holy... on my 68 hour character I've finished Thieve's, Dark Brotherhood, College, I have 1 more quest for Companions, I've done 4 quests for the bards... done over 100 misc objectives... I have 7 Daedric artifacts... I've completed at least 10 side quests (I have the achievement that's how I know) and have mastered Smithing, Speech, Sneak, and Archery... with Enchanting, Alchemy, Conjuration, Destruction, Lockpicking, Light Armor, Pickpocketing and one handed all above 50... and I haven't gotten very far in main story or Civil war
I've gotten to the part where alduin ressurects that dragon
You are kinda rushing in the game... IMO it takes out all the fun of the game. ;D
Try to role play a little bit, make your character have personality and don't rush in the game, it is much better, but a well, this is my opinion, do what you want. ;D