Patches always required a reinstallment of mods because the mods are requiring the older version. Just relax and wait for the mods to be updated.
Patches always required a reinstallment of mods because the mods are requiring the older version. Just relax and wait for the mods to be updated.
If this is true then it was most likely an accident. Bethesda is a huge supporter of mods and they finally got Microsoft to agree to allow mods on the XONE version... (That's a pretty big deal). So again, relax and wait for everything to be updated or fixed.
It better not mess up bottled water, be nice if Preston would talk to me. Some minor glitches but nothing that seems to need fixing. That i've noticed.
The GECK hasn't been released yet. Some mods that are created now can be rather dirty and aren't exactly up to snuff, so to speak. Any patch released is done so with only the vanilla game's interest.
It's par for the course and understandably so, IMO.
People who use mods have always been aware that the release of a patch might require some tweaks / reworks / etc. Or might change underlying code that their mods rely on. Etc, etc, etc.
There's nothing to be amazed/alarmed/etc about here, it's modding business as usual. (Heck, I remember the one FO3 patch that caused massive errors for any mods that placed objects in the open world. Now that one screwed up a lot of stuff. Plenty of people who used mods were rolling back their installs to the previous patch..... of course, this was back when we downloaded patch files and installed them ourselves.)
Especially before official mod tools have been released, anyone using mods should always be ready for problems & changes to occur.
You're surprised? Many mods in any games are disabled when game versions change...and require the mod author/s to update them for the new game version/patch. That's been the rule for forever.
Keep in mind, over all your angst, the official patches are the official development work, and the mods are the third party stuff.
Updated OP with the following:
Update: Another solution was mentioned by Buckbean (Nexus):
Additionally, you could use Bilago's tool, which also allows you to bypass the FO4 launcher and use his tool instead:
So Steam autoinstalled the latest patch, and now all mods are being actively deactivated by the game. The game turns off all mods, and if you use Nexus Mod Manager to turn them back on again, the game will turn them off even sometimes as you load. At one point I got mods working again and was in the process of trying to put my game back together, when the game deactivated mods 'while I was playing'!!! Now it seems no matter what I do to try to re-enable mods, the game will turn them off before I can get the game launched.
It is the update they did to the launcher not saving God Rays that is disabling the esp files. You can save the old launcher.exe on your desktop (if you haven't updated yet) and use that or use another one like F4SE launcher. If you use NMM like me here is a fix that will work.
Go to and download the Fallout 4 beta 1.2.37 file.
Copy and paste all files into your FO4 (steam>steam apps>common>Fallout 4) now open NMM and go to Settings>Fallout 4 and under Custom Launcher there is a field called Command. Type in f4se_loader and hit ok. Now go to the plugin tab in NMM and enable all esp files. Go to the top left corner of the NMM and change Launch Fallout 4 to Custom Launcher. This will work.
I think some aren't understanding here. It is not a case of the new update breaking mods or other typical issues associated with regular updates. The game launcher is autonomously deactivating any active .esp's when you launch the game.
They're not deliberately "disabling" mods, it's just everything got reset because they updated the launcher to fix a bug with the graphics settings. So you just have to re-enable them again, which is trivial. Bethesda isn't trying to screw us over.
Just re-enabling them doesn't work. The launcher just deactivates them again. I'm not saying Beth is trying to "screw anyone over", I'm sure this is a mistake on their part, just pointing out that folks don't seem to be understanding the issue at hand.
You have to set the plugin file and the loadorder file to read only otherwise it will revert when you start the launcher. (need to disable read only if you add additional mods)
Those that use the script extender launcher don't have to worry about the issue.
This is an error on their part from the beta launcher that did this to cut down on bug reports involving mods in their testing, a minor one at that that can be fixed if people would put their pitchforks away and look for the solution.
Don't bring your logic in here, savage! Let us be mad over trivial things that can be fixed in the blink of an eye!
Didn't that happen before the update too, for anyone that doesn't tweak the .ini to actually enable file selection? Any time I open up the launcher I've just been deactivating/reactivaing my one .esp before hitting "Play", but then I wasn't running anything before using the beta update so maybe it wasn't like that before. I imagine for people with lots of .esps they'd rather tweak the .ini now so they don't have to tick all of their .esps each time... but again, that's trivial for anyone savvy enough to run lots of mods safely right now.
Here's an easy way to solve the problem for PC users (most mod users, assuming you have some tech aptitude). Go to your (Hidden, Control Panel enabled 'Folder options') 'C:\Users\
No, just started happening with this update. Best thing to do at this point is just to bypass the launcher completely with F4SE. Typically I wouldn't start using the SE till I had mods that need it, but its usefulness now outweighs my desire to let it mature. ;p
Also, I think they removed the little "hidden" file manager from the launcher. You'll need NMM or need to update your plugins.txt manually now.
Edit: Ah, I don't know about those that didn't enable file selection previously. Enabling it was one of the first things I did when i started playing. Not sure how the update effected those folks.
This has been the case for me since using the first release of the Beta Patch (Launcher disables mod loading). It also removed the "hot click" area on Launch dialog (below the far left PA eye...had to be enabled by an ini line edit) that allowed for mod list to be displayed. Not sure if this intentional (I thought it was to block mods loading with the BETA version), or some sort of bug, but the best workaround is Bilago's setting tweak tool (that can replace the launcher). The utility is itself not a mod (ESP) but allows for many setting changes from a well designed dialog interface (including turning on the file selection and mod folders among many other start up options).
This has nothing to do with mods being "broken" by the update. Having been running the Beta since it was available (both Beta releases), I have not seen anything in the patches that "breaks" any mods (but this new patch could have additional changes). Sure it's common knowledge that any patch could cause mods to no longer work, but there is certainly no all encompassing reason that every patch will definitely break every mod.
True but then they shouldn't expect the modding community to fix their half finished games they release, should they? Not every mod is an armour retexture, some are essential for actually getting the game to work.
Alternatively, if you don't use NMM or other, you can do this :
- Go to Users\your username\AppData\Local\Fallout4
- You should see two .txt files, DLCList and plugins
- Open plugins.txt and type in your esp names (you might already have those names in the DLCList, so you can just copy/paste them)
- Set plugins.txt to Read-Only. If you don't do it, the game's launcher will automatically wipe its content again.
And there you go, mods work again.
Edit : Haven't tested it yet, but you might have to edit the file for each esp you add, which is not very practival.
Just merged three threads together about this topic.
Please remember to check to see if there is an existing thread on a topic before making a new one. (Also helps if your thread title somehow describes your topic.)
Download F4SE, this problem and others like it solved.
Should be using it anyway