Tips on new interesting character build types?

Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 9:07 am

I am almost only playing DiD so I restart the game a lot with new characters. I try to mix it up as much as I can on each playthrough, to make it feel as fresh and different as possible. However I have found it hard to really do anything really different with my different character builds. Do people have any tips on new interesting ways or character builds I could try out? Maybe some fresh character personalities that could mix the game up a bit?

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Jade MacSpade
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 3:31 pm

When I'm stumped with what to do with a character, I make a brief backstory for them. As for my character right now, I made him a lot like me.

I don't use heavy weapons AT ALL. If i'm tempted to, for whatever stressful situation I may be in, I try to stick with my machine gun. So far my character has high INT, PERC, CHAR, and LUCK, but that's it. I only wear clothes and not a lot of armor. Only use automatic weapons and don't use explosives. Limits my game play but creates a completely different atmosphere and experience.

Try sticking with one weapon set and perks that only help with THAT weapon set.

If you want more of a brute kind of character; use only heavy weapons, use ONLY power armor and explosives. Ignore all other weapons and armor.

I think it would be interesting to play as a drug addict that only uses melee..

Get creative!

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Alkira rose Nankivell
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 9:01 am

I have a very interesting build, but it would not make it 5 minutes playing DiD... There are no upsides to my build until you hit level 15 or so, and you wouldn't be able to make it that far using it.

You may think you are that good, but trust me, you are not.

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Claire Jackson
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 12:23 am

Yes, that is some good suggestions, maybe I should try out a Power Armor character at one point, I have mostly avoided Power Armor so far. One problem I have with just sticking with one weapon to mix up the feeling is that I find it really hard to have enough ammo on survival to be able to just stick with one weapon. I need to bring almost one weapon of every ammo type except heavy weapons to be sure to have enough ammo in ever situation.

I did one melee character, it was different, but it was a real bad match with survival and DiD :P it is just very hard to play really tactical when you have to go into close combat.

I have made the base for a new character now though, he will be called "Seaman" and his character type is a sort of "freak of nature" and perks will focus mostly on things like being able to swim and travel without penalty underwater, different sorts of rad resistance, natural healing and the ability to charm animals and creatures etc. I will also try to focus on using the Syringe rifle for him when I can. Probably also different types of explosives and chems.

As for his personality I am thinking more an animal then a man, extremely natural and grey morality etc. So far I have found it hard to really make your characters peronality have any real impact on the game though.

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Neliel Kudoh
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 12:59 am

Let me try :P
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Lindsay Dunn
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 12:14 pm

My next character I want to do a melee explosive stealth build. Pickpocket fusion cores from power armor, placing grenades in pockets, Mr.sandman etc seems fun :)
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 12:33 am

It sounds like playing "only on survival" is what is limiting you.
There are so many dificulties to allow the player more flexibility with builds.

You will never be able to play "survival DiD" with a "recovering drug addict" (NO chems, not even stimpacks) build meant to use bare handed melee (a real claws out kinda fighter), wearing only a sequin dress (if male...wearing a tuxedo if female), and wearing fashionable glasses (Just like Elton!).
However, you turn it down to normal, and this could be a very fun build to try to be faithful to.
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Scarlet Devil
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 5:21 am

What about an alcoholic melee build? 7 in cha for party-girl/boy, atleast 4 in str for melee perks/blacksmith and after that you go where ever. Maybe go as loud as possible hooligan build and take 5 in perception for explosives(and maybe rifleman for shotguns) and then go luck for bloody mess and better criticals, running around bashing heads tossing molotovs left and right while chugging anything and everything.

Cait basically...

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Connor Wing
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 5:01 am

I did a drug fueled rampage melee build.

Quite fun
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 9:09 am








But you must choose these perks in this order...

2. Lady Killer

3. Locksmith

4. Scrapper

5. Hacker

6. Cap Collector

7. Lady Killer 2

8. Locksmith 2

9. Hacker 2

10. Medic

11. Strong Back

12. Strong Back 2

13. Local Leader

14. Local Leader 2

15. Gun Nut 1

This is when you start building you character toward being a scientist as opposed to a scavenger/gatherer type character. I would keep going, but I know you won't make it to 15, so I won't continue.

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Donatus Uwasomba
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 9:38 am

I'll give it a shot. I'll turn the command console off as well. When I get to 15 I'll send you a PM :P

Edit: and if I don't, I'll send you a PM letting you know
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Mandy Muir
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 1:34 am

So far my character is a smooth talking - lady killer, that wears a suit and carries a fully automatic 10mm pistol. Kind of like a 'special agent' type of build, but with most of my stats in CHAR, INT, and LUCK. It's a fun build - think low strength rogue in any other RPG.

This build makes me very conscious of where I enter and who I choose to encounter. I am a role-player so I have no issues 'sticking to my build'.

Always wanted to make a high INT - scientist - that hacks robots and only uses energy weapons. Might be fun?

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