It could have benefitted MW along with OB, but due to the size of DF it would not have mattered.
One thing that is hard to pin down in the later two games is the sense that other places exist outside the gameworld. OB with its boarders and no trade routes. MW set up on Vvanderfall, unable to cooperate outside its island structure, and influenced in slight bit by the imperials. Though in MW the imperials are hardly representative of what we saw in OB (even from just the armor).
Sure there were a few references but if felt like there was a core of a game world to exist outside of the gameplay. That is something that I have been hoping for for Skyrim, actually. An existing world that the game takes place within. A world set up so missions, quests, or goals do not become checkboxes for a 5 minute list but, like achievements, but something that you can actually aspire to on top of sold gameplay. To actually find that full suit of Daedric. And before people get up in arms about the time they have to spend on a game after a long day I will use that set of Daedric armor as an example.
It is not a hoop to jump through for gameplay, plot, imporvement, or otherwise enjoyment. It is there as a part of the world, on top of gameplay. Something that would be a real achievment. It would take you the same time as it would take me. If you want to take the time for it then do so. (and please do not compare this statement to the ongoing argument of fast-travel, though it might follow pattern)
I think in the open world and history of TES things like this are important, going beyond basic game functions into something that can be entertaining to people from whichever genre. An idea that depth is only 2 paces away and not with forced imagination.
So for the suggestion, and I will explain. Bananas. With bananas in the gameworld, either from Summerset or the Black Marsh (wherever they may grow) we can have more proof that there is a world which exists beyond whichever version of barriers we encounter in the new game. With trade routes for these bananas we can see the interaction, indirectly and probably scipted, of the different provences. In fact why not include just a few unique meshes for weapons hailing outside of Skyrim, to accentuate the loot people so often leave behind.
Ancient bananas, of great power, hidden far with no markers and just the slightest clues. Not entirely auspicious either, but subtle and tiered.
Bananas to break the monotony of whichever scene we will witness. Monotony which in time will grow in whatever game. Things that can remind you that you are existing within a game world as well as playing a game.
This is not to say bananas have been entirely absent from the games. For instance, MW had its ash yams which are similar in shape to bananas. And OB with the tomatoes, apples, and strawberries amongst others, covered the fruit category very thoroughly.