Today... I stopped playing Skyrim!

Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 3:02 am

Today I was playing Skyrim in my living room on my 50" LCD in 1080i as PS3 users can do... for about 6 hours straight. This isn't unusual. It's been out for 11 days and I have 68 hours on one character, 23 hours on another and 7 hours on my final character... if you add that all up you get 98 hours... but for math's sake lets round it up to 99... so around 9 hours of gameplay every day... today was only 6... I had just bought my house in Riften and put the Daedric and Dragon Bone Armor on the mannequins downstairs and filled all the bookshelves with books, just to make it look like my home... then the unspeakable happened... I saved the game, and turned it off... this was not because I had to go somewhere... not because I was tired and needed to go to bed... not because my parents yelled at me... and not even because my girlfriend came over... I just stopped... I turned my TV from HDMI 3 to HDMI 1 and started watching House Hunters International... really... I'm not joking... I didn't realize it at the time... but looking back to it... I WAS GOING CRAZY... I would rather sit and eat saltines with a tall glass of Ginger Ale watching a crappy show about rich and idiotic Americans moving to a different country than play Skyrim? Was I sick? Did I catch Rockjoint? Witbane? Ataxia? someone get me some skooma please!!! :sadvaultboy:
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Markie Mark
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 5:19 am

Seems your gamers protective instincts are telling you "take a break, you don't want to burn yourself out before you've done everything this game has to offer".

So go play with some kittens and search for the end of the rainbow, after a few minutes of that you'll feel refreshed enough to continue your Skyrim adventures.
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 11:42 pm

That is pretty sick.

Here's your Skooma.
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Adam Baumgartner
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 2:25 pm

I stopped playing Skyrim for a bit to play New Vegas but now I'm back to Skyrim :)
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 2:40 am

Seems your gamers protective instincts are telling you "take a break, you don't want to burn yourself out before you've done everything this game has to offer".

So go play with some kittens and search for the end of the rainbow, after a few minutes of that you'll feel refreshed enough to continue your Skyrim adventures.

It's long burning through all the content !

I'm 87 hours in and so far I have done..

5 Main Quest quests

Up to past the Thalmor Embassy section

2 Companions Quest

1 Thieves Guild Quest

4-5 Misc Quest

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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 11:42 am

It's long burning through all the content !

I'm 87 hours in and so far I have done..

5 Main Quest quests

Up to past the Thalmor Embassy section

2 Companions Quest

1 Thieves Guild Quest

4-5 Misc Quest


holy... on my 68 hour character I've finished Thieve's, Dark Brotherhood, College, I have 1 more quest for Companions, I've done 4 quests for the bards... done over 100 misc objectives... I have 7 Daedric artifacts... I've completed at least 10 side quests (I have the achievement that's how I know) and have mastered Smithing, Speech, Sneak, and Archery... with Enchanting, Alchemy, Conjuration, Destruction, Lockpicking, Light Armor, Pickpocketing and one handed all above 50... and I haven't gotten very far in main story or Civil war
I've gotten to the part where alduin ressurects that dragon

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Kieren Thomson
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 5:47 am

It's just that I play very slowly, I walk alot and Role-play heavily.

Like I just spent 2 hours just chopping firewood and walking around Riverwood.
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 12:27 am

holy... on my 68 hour character I've finished Thieve's, Dark Brotherhood, College, I have 1 more quest for Companions, I've done 4 quests for the bards... done over 100 misc objectives... I have 7 Daedric artifacts... I've completed at least 10 side quests (I have the achievement that's how I know) and have mastered Smithing, Speech, Sneak, and Archery... with Enchanting, Alchemy, Conjuration, Destruction, Lockpicking, Light Armor, Pickpocketing and one handed all above 50... and I haven't gotten very far in main story or Civil war
I've gotten to the part where alduin ressurects that dragon

Different playstyles I guess, he has done more than I have and I've played just as long. I myself don't ever use fast travel (carriages are okay though) and I try to take in the scenery and such as much as I can.

I very much doubt you did all the things you've done in such a short time without rushing it a little bit.
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 1:49 am

I woke up today and didn't immediately start playing Skyrim. In fact I didn't get on until like 6PM... Felt.... odd.
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 10:58 am

Different playstyles I guess, he has done more than I have and I've played just as long. I myself don't ever use fast travel (carriages are okay though) and I try to take in the scenery and such as much as I can.

I very much doubt you did all the things you've done in such a short time without rushing it a little bit.

I haven't rushed at all... in fact I thought I was doing it slowly... sure I fast travel... but my friend has gotten to level 60 and beaten the Thieves, DB, College, Companions, Bard, Main and Civil war questlines... He is trying to get Platinum trophy and he almost has it, all he needs left is 100,000g and 15 Daedric Artifacts (he has 7 like me)... and his hours played is barely over 70...
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 7:13 am

As long as your friend is having fun with it, thats fine.
are you happy about your time playing?

My first character is taking a break, level 22 in 48 hours. Pure Thief, and the only guild was the Thieves Guild, and is still not Guild Master.
She does finaly have the house in Solitude though. That was a goal.

Just started a Cleric, 5 hours in, level 3. he is currently doing work for The goddess Mara.

This game should easily last over 1000 hours.

Tip: Dont do it all too soon. let it last a few years. Mods, DLC, and expansions will help.
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 2:35 am

Sounds to me that you get the same thing as I do. Once I accomplish something I am particularly proud of (for me it is making my Solitude house look awesome with the Daedric Artifacts on display), I like to take a break to sort of bask in it and plan my next move
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 1:34 pm

It's a funny thing. For the past 6 days I have been pleasuring myself for six hours straight, no joke. But for some reason I felt like a break.
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 9:33 am

I stopped too. I just burned out. I'll go back, but I need a break.

I think these forums have worked to kill my interest. I've noticed that before with other games. I enjoy a game immensely, until I start reading the forums. Even avoiding the spoilers, I start to view the game more clinically as I come to have a greater understanding of the mechanics and shortcomings. It ruins the immersion and makes it harder to ignore the games faults. When I started Skyrim, I promised myself I would not do any reading on the internet until after I was significantly through the game. I lasted about 4 days...and it was great.

Then I noticed a few things that I thought were buggish, and I logged in to check if other people were encountering the same problems (I thought high level magic was a little weak and possibly broken; turns out a lot of people noticed that). That's when I saw another thread that caught my eye, and then another...etc. After a while, I was with other people examining the game through a microscope and it significantly degraded my interest in the game.

The honeymoon period is definitely over, but I will go back to the game. Maybe the patch will renew my interest.

Great game, Bethesda. Hope you win all of the GOTY; you deserve it.
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 8:01 am

I know I should stop but I cant get away its power is too strong. I will just finish one small quest 1st then have a rest whoo look another quest wonder what that does?
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 3:55 am

I stopped to make some food. It was a struggle, but got to the kitchen in the end.
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James Smart
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 2:49 am

Gotta pace yourself. You don't sprint a marathon. I do some some football or play Arkham some more work...mess around the house...more get the picture...
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Elisha KIng
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 12:52 pm

That's good. There's more to life than gaming (!!!). Really. I do the same thing; I can be in the middle of something, and for some reason my brain says "You know, there are other things you can be doing" and I'll just turn it off and walk away.
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Farrah Barry
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 2:10 am

I'm taking some time off today to prepare the old homestead for Thanksgiving. So no Skyrim just yet. On normal days I do take breaks and play Aion for a bit just to prevent burnout.
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 8:24 am

No matter how much I love six, there's only so much I can take before my junk falls off. Somehow that's relevant to this thread.
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 1:18 pm

Today I was playing Skyrim in my living room on my 50" LCD in 1080i as PS3 users can do...

Oh how easy it would be to win this invitation to a pissing contest. :whistling:
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Gracie Dugdale
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 3:16 pm

I haven't been able to play skyrim for more then an hour at a time after the first couple days it was out. Just not that into it(or any video games recently).
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 12:41 pm

Done this since 11-11-11. I take an hour long break every 2-3 hours playing.

Yeah it's totally weird... Nawt.
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 3:40 pm

Wow. You guys have a lot of time on your hands.
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 6:18 am

Y... I would rather sit and eat saltines with a tall glass of Ginger Ale watching a crappy show about rich and idiotic Americans moving to a different country than play Skyrim?

Just going to point out that there are many more Europeans on that show than Americans. That is all.
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Pat RiMsey
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