Strange I did not see a post about it here.
Steam told me there was a new update for FO4. Made the mistake to download it. Afterwarsd my mods didn't work any longer. Posted about it in a post for a mod. 999-jay-999 9 replied with a post by UltimateZero (Nexus users)
!!!!! WARNING !!!!!
The Fallout 4 v1.2 patch that was released today, December 7th 2015, force disables all mods! There are TWO workarounds for this!
The First:
1) Open Nexus Mod Manager (you will need this!
2) launch your game, wait in the launcher before starting the game.
3) Renable the mods using Nexus Mod Manager (you will notice launching disables them)
4) Hit play.
(Thanks to Gameaholic, who posted this fix in the thread here.)
The Second:
F4SE beta 1.2.37 can bypass the Fallout 4 launcher entirely, which is what's disabling the mods.
If you use Nexus Mod Manager:
"Copy all files into ur FO4 (steam-steam app-common-Fallout 4) now open NMM and go to Settings-Fallout 4 under Custom Launcher thers a field called Command, type in f4se_loader and save. Now enable all ESP′ S as the update disables them, go to Top left Corner on the NMM and change the Launch Fallout 4 to Launch Custom Launcher, should work."
(Thanks to DimosZargarda, who posted this fix in the BUSTY thread.)
----------End of post ---------------------------------------------------------------
Update: As I don't used the Beta of the patch I used method 1 AND it works like a charm!!
Note to self: Don't directly install official patches till you've read they are mod safe 
Bethesda: NOT nice!!
Update: Another solution was mentioned by Buckbean (Nexus):
Additionally, you could use Bilago's tool, which also allows you to bypass the FO4 launcher and use his tool instead: