But seriously this is about the removal of certain mechanics from one game to the other. And drawers.
Spell creation, spears, crossbows, beast legs, levitation, mobility skills... what do these things have in common besides their absense? They were all talked about and debated and in some cases tested in the early early dawn of Skyrim. My guess being sometime when the first dwemer centurion models were being voted on. Bottem line they didn't fit into what they had in mind for Skyrim or there was resource/time limitation.
All these things aren't erased from the ES universe. They will be implemented when they fit. And as proof i urge you to look at what they have brought back that were either missing or sidelined in oblivion. Non-fast travel transit a la morrowind. Pickpocketing. Dwemer ruins. Enchanting...
In the mean time there is a drawer in Todd's desk that is full of spears, throwing knives, marks, recalls, and divine interventions. They are well guarded well fed and cozy, as all your hopes and dreams should be. But Todd will not let out something as awesome, albeit broken, as spell creation or crossbows, out of the drawer until it is fixed and can be unleashed with the justice it deserves.
BTW, my guess is briefs.
If they want a more realistic, balanced, visceral, and easy to acces (dumbdown? what really??... no.) game, than that is what they are going to do. What they are giving us are finishers, skill trees, realistic movement, dual wielding, dynamic spell casting... BEES!! ..What really works well will be a new staple in the series. What needs works will be placed in a drawer and brought out and scrutinized every time a new game comes out.
I want everyone to put on thier imagination eyepatch and place themselves in Todd's shoes. How hard would it be make a game where everyone is happy but is also fresh and bigger and bolder? Never going to happen, cause if you try to please everyone you end up.. with a pile of poop.
That said i know the value of the complaints on this forum. Bethesda actually listens. If a significant number of thier fans vocalize a need for spellcrafting than there will be more of a chance we'll find it in TES: VI. Only bigger and better.
So voice on, but all i want in this din of WTFs is reason and logic, if not faith or delayed judgment.
hoot :spotted owl: