Tips to help keep your Squad/Party together

Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 5:06 am

As I'm sure most of you have noticed, there are a few bugs in the match making process that can sometimes make it hard for parties of 3 or more to play with each other.

The first and most common bug people are coming across is the infamous 1-second-stuck-countdown-bug that seems to happen pretty randomly and fairly frequently. When this happens, the game will sometimes load within a minute or so, but I've found that if it gets stuck at 1 second for longer than 30 - 45 seconds or so, then its going to be stuck forever until everyone backs out and clears out of that bugged lobby.

Another very common bug that people are encountering is the bug that will leave you or one of your party members in the lobby while everyone else is loading in like normal. Usually this isn't a problem because the person that can't load in can just back out and manually join the game their party is in via their friends list.

However its not always that simple; If the host is the one that's stuck in the lobby unable to load in and they try to back out, it will back out EVERYONE in his party along with him... and if anyone was still loading into the game while the host backed out then that person will get stuck in a black screen that you can't get out of without ejecting the CD or turning off your ps3.

This was becoming a major problem for myself and my friends that I normally play with because it seemed like once we finally got into a lobby together, one of us wouldn't be able to load in. It wasn't that big of a deal until the host got the bug, but as of yesterday I finally figured out a way around having to back your whole party out if you're hosting and you get stuck unable to load in from the lobby.

So - If everyone else is in game and you're hosting, but you can't load in from the lobby, do this: Manually kick each person from your squad, THEN back out of the lobby, then open your friends list, find a person in the game you just backed out of and manually join his game. It will then load you into the game you were just unable to get in, it should also put you on the same team as your squad as long as you don't take forever to rejoin after you back out.

Hope this helps people and their Squads stay together more consistently. I know one of the biggest turn-offs about this game for my friends was the fact that it took so long to find a good lobby, then once we did we'd end up having to back out after a game or 2 due to the host not being able to load in. Luckily we know the way around that now, so spread the word people! :)
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 9:45 pm

Good read. I found this to work for me when I'm in parties of even 2 people. The bugs svck but this is a good way around them lol. Crytek, hire this man....
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Craig Martin
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