wound.

In the end your advice is sell/use/destroy everything as soon as you can. Please don't take it as offence, but people can think this "solution" by themselves.

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Post » Sat Mar 08, 2014 3:55 pm

For the different style crafting part, its 21g/piece... early on it's not that easy to throw away that but neither can you afford putting it in the bank, I'd love if they raised the price to sell it to vendor to at least 10 or so... or reduce the price of it. They quickly become affordable, but you will still notice their gold weight well into your 30's.

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Javier Borjas
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Post » Sat Mar 08, 2014 1:47 pm

That's great list with useful tips you've given, OP.

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alyssa ALYSSA
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Post » Sat Mar 08, 2014 3:59 am

Inventory management does not boil down to getting a bigger warehouse every time you fill up the existing one. That's called "hoarding".

Inventory management skill involves putting a value on items based on rarity and usefulness, prioritizing the ones with higher value and getting rid of what you don't need, one way or another. Working with the space that you have to maximum efficiency, expanding only when the value in doing so outweighs the cost.

It's just 14 slots to keep all of them IIRC. If you think about it though, you only really need to hang onto the ones that you have the style unlocked for. Early on, that's not going to be very many. Might even be stuck with just one for some time if you're unlucky.

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James Potter
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Post » Sat Mar 08, 2014 10:56 am

OP: your load got lighter because crafting mats arent spawning as much as you get further from the starting areas.

Mine and my wifes observation.
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Post » Sat Mar 08, 2014 10:45 am

I actually noticed this even with the early mat's, the starting islands were literally filled with them and players weren't ignoring them, especially EB starting island where people will rarely do a complete run behind the mountains, there is literally a loaaaaaaaaaddd of iron ore to pick.

What I did notice in glenumbra though, while still abundant, it was far less than the starter islands... maybe it was distributed more inland, where players have more access to it, but still felt a lot more scarce.

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Post » Sat Mar 08, 2014 1:26 pm

Could add that instead of just selling old or lower tier mats deposit them in your guilds bank for other guild crafters to use to lvl up and/or make low lvl gear for alts.

Also reminder that most MMO's have limiting factors on how much you can craft and gather. Some only allow you to learn and level a couple at a time. In ESO that limiting factor is inventory space. Same concept, different mechanics.

But yeah good guide, kudos.

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megan gleeson
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Post » Sat Mar 08, 2014 6:48 am

While I appreciate these tip's... the fact alone that these are need to get by is for my part of the argument that the bank space is way to small.

I also have a few question:

1. How much space did you have left for vanity pets, costumes / disguises or these items that you get sometimes as quest reward (no sell value, no real use other than maybe a particle effect or other flavor stuff)?

2. Do you think the bank can keep up with multiple characters from day 1?

3. How much time did you spend with inventory management per hour?

But it is the worst system for doing this as it punishes players who would like to collect items like vanity pets, costumes and other stuff. It also wastes time.

You are 100% right. But this is a mmorpg... not a warehouse simulation. Why should a player be forced to waste time with administrative tasks just to store a few items in a bank? Where is the fun in that?

The challenge of a mmorpg should be in the quests, the combat system... not in inventory management.

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Post » Sat Mar 08, 2014 6:13 pm

Thanks for all the appreciation guys, I was hoping I could help people a little with it and it seems like that might be so :D.

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Trista Jim
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Post » Sat Mar 08, 2014 10:18 am

You start out with only your specific style, there is no point in keeping other specific styles on hand when they are readily available and you cannot craft them. If you have a specific intest in a certain armor set? Save that ONE style by all means, but realize it may be a very very long time before you get that style.

21g is only expensive very early on. By level 7-10 21g shouldn't even make you flinch. It's also a little unreasonable to expect to do alot of things "out of the box" as it were as a crafter. Crafting is always a profession in nearly every game that takes a fair amount of time investment. Why would you think you could do everything at level 3 when you don't even have any style but your own? As stated at level 7+ 21g becomes more and more easily affordable.

This is not the case. While that does factor in somewhat, my load got lighter because after I leveled my provisioning enough I needed to keep only a small handful of provisioning ingredients on hand. I had also gained a good idea of what dropped with what frequency so only the frequently dropping ingredients like drippings and raw materials stayed on my person. Wherears 1-12 my inventory was mainly ingredients and materials 12+ my inventory was almost exclusively armor and weapons. At the same time the amount of ingredients in the tier was actually pretty consistent, but the amount of bag and bank space I had was slowly rising.

I also answered some hard questions: Am I really gonna use stamina potions or is it only going to be health potions? If I am not actively using X or Y potion when things get rough then I either need to A. Start Using them or B. Stop carrying them.

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Post » Sat Mar 08, 2014 9:21 am

Could add that instead of just selling old or lower tier mats deposit them in your guilds bank for other guild crafters to use to lvl up and/or make low lvl gear for alts.

Also reminder that most MMO's have limiting factors on how much you can craft and gather. Some only allow you to learn and level a couple at a time. In ESO that limiting factor is inventory space. Same concept, different mechanics.

But yeah good guide, kudos.

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Jordan Moreno
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Post » Sat Mar 08, 2014 7:51 am

Similarly for trait and style stones you can't use.

And I agree, inventory is fine :P It is not SUPPOSED to be possible for everybody to craft anything; that is what kills crafting as a late game challenge. The devs don't think of crafting as something for people who aren't up to the challenges of PvE and PvP; it poses a set of challenges of its own. A game isn't a game unless it sets limits.

Having said that, I've done four crafts on each of three beta characters without serious issues. Yes, I have to spend some thought on inventory management, but it is by no means impossible.

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Post » Sat Mar 08, 2014 12:15 pm

1. First of all I want to stress that all of these things are 100% cosmetic and optional. That being said my bank stayed full and my person would start out each adventure with 27-30 slots used out of a potential 70 slots at level 17. Almost the entirety of that space would then be filled up with armor and weapons because those start dropping far more frequently past the early levels. But neither was I at a lack of crafting materials. This is considering I'd focused on inventory upgrades and had only done a single bank upgrade. This is while pursuing 5 crafts including both provisioning and alchemy.

In consideration of current changes on the new builds my character at level 17 had an inventory equal to what a level 1 character will have upon character creation at level 1 so this is a fair comparison. In case you missed it new characters will have 30 more bank spaces to start and 10 more inventory starts to start. But the upgrades will start more expensively to compensate and the overall carrying capacity end game has not changed.

2. Biased question. I maintained 5 crafting professions on a single character and managed it AND they are majorly increasing starting bank slots. Keep in mind that by this comparison you would not have 60 bank slots and 70 inventory for all characters. You would have 60 bank space and then 70 for each additional character. So your question answers itself. This will only get easier as you make more alts. Not only will you have much more inventory space to work with (crafting ingredients being spread out between characters) but you'll have more overall buying power to upgrade the bank with and less crafting related expenses. (both spread out between characters). It only gets more efficient, not less. Suggesting anything else would be preposterous.

3. Like, no time at all. This seems like a really biased question. You are not fixing your inventory through time spent, you are fixing it through wise usage. Good decision making =/= massive time investment and any investment in good decision making actually saves you time and effort in the long run. This is something people could really stand to learn IRL lol. The actual time in transit using wayshrines when convenient is negligible. You will spend MUCH more time in town crafting. You may even spend more time in town using /lute lol. You take the time, once, to learn where each crafting station is and where the cooking fire is in a single tower per zone. There will almost always be a merchant near each for selling purposes.

Because of this investment and wise decision making I was level 14 in all greens that were all enchanted with things I was happy with despite not being an enchanter. (I bought enchantments from the merchant to overwrite (on non-unique items) or enchant items without enchantments already.

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Post » Sat Mar 08, 2014 7:43 am

1. 25 plus whatever your horse can carry. That's one stack of everything for every profession but provisioning, including extracted and raw materials and a filled and empty soul gem of every level. I don't recall if they are actually used for crafting anything or not, but I figured I'd toss them in anyway.

2. Since your other characters are using the exact same mats, sure, why not? It's not like you'll have to have a blacksmithing alt and a tailor alt and an alchemy alt and an enchanting alt etc. etc. If you really do have just one character that is focused on blacksmithing or something, you just keep his stuff in his bag, leaving the bank for stuff everybody uses.

3. About as much as you would spend searching an endless pile of random junk for whatever it is you're looking for.

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