» Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:35 am
Don't feel like reading everyone's posts, but I doubt anyone would mention this.
Some people do power jumps the moment they get shot, it only works on noobs and rarely on pros if you're lucky.
When someone power jumps, their hitbox becomes WAAAAY fugged up. So it allows them to dodge a few bullets, yes, but a pro would just aim their crosshair right on the spot of where you're going to land, and the moment you touch the ground, you're immediately dead. And when you're power jumping, YOUR own shooting also fugs up, as in your bullets won't go to where you're shooting. For the most part, it's a huge gamble.
So in short, be a bunny when you're facing noobs, but I'd advice against that when you see a pro that knows what they're doing.
You could abuse power jumps better if you're using the Marshall, though. The Marshall's hit detection is very iffy, and more so when you're in power jump or when the opponent is power jumping. From my experience with using the Marshall, also confirmed by the ridiculous deathcams I've seen, if you're shooting with the Marshall while power jumping, you only need to AIM IN THE GENERAL DIRECTION of your enemy and you'll land hits. As in, your crosshair doesn't have to be anywhere near them. <-WTFBBQ. Vice versa, if your opponent is power jumping, you only need to aim in their general direction and you'll hit them. In other words, if you abuse Marshall with power jumping or if your opponent's dumb enough to power jump while fighting against a Marshall, there's no aim involved, just shoot in the general direction.
The Marshall's hit detection is pretty bad when you aim normally, but waaay too generous during power jumps. Is that Crytek's way of balancing the weapon? That's quite a retarded idea... If I see a bunch of bunnies with the Marshall after this post, I'm going to hate myself.
They oughta fix this soon (not likely), Marshall + power jump exploit is pretty h0m0 imho, but all things considered that weapon doesn't have that much range, so it's not too annoying.
To summarize all that again, abuse power jump on noobs, don't use it on a pro. Or be an asshole abusing the Marshall + power jump combo, there's going to be some hate directed to you, or should I say A LOT of hate. Seeing that you're hitting them without aligning your crosshair into them will also make people think you're hacking, but whatever it's in the game.
I can already sense somebody about to bash me saying that Marshall + power jump isn't BS at all, but don't hate on me, I'm just reporting what I've done and what I've seen.