Todd and Pete

Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:34 pm

Remember kids, this game wasn't made to be a new level of graphic supremacy like Crysis, Oblivion or Morrowind. Its optimizing the hardware to its full potential. Game engines are just code to create polygons. Animations, textures and whatnot are all regulated by different means. Not by the engine in itself. The Engine just acts like the spine to hold everything together in a way.
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Silvia Gil
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:54 pm

Skyrim seems like a game that looks better when it's being played than in screenshots. I think where Skyrim's graphics excel is not in the technological aspect, but in the artistic aspect. Much like Morrowind, there appears to be a real atmosphere to Skyrim. It has a style that I felt Oblivion and most modern games lack.

Every engine is somewhat based upon previous engines. id Tech 5 is a completely new engine, but that doesn't mean they didn't use code from id Tech 4.

This guy nails it.
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dean Cutler
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:57 pm

I must say I'm a bit confused. What is being discussed? The render engine or the game engine (implementing the render engine) or both? Afaik, the render engine is replaced with a new one. This has new features and better handling than the old one. That doesn't mean that everything within it will be used. The new SSAO/ATOC/Whatever may be dropped, but we have shadows. Same as with Oblivion had shadows in the preview video but was dropped.

I have to say that visually it doesn't look all that different with the new renderer. Shadows, improved shaders, and most likely better internals that are invisible to the eye. If you *want* something to be better, it *will* be better, right? Placebo is mighty powerful. The things that makes this look better seems to come from the game engine rather than the render engine, but wouldn't be possible without the new render engine.

Take a look at this, Oblivion objects in Crysis Engine:
There is shadows and SSAO, and probably some things I don't even see. But it still look like Oblivion, there is nothing here that makes it look like Crysis. Trees are the same, buildings are the same, water probably improved due updated shaders. And one hell of an achievement for a single modder just wanting to test some stuff :P Why not use Crysis? Because there may not be enough cycles to do the 50000 other things that the game engine needs done, or they don't speak well enough together (file formats have always been a bit tricky, wonder what will happen now), or BGS don't like the face of the Crysis crew :P - who knows - they have their reasons.

Want to see something completely new? Replace the designers ;) As was mentioned earlier, the game engine was rebuilt with most of the stuff new, including a new render engine. If I rebuild something from scratch that I've made before, chances are high the result will look the same but better optimized. Task: Create a rock. I'm gonna build that rock the same way I always made it, even if the topology changes to suit new animation systems (lol, bad example).

There are endless examples on what the new game engine can do, probably because the new render engine frees enough cycles to do it. Do you want higher poly models? Prepare to drop other features to get back the cycles. And as for polycount, do compare Skyrims mountains with Oblivions and tell me which ones appear more rugged. Sorry, but I think BGS knows more what they're doing than you and I put together. You can't just add stuff and think you get it for free. Textures have already been explained, so I'm not going there.


Not quite sure what is meant with "GAMES HAVE NO POST PROCESSING" though.
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kat no x
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:36 pm

I bet Todd and Pete are pretty nice guys. I don't think they're lying to us at all about the engine being new, give 'em a break and stop posting the same regurgitated "liar" threads.
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Ben sutton
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:27 pm

It's gamebryo for sure, just look at this:
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Jose ordaz
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:41 pm

It's gamebryo for sure, just look at this:

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Je suis
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:52 pm



I'm so happy just saw the trailer :P

no it does not look like OB its not photo realistic however :wink_smile: so it must svckz :P

just kidding
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Joanne Crump
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:57 pm

the way the wolf was running in the clip with the bow was straight out of oblivion.

I just watched it and it looks nothing like the way it ran in Oblivion, imo. Guess some people see it differently than me :confused:
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Lance Vannortwick
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:37 pm

No they are LYING since this game is developed with ps3 and xbox 360 in their minds, and this means developing a game for a tricore geared with a nvidia 7800 / Ati x1900...

I was really without words when i've read first details about this game. Bethesda and Carmack were some of the best avant-garde developers around in game technology, now they are just console developers like all the rest.
Say "Hi" again to an old windows xp dx9 game and don't be fooled by future announcements about dx 10/11 FXs since they will be just putting in 2 or 3 stupid things to justify "advanced pc technologies" lol

ps: People searching for a real PC game should look at the last serious developers around in this market: CD Projekt RED...those people really deserve your money.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:22 pm

all of these threads = :facepalm:

You can have criticisms (the water looked a bit flat, the textures look plastic), but it's an open world game not a graphic card demo. Visually it's a big improvement over oblivion, the animations look exponentially better, the fighting system looks to be improved, the ridiculous facegen system has been replaced, there are dynamic shadows and there's going to be mod support. Relax.

It'll be a good game. And I'm sure there will be high res texture replacements from the mod community. :thumbsup:

I might make a few of them ... that rarely get downloaded.
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Taylor Tifany
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:37 pm

You can have criticism (the water looked a bit flat, the textures look plastic), but it's an open world game not a graphic card demo. Visually it's an improvement over oblivion, the animations look exponentially better, the fighting system looks to be improved, the ridiculous facegen system has been replaced, there's going to be mod support. Relax.

It'll be a good game. And I'm sure there will be high res texture replacements from the mod community. :thumbsup:

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Luna Lovegood
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 12:00 am

I see there's a programmer lurking in this thread......

But I have to say from what I've seen it looks nothing like Gamebryo.
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Alexander Lee
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:48 pm

Actually, I don't think the textures look flat at all compared to most games out there and secondly, Skyrim is a Graphics Card demo just like oblivion before it...except for it pushes the boundaries and drives games into the next generation...I really think these complaints are unjustified. You did an amazing Job Bethesda :trophy: Let's not forget that Oblivion has practically allowed for the popularity increase of RPG's in the West, it literally started the Western RPG revolution.
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Mark Hepworth
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:48 pm

Why do you mislead?

This looks exactly like Gamebryo with a few post-processing effects added.
I'm not saying I won't play this if you do make a different UI for the PC, but I can't help but feel a bit disappointed.
I was expecting something along the lines of id tech 5.

This is obviously Gamebryo. What happened Todd@Bethesda?

Except, Gamebryo was just the render engine, so all they had to do was remove that and its no longer gamebryo. Technically. But till proof other then "look at the graphics and its clear" i want actual proof.

Wont change me getting the game anyway. Only if it uses Steamworks will be the game changer XD
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Sylvia Luciani
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 1:50 am

I bet Todd and Pete are pretty nice guys. I don't think they're lying to us at all about the engine being new, give 'em a break and stop posting the same regurgitated "liar" threads.

I'm sure they are both nice guys also, but folks that have been here for awhile have been mislead before, especially by Pete the marketing guy. I guess part of his job is to put positive spin on everything, but he doesn't have the best track record for setting honest expectations. I realize this doesn't add to the thread, but hopefully it helps explain why some folks have a healthy dose of paranoia with what we're being told. Look at the first Oblivion video that Todd preso'd and then look at the finished product for an example.

Before someone jumps down my throat, I think both guys are good dudes. Just a matter of circumstance beyond their control. I'm sure they want some things, share those thoughts and then down the road find out they cannot be implemented. I'm not calling either dude a liar.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:27 pm

I'm sure they are both nice guys also, but folks that have been here for awhile have been mislead before, especially by Pete the marketing guy. I guess part of his job is to put positive spin on everything, but he doesn't have the best track record for setting honest expectations. I realize this doesn't add to the thread, but hopefully it helps explain why some folks have a healthy dose of paranoia with what we're being told. Look at the first Oblivion video that Todd preso'd and then look at the finished product for an example.

Before someone jumps down my throat, I think both guys are good dudes. Just a matter of circumstance beyond their control. I'm sure they want some things, share those thoughts and then down the road find out they cannot be implemented. I'm not calling either dude a liar.

I think this might be a reason for why they released a trailer before E3, because I bet will have an even bigger trailer at E3. Secondly, I don't care about the false marketing like some folks cause I just love Bethesda no matter what :unsure2: lol.
I was Eldorado on the original forums and I remember all the crazy discontent but hey it subsided for the most part. I'm just in complete aww of the trailer though and think it really pushes the boundaries of games today.
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Dan Endacott
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:27 pm

Guys, you can moan all you want as can I, but I feel that this is a legitimate question. I'm not saying graphics are end-all be-all. I'm not saying they are the most important aspect to enjoy a game. All I'm saying is when you have a genius like Carmack under your wing, why not use his insight?

I wouldn't be as quick to throw accusations before actually playing the game to see what the engine truly is and is not.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:11 pm

The problem is for a game that is an immersive virtual world graphics matter A LOT, though I think these complaints are still unjustified....this is the beset will get for this generation imo.
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Tai Scott
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 1:07 am

since when did wolves strafe like the one in the skyrim trailer in oblivion?

they don't. people are being ridiculous.
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Jason Rice
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:19 pm

Are you kidding me? the fog!!!! the dept of field! the rivers actually flow, the buildings look unique, the people behave like living things, the main character actually breathes in and out while fighting, you can see his breath being condensed while he does so, the lighting has shadows projecting all over the place, the physics and systems to detect collision while fighting are impressive, you can see the tongue of the dragon move when the player hits the head of the dragon for god sakes, and when he screams you can see his eyes squint and his face borrow on the emotion hes transmitting, he LOOKS ALIVE. and your telling me this is the same as Oblivion.... you sir are a puto troll hijo of la chingada.... the hell with you.

Thanks for pushing the envelop Bethesda, this is what makes me want to play games, one more step closer to making a living breathing world!
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Ricky Rayner
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:20 pm

looking at the trailer some clips look better than others, the trailer itself is probably cobbled together of different clips of the game at different levels of development. Most of the shots witht he dragon and the wide shots of the mountains and the interiors with the draugr are probably the latest while the one with the hunting and the rapids is probably an earlier build of the game.

have faith! i'm sure it'll look amazing.
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Beulah Bell
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:41 pm

Guys, I know all about art direction. Maybe too much... And I know about Gamebryo's other games as well. I do feel tho' that my concerns are legitimate. On the bright side it seem as if they're finally starting to put some effort into the animations. But lordy, those textures look waaay low rez.

First off you are most likely viewing the trailer in low resolution. Watch it in 720p or greater before you judge....
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:44 pm

Well, while you're right that the game is looking significantly better than Oblivion, it IS running on the Gamebryo engine. This has been confirmed multiple times. Albeit the engine has been heavily modified since Oblivion (much like it was between Morrowind and OB), but it is the same old gamesas engine at it's core.

By that logic, does that mean that my computer is still a Dell? When I started building this pc, it started out as a Dell, but piece by piece by piece I started changing what I didn't like about it until I realized one day that I had changed so much about my Dell computer that it no longer was a Dell even though I still had the same hard drive, DVD burner, and speakers that came with the Dell.

My point here is, as has already been stated by others; but seems to fall on deaf ears by those who don't want to, or can't admit that The new engine, while possibly based off of gamebryo has undergone so many changes that it no longer qualifies as the same engine.
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keri seymour
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:36 pm

What are you talking about, Gamebryo. Skyrim and Oblivion looking a lot similar has nothing to do with Gamebryo. I mean, it's the same company that makes the art assets! That's the reason it looks similar..
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Captian Caveman
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 12:14 am

looking at the trailer some clips look better than others, the trailer itself is probably cobbled together of different clips of the game at different levels of development. Most of the shots witht he dragon and the wide shots of the mountains and the interiors with the draugr are probably the latest while the one with the hunting and the rapids is probably an earlier build of the game.

have faith! i'm sure it'll look amazing.

It DOES look amazing! :tongue:
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