Common misconception: this forum serves all Bethesda games, so the forum is for 13+ audiences.
Entirely true. Bethesda games are marketed as being able to "do whatever you want." Everyone knows this. Didn't say it was anything like Gmod or Minecraft. I got what I wanted and expected. As soon as you leave the vault, you can do whatever you want, except kill certain people.
And I played a semi-neutral merc character through and through, not once did I feel as if it encouraged me to be good.
Dang, 13? I wonder how many times I've argued with a kid all these years. ^^
all sections of the forums should have age concent. So if you want to read FO4 forums you should be 18+ or whatever. If you want to read Bethesda forum section about a game of sunshine and rainbows, you should be able to just go into it. See? Problem solved.
Not that I believe a kid who is allowed to play Fallout 4 (exploding heads and all) would have a problem with profanity it's still at least a courtesy to tone down the language, I struggle with it sometimes but I do tone it down so much more than I would normally because it's not really realistic to expect a kid to be allowed in one portion of the site and then not be curious about another and wander in, age restrictions or not.
I understand why some NPC's are unkillable I just hope that they progress further with the radiant systems such as to render godNPCs unnecessary. While being able to kill anyone would be appreciated going through the whole game just to come up short because of a dead NPC was not an enjoyable thing from Ye Olde Games. At least with Morrowind they had a more mystical tone so there could conceivably be a god to say "Look, you done [censored] up. At this point you're boned, but you can reset if you want to." With Fallout there'd either have to be a way to continue the quest like the radiant system or some more genre appropriate way of showing us we messed up.
And then we have the problem of kids, we really just need to get rid of them. Killing kids won't ever go over well in America and as such they will always be unkillable and they're usually the most annoying ones. It does tend to detract from the overall atmosphere if there isn't a single kid though. It's a dilemma I don't envy trying to solve.
EXECTLY ! Bethesda devs are too lazy even to get forum in order .Its just easyer to be 1 forum for all games for them ..this is for laugh.....
how about you make your own game where you can kill npc's then you can play it and be happy
if you really want to kill lots of npc's though just play call of duty
How about you read the replies and the reasoning behind the topic before posting?
While I agree that it removes any sense of urgency what is the alternative? while a player is building Sanctuary at the start of the game an outpost gets wiped out on the other side of the map. What use is that to the player when they cannot do anything about it? it is one of those cases where gameplay has more priority than realism.
It's so that little Jimmy's mom won't have to spend all night comforting him because he saw a puppy get hurt. No, literally, that's why, I'm not even joking.
I guess the mutant hounds and wild dogs dont count then?
We make a game of post-apocalypse where people bite the dust by the hundreds, getting their brains splattered all over the place, limbs flying. You can eat people. r.a.p.e. is strongly implied. But you can't kill kids. Guess what, there were kids in Megaton (Sally I believe) and you could nuke that town and kill em. Oh, but you didn't get to see them die and the death was instant right? So it's fine and we can just pretend it didn't happen. LOL. Silly people and their political correctness.
And I oh so agree about the kids being the most annoying brats in Fallout 3. And Bethesda just rubbed it in our faces, knowing that they can't be mowed down like the little a-holes they are.
Little Jimmy should not be playing this game. And if he is, it's not the game's problem or the dev problem. It's his parents problem and their problem alone.
Or Fallout: New Vegas. You can pretty much kill every anyone, except children and companions (companions are unessential in hardcoe mode). Most likely took a lot of work, and people don't seem to appreciate it enough.
Another way of keeping essential NPCs safe could be thought out. Like, them actually taking care of themselves instead of running straight into the line of fire every goddam time. It was so painful to have Piper tagging along, herself pointing out that I'm the big badass and she's just tagging along to observe. First firefight I retreat to take cover and she storms at 4 Raiders wearing nothing but her 10mm. Well done, Piper. Well done.
One quest where I really had to take a step back and go "wow" was encountering Wolfgang and Simone trying to get Trudy to pay for her sons Jet abuse. At first I thought they were Raiders and was about to cap them from a distance, but then I sneaked closer and when they didn't attack me, I starting talking to them. Wolfgang actually turned out to be a reasonable fellow who just wanted to get paid what he was owed, and I went "That's awesome Beth! You made this guy seem very reasonable to me and gave me an option of not killing his ass!" Then when I go to speak to Trudy she turns out to be a complete [censored], and when I subsequently fail my persuasion check I'm left with no other option than killing her or agreeing to kill Wolfgang. Now, in a normal situation I would've killed the cow, but as it turns out she has something I want, namely trading goods. She's also a single mom trying to make it in the Wasteland (which I don't care about, but I can see others caring), while Wolfgang is obviously a chem-dealing [censored]. But a sympathetic one that I didn't want to kill. But I did anyway, because Beth made it so that would be the most logical thing to do. <- I'm using a lot of these today
I've played NV to death and modded it so much it hardly can even be considered the same game as the vanilla.
No, those are the bad dogs. We don't like the bad dogs. Only good puppies who fetch and beg.
I understand what you saying but I understand why they won't remove it. Some people will go on a killing spree and complain after a killed someone who was part of the main quest or at the very least pat of a important side quest.
Then let the player deal with it. Really? If I go out right now and kill someone I will have to deal with the consequences and go to jail or get shot and die.
Let the quest fail or have a backup way to complete it.
This should be pinned on every game developer head nowdays !
The people who want all non-essential NPC's as a permanent thing are in the minority. There's a reason they changed it after Morrowind, because everyone was complaining about quest givers dying from enemies around the map. This problem is multiplied many times over in Fallout where there are is a much larger number of enemies on the map than in Elder Scrolls games. Quest givers who are out in the wasteland would be extremely vulnerable, and their chance of survival would not be good. Unless you want every NPC to be an uber bad ass that can fight off the attacks that come his way, attacks meant for players, then there is no way this can happen without breaking the game for many people.
I still remember in Skyrim, where most quest givers are killable, a Daedra quest giver dying. I had no clue how far back he died, and couldn't do anything about it as I was on console.
Ok, one moderator already issued a caution in this thread and then we go into off topic posts and posts about child killing both which are against forum rules. Sad when this really could have been a good topic of debate. *sigh*