This really makes it feel more like skyrim.
Also you can type /fps in the chat to see your frames per second.
Under settings there is an option to hide your helmet.
Oops sorry! No, I refreshed and it scrolled down to the bottom so I didn't see the first post again
Really useful thread I'll be following it so I can keep up to date. Good idea keep it up
You're joking right? Due to player influx it was impossible to get anything out of those, every single lootable container was empty, always (tried on 4 characters!) I've actually submitted a ticked asking for these to be instanced per player as these items are most useful right at the beginning.
Anyway, nice & useful list!
I rolled a new char like 3 hours before a beta closed and I got a lot of stuff. At released, they will be nothing in any chest. Have to wait a month or two, before one can find stuff again. Just to many new faces all at the once.
Excellent thread, love the tips and hints threads.
I have to go to lunch, I'll update later this afternoon!
1. You can mail excess items to an alt character. They don't count toward your bag space until the mail is opened.
2. You can buy glyphs to enchant your armor, weapons and jewelry cheaply. Armor glyphs are for max stamina, magicka, and health, and there are 8 with a shield. There are only 3 jewelry slots, and those cover regen, resistance, and other modifier buffs. Plan accordingly!
3. Receipes are more relibaly found in desks, cupboards, wardrobes, and other non-provisioning containers.
4. "Heavy Bags" contain random crafting materials, up to and including legendary tempers. These spawn like chests, and when looted they disappear.
5. Remember that there are "Set" Armor crafting stations. Try to research the traits needed for these if you want a set. It will take 18 hours of research per piece if those are the only two traits you unlock.
"At the very start of the game when you have empty hotbar slots, add the Soul Trap spell to your bar. It's a reasonable dot and even if you never use it, you start to level up the Soul Magic skill line"
Err, that's actually leveled by completing quests in the main storyline.
Do you mean that different crafting stations will have different research options?
k9mouse, the set locations are out in the world, not in a city. They are typically in a basemant or ruin that you must enter.
There are 3 in the areas around Glenumbra where I was testing, and I suppose it's the same in other alliances.
Nope, different crafting stations (out in the zones) will offer different set bonuses on gear but you have to have unlocked specific traits to make the equipment in those sets.
ah, the video said...
Sorry, I miss understood you for a sec...