tips with the Atronach

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:12 am

Ok so i made a high elf with the atronach birthsign and i was wondering if you all have any good tips for this play style. I was wondering what spells you would recommend, and also any restore magicka potion recipes for a journeyman alchemist
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Del Arte
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:02 am

Altmer Atronach is a great choice. Study this link (and all the sub links) - it is loaded with tips.

One of your best restore magicka potions is simply going to be flax + steel blue entoloma - both are plentiful. Once you make master in alchemy, you only will need one ingredient.

Focus on items (see the link) to boost your spell absorption from 50% to 100%.

You can top off as much as you like when in Bravil at the Lucky Lady (as long as you haven't gone too far with the DB).

Pay attention to the telekinesis trick detailed in the link - it is beautiful at higher levels.

Oh, hug every will-o-the-wisp you see. ;)
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:13 am

Forgive me for just copy-pasting a post I made some time ago, but here are my tips for playing the Atronach:

- Your aim is obviously 100% spell absorption, but tbh anything above 70-75% does the job. At the moment my char has 82% spell absorption and is virtually never hit by a spell, much less two in succession.
- Be mindful of your elemental weakness, and look for appropriate enchantments, but be aware that this ceases to be an issue with enough spell absorption.
- Alchemy is vital. If you intend to use Destruction as your primary damage source, use alchemy to obtain buffs like shield, night-eye and detect life, thereby sparing your magicka reserves additional strain. Supplement your healing spells with potions. And above all, keep up a good supply of restore magicka potions. Harvest flax whenever you see it; with restore magicka, feather and shield effects it really is the wonder seed.
- Keep your eyes peeled for ayleid wells and wayshrines. Try to visit as many wayshrines as you can in order to activate the relevant chapel altars, which brings me to...
- Praise the nine! For an atronach, chapel is by far and away the best place to train, particularly once you've visited a few wayshrines. Those blessings are potent spells for you to absorb.
- Watch your infamy: wilderness wayshrines will no longer grant you a blessing once you gain even 1 infamy, this doesn't prevent you from using divine altars in chapel though. However, allowing your infamy to exceed your fame will (I believe) prevent you from being blessed altogether, so you may want to keep that in mind if you were only thinking of doing DB quests, for instance.
- Keep a good supply of Welkynd stones for emergencies. My character never passes up the opportunity to explore an Ayleid ruin for this reason; I have dozens of Welkynd stones stashed in each of my houses and always try to keep ten on my person at any given time for emergencies. (Ten is almost certainly overkill tbh, I've never used more than two or three in any given dungeon, so if you're going down the battlemage route and have issues with encumbrance this number can be reduced as needed.)
- Learn which enemies are your friends: keep enemy spellcasters alive as long as possible; an atronach should be positively happy to encounter any kind of ghost (wraiths in particular have some tremendously powerful spells that can fill your magicka reserves in one shot); the same is true of will-o-the-wisps, scamps, atronachs etc. When fighting these kinds of enemies, you're always aiming to finish the fight with more magicka than you started.
- Make your magicka count: magicka efficiency is of the upmost importantce to an atronach, it is almost always cheaper to cast two weak spells than one moderate one (this also helps speed up skill advancement, which may or may not be a good thing depending on your play style).
- Traps are often a good thing: dark welkynd stones and those flame tower things you find in Obvlivion gates are another easy way to recharge your magicka.
- Do the Aleswell quest as soon as you can: it's a free home with an ayleid well just down the road, perfect for an atronach.
- This one's borderline dark side and I never use it myself as it feels like an exploit, but feel I should mention it for completeness: with a decent mysticism skill you can replenish your magicka by just spamming a telekinesis spell repeatedly. I only noticed this myself when using telekinesis to grab difficult-to-reach welkynd stones, and promptly filed it in the same category as 1-second drain intelligence spells in Morrowind.

For restore magicka potions, combine any of the following ingredients: flax seeds; bog beacon asco caps; fire salts; steel-blue entoloma caps; stinkhorn caps; void salts; water hyacinth nectar.
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brenden casey
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:01 am

Ok so i made a high elf with the atronach birthsign and i was wondering if you all have any good tips for this play style. I was wondering what spells you would recommend, and also any restore magicka potion recipes for a journeyman alchemist

Excellent choice and the most effective for your Race/Combo. As recommendations I would look up on the UESP wiki all the spell absorption items and get them at the appropriate level in order to get the strongest possible. By level 25 you can get enough to get you 100 absorption. You are now immune to Magic. Furthermore at 17+ you can save right before you pick up the sigil and do so repeatedly until you get the ones you like. The ones you should be looking for are Fortify 50 Magicka. Enchant all your clothes/rings that don't have Spell Absorption with it. You'll have 800+ Magicka doing this. This is assuming you're a pure Mage.
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Laura Mclean
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:58 am

First out of sewer raid Vilverin for Weklynd stones. They cna be your emergency magicka. Next play your way through the mages guild so you can access that garden in the arcane university. Use the plants to create a bunch of potions to counter anything you run into, and sell some for profit. Then purchase/enchant things to nulify elemental weaknesses. Lastly consider Apotheosis (the wand in Rindirs Staves).
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 7:39 pm

In the Skingrad area, you will find bountiful quantities of flax. Collect Flax.
In the Chorrol Area and along the Orange Road to Bruma, you will find copious quantities of Steel Blue Entoloma. Collect Entoloma.
Two other great ingredients are Stinkhorn Cap and Bog Beacons.

Combine these two for your basic restore magicka potion. However, as you progress your alchemy skill, you will find that this very basic potion fast becomes the most powerful restore magicka potion in the entire game. After drinking this potion, I can't cast spells fast enough to drain my magicka, as it shoots up to full each time, for about 2 minutes.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:37 am

Hey thanks, so far ive gotten about thirty flax seeds, now i just got to walk to bruma for the steel blue, its kinda weird to actually run into magic blasts, but im getting used to it. Looks like im getting a home in aleswell, is there any safe storage there?

I didn't know about the telkenesis thing, might be usefull later, but ill stick with the other advice first
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Deon Knight
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:46 am

Hey thanks, so far ive gotten about thirty flax seeds, now i just got to walk to bruma for the steel blue, its kinda weird to actually run into magic blasts, but im getting used to it. Looks like im getting a home in aleswell, is there any safe storage there?

I test safe storage by taking all contents of a container, then placing a single arrow inside. I leave the area (game cell) for 73 hours. I come back and see. If you find any open-topped sacks, those will be safe forever. I would obviously save, before testing.
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 8:39 pm

Hey thanks, so far ive gotten about thirty flax seeds, now i just got to walk to bruma for the steel blue, its kinda weird to actually run into magic blasts, but im getting used to it. Looks like im getting a home in aleswell, is there any safe storage there?

I didn't know about the telkenesis thing, might be usefull later, but ill stick with the other advice first

After you complete the quest 'Zero Visibility' in Aleswell, the innkeeper will provide you free lodging. The chest in that room of the inn is safe.


To me, the choice regarding Atronach is not about stats. It is about the nature of the character in question. Ask the character this: 'Do you want to wade into magic damage and enchanted weaponry, or do you want to avoid it?' The Atronach is well-suited to the former, but counterintuitive to the latter.
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