It's long burning through all the content !
I'm 87 hours in and so far I have done..
5 Main Quest quests
Spoiler Up to past the Thalmor Embassy section
2 Companions Quest
1 Thieves Guild Quest
4-5 Misc Quest
holy... on my 68 hour character I've finished Thieve's, Dark Brotherhood, College, I have 1 more quest for Companions, I've done 4 quests for the bards... done over 100 misc objectives... I have 7 Daedric artifacts... I've completed at least 10 side quests (I have the achievement that's how I know) and have mastered Smithing, Speech, Sneak, and Archery... with Enchanting, Alchemy, Conjuration, Destruction, Lockpicking, Light Armor, Pickpocketing and one handed all above 50... and I haven't gotten very far in main story or Civil war
Spoiler I've gotten to the part where alduin ressurects that dragon