» Sun Feb 24, 2013 8:23 am
Loose AA ?
AA is better than manual armour because it protects you all the time, you can't predict when will get shot by a cloaked sniper or a bow user or get shot in a back. AA will protect you against those.
Indeed. It stops you being OHKed by Bows, etc and makes armor activate instantly. The sad truth is Auto-Armor is one of the best modules on the game with Maneuverability.
Thanks for the reply!
I guess I should add that some info:
This should only be implemented after there are at least three valuable mods available so I guess its not for noobs (sorry).
While playing without AA, there should be very little time spent without either armor or cloak engaged.
P.S. Yes. Maneuverability is a great modular. But I prefer Expanded Arsenal (tier 1), Weapon Pro (tier 2) and Hunter (tier 3)