So not sure if I follow all of your questions - but if your intention is to hit 100 in all of your attributes as soon as possible, then you need to try for +5, +5, +5 at every level up, excluding Luck, which I will dicuss later. Luck is either an attribute that you focus on early or completely ignore. I usually completely ignore it until I get to the higher levels when there is nothing else left to raise.
So to get a +5 level up bonus in Strength, you need to increase Blade, Blunt, or Hand to Hand by a total of 10 points or more during that level - so 4 Points in Blade, 4 in Blunt, 2 in Hand-to-Hand will work, as will 10 in Blade and zero in the other two.
Same with Endurance - Block, Armorer, and Heavy Armor need to be raised a combined 10 points during the level.
So that's a minimum of 30 skill increases per level across just those attributes, plus whatever other skills go up by normal use. The skill counts stop when you have increased your major skills by a total of 10 points. If you had 15 points in Speed-related skills when you level up, you can get a +5 bonus in Speed, but the other 5 points do not carry forward. So the count towards the next bonus is back to 0 for Speed.
Even if you don't sleep, the game keeps track of when you would have been able to level up and any skill increases are applied to the next level up count.
Skill training is handled differently. You can only train 5 times between actually leveling up by sleeping. So if you are ready to level up and have not yet slept, and you have only trained 3 times, you can still train two more times, but those skills will apply to the next level, not the one pending you sleeping.
That is why I recommend you make sure you only have one skill per attribute as a major skill. You can work on the two minor skills as much as you want to make sure you get the total of 10 skills per level. If you were to choose, for example, Armorer, Block, and Heavy Armor all as major skills, then it would be very difficult to get a +5 in Endurance because to get the 10 points would also level you up, meaning any other major skill increase at all would prevent a +5.
I strongly suggest you use your primary killing skill as a Major skill. Even though you use them pretty frequently, they tend to level relatively slowly and one thing you need to make sure you are doing while leveling is increasing your combat skills. Otherwise the world will outlevel you. So if you are swordsman, then Blade should be a primary skill.
LUCK - If you really want to level Luck up to 100 along with everything else, then you should make Luck a preferred attribute (+5) and use the Thief birthsign (+10), and then go for a +5 / +5 / +1 attribute leveling scheme along the way. That would get you to 100 Luck by level 35.
Luck helps out more in the lower levels, though the tradeoff is that you are not raising your other attributes as fast. Up to you if you want to focus on it. Personally I have tried it a couple of times but didn't find the added benefit worth it.