Tips for a silent archer

Post » Wed Jul 13, 2011 3:05 am

Well i am going to play oblivion, checking all the dungeons and doing all the missions for the first time. Till skyrim comes out but the problem is i haven't played for awhile so what tips do you have for me? in general and for archery.

And thanks in advance.
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Post » Tue Jul 12, 2011 2:22 pm

Use terrain to your advantage. As in shooting traps so the traps hit the people then you can take them out or position yourself in a spot thats hard to get to.

It is possible to get a x6 multiplier on your shots if you switch to a melee weapon before the arrow hits your target.

Poisons are your best friends.

Always keep a melee weapon handy in case an enemy gets close. Thats about all I can think of right now
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Post » Tue Jul 12, 2011 9:51 pm

Use places that your enemy cannot get to, as in rocks ledges.
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Post » Tue Jul 12, 2011 4:47 pm

Always get a sneak shot your first hit. Sneak is easy to level up. And like JINJO stated, use poisons. I love hitting a mage with an arrow posioned with silence. If you have a good duration, the battle is practically already over. Use damage speed poisons on Mountain lions and bears, since they like to lunge at you. Same with Clanfears.

I don't like to backpedal and shoot them while running at me, because it feels cheap. At least sit yourself on a big rock or steep hill. If you're on PC, I highly recommend Martigen's Monster Mod so you can craft your own arrows. Adds a lot of immersion.
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Post » Tue Jul 12, 2011 10:51 pm

My character, Buffy, is a very silent archer. The only weapon she will touch is her bow. Therefore, she backs herself up with magic, rather than melee weapons. I call her a mystic archer. Here is a glimpse into some of her tactics:

A massive range of detect life prevents surprises and lets her shape the battlefield. A typical long range attack might be a combination spell that weakens her target to poison and drains their speed to zero (making them forget she just hit them with a spell). That is immediately followed by a poisoned arrow from the shadows with devastating results. When confronted up close, she will cast a spell to immobilize her foe, then open fire with Slayer (her bow). Crowds are thinned by illusion mind control spells that allow her foes to kill each other off; the wounded sole survivor is sniped off. Combat underwater is by blocking with her bow and casting absorb health touch spells (combined with a one second paralysis effect). Her panic button is to simultaneously disappear and leave an angry clannfear in her place.

This type of character is very lethal once she gets her 'mystic' going. At lower levels she presents more of a challenge; some low level tips are to block with a bow and spam that trusty flare spell when needed. Also, go visit the Serpent Stone in Black Marsh and pick up the 'Cobra's Dance' special power - it is a once a day life saver for such a character.

Happy and stealthy hunting!
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Post » Tue Jul 12, 2011 8:58 pm

... A typical long range attack might be a combination spell that weakens her target to poison and drains their speed to zero (making them forget she just hit them with a spell)...

I just want to point out that this effect is not normally available at the spell alter.

To get comfortable with shooting long range I suggest you practice some. Shoot at a rock or something from different distances and get comfortable with the arrow drop.
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Post » Tue Jul 12, 2011 11:36 pm

For Buffy, getting the 'drain attribute' ability (so it can be used at the altars) was as easy as completing the Orrery DLC (the quest reward includes the ability). Although there are no such spells to buy in the game, there are several other ways to gain the ability, detailed here:

Another helpful tip for a mid level archer is enchanting a bow with a 2 second max magnitude enchantment of demoralize and turn undead. This type of bow will cause your foe to 'dance' in place as they cycle between charge you and run away animations, effectively immobilizing them in place as long as you continue firing. This can be very helpful at solving the young wannabe archer's challenge of shooting one arrow, getting charged, pulling a blade to finish the fight - which cripples marksman skill development leading to weak archers and frustrated players. That's another reason I prefer magic to blade as back up for an archer. The bow works perfectly well at melee range - if you immobilize your foe.
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Post » Wed Jul 13, 2011 1:19 am

Use places that your enemy cannot get to, as in rocks ledges.


Also, a high Speed/Athletics/Acrobatics allows you put distance between yourself and aggro melee types. Argonians rule at this but other races can be fast too. On a related note, I prefer enchanted clothing to armor of any kind for my archers. The goal is to be too fast to hit, making armor a hindrance.

I suggest using a bow exclusively; don't get into the habit of using any melee weapons. This will help you level up Marksman more quickly. I've heard some say that Marksman levels up plenty quickly, but it sure doesn't feel that way to me.

Obviously alchemy is your friend. A good destruction skill (and decent magicka) will help you craft some potent bows later in the game; the trade off is that you have to level destruction at the expense of Marksman. Still, if you're patient you can level both. And touch Destruction spells are better than falling back on a sword IMO. For me a "pure" archer uses no destruction, but play how you enjoy it.

Oh yes, night eye is enormously helpful for sniping in dungeons. Rings, potions, spells; I get it however I can.

I never used much crowd control with my archers, but Frenzy and turn undead (either the spell or the birthsign) may be very handy for an archer.

Good hunting!
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Post » Wed Jul 13, 2011 4:02 am

If you use magic and enchantments to assist, including Alchemy, most situations are simple. Invisibility and Chameleon are options, for example. Some enemies won't even detect you long range once you are at Journeyman (level 50) so it's easy to snipe them. Don't neglect magical enhancements prior to that, too. Restoration can buff you to whatever level you want to get bonuses.

Use terrain, especially ledges, rocks, etc. Typically, my archer characters do jumping and sniping while the AI is helpless down below.

Don't necessarily use the most powerful bow or arrows if you want Marksman to level as fast as possible. Remember that it levels each time it is used, so using it many times on a "safe" enemy is better than facing lots of enemies where some may be more dangerous.

Long range snipes using bows enchanted with Frenzy are usually quite effective at thinning crowds. Don't forget Command Creaturee/Humanoid, too.

Be wary of fast enemies, including those who have fast attack speed even if they move slowly. Bows are not rapid weapons, after all.
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