Couldn't that be their response regardless if they are intentionally disabling mods or not?
Well, let's see:
There will be a process for verifying that it is a bug and for prioritizing it
There will be a process for enetering the bug and describing it into some form of bug tracking software
There will be the prioritization of the bug, hand off to a programming resource, possibly some form of hand-off/meeting to orientate the programmer to his tasks and what the delivery timeframe is
Then there will be some form of remediation process, typically a few steps to verify that the bug (and others) has been addressed
Then it will go through QC, probably multi-stepped, to eventual sign off that the bug has been resolved
Then it will go through the deployment pipeline
I suspect that this may be a different process than the 5 seconds for Tom to data a data point in a database table somewhere while sipping coffee.
I don't get it why ppl aren't able to just set the plugin file read only. xD
Seems to be too simple (or complex ?!) for most ppl... if Fallout 4 isn't allowed to access the file, it can't delete it at startup.
Problem solved. Without any extra programm or NMM to handle this. o.o
If you use Nexus Mod manager, you don't have this problem. I just reactivated all my mods and made sure my INIs were right.
This will work or just create a .bat file to launch the game.
cd "C:\Steam Games\steamapps\common\Fallout 4"
set SteamAppID=377160&Fallout4.exe
There is a work around provided you didnt already access your savegame. And even if you did. There is a way to redo everything. You can get all the mods working again. There is a very popular website for modding Fallout 4. It's all over the forums there.
Pretty much this. You can still use texture replacers and stuff like that anyway. Patience has never been a strength of gamers, in general atleast.
I dont want to comment about this too much, because if this is a touchy subject for Bethesda. I dont want them flipping out at me over it. I have a few mods on the game, and they're mostly just cosmetic stuff. And when GECK comes out, the guys whose website I am visiting have things set up so basically you can take the game back to "Vanilla" with just a few clicks. So they can start doing things with what's given to them then.
The Full dialogue interface patch works, that is the only I uses yet.
The idea to use an bat file sounds pretty perfect no need for FO4SE yet as I see it, its probably needed for patching keybinding however.
This is a stupid way to discourage use of mods. Do you see any mod user that is being deterred from using mods by this method? No. if anything mod users will continue to find workarounds to make their favorite mods work. I already can't live without the full Dialogue mod for instance, and I would do anything in my power to make it work.
Bethesda shouldn't be playing nanny on such an important feature. The TES/Fallout modding community is a very mature and experienced community, most people know any mods carry the risk to corrupt saves and mess with the game and do so willingly.
is kill shot still utterly game breaking still?
My guess is they implemented the beta opt-in version of the launcher. Mods weren't supposed to work in the beta-opt in (bug reports would be useless etc). So it's likely they just left that aspect in the launcher for the patch update. Whether it's accidental or not, who knows.
If they *are* trying to discourage non-Geck modding, I can think of a couple possible reasons. One, beause they're tired of listening to people report bugs only to find out mods or other file-altering was involved, heh. Or two, because in the long run they really want their *own* mod website aspect to be the main thing - not Steam, not Nexus. I don't think they've been super clear on that really, outside of saying they're "planning on using", possibly largely exclusively, for a while (eg, no Steam Workshop for a while).
Whether either of those are the real "reason" I have no actual idea. I think it's more likely it was just a beta-version to release-version mixup.
Personally I always wait to use mods until the Geck is out, so I don't become dependant on something before I know what's what. But I can understand the frustration.
As LadyCrimson notes just above, what has happened is the "Beta" launcher got pushed to the live release channel with 1.2, which resets the loadlist every time the game is started (beta behaviour). Whether it was intentional is not known, however, It is my belief that it was just something that got overlooked and was pushed by mistake.
Lets hope that it gets corrected to the live launcher really soon.
It seems that none of the fixes work for me today.
They worked yesterday.
But when I go in-game to load my latest save, it gives me the "relies on content" warning.
It's extremely aggrevating.
The crash not fixed, It still sometime crashes for me.
But I do a lot of alt+tab though.
had the same problem but fixed it by now instead of launching the game with steam i use the nexus mod manager to start the game
another possible solution is to use the fallout exe instead of the falloutlauncher
This, note that one update of Skyrim was published without drm. Yes that one was patched fast.
Some chance they will not fix this so fast, note that you can do workarounds: set file read only, Script extender or bat file works.
So you can work around it but it increase the skill level for making mods, that is until someone make an replacement loader.
The warning that your game relies on outdated content is, most definitely, due to your use of mods. This will also happen in Skyrim, Fallout 3 and Oblivion. Uninstall mods and/or update them to a version that's compatible with the current patch.
Just load the saved game and then save it. This should reset the version of the savegame to the current patch. Have in mind, though, that some mods may now become incompatible until the modders update them.