Each Dev member could admit you into their own secret society once you have become allies . You could use them to form your own group or organization giving you tips and assistance on quests as well have them fight, make you money and find valuable resources. They could be stalkers, guards, crazy people, supervillains, clansmen, kids, bodyguards, a cult or strong boss characters. Give you a complete edge against dragons and many other of Skyrim's tough characters. Of course the appearances of the Dev members in the game will not be so obvious. You will have to figure out on your own who these Dev members are through clues in the area so not to ruin immersion. An alliance with one of these members will give you rare benefits. Something like this would be best left to the game developers to decide and left unknown to the public only so it can be more effective and not be seen as an "easter egg;" they could then blend into the game.
Names will be changed enough to be recognized and to fit Skyrim nomenclature but wont be silly like Todil Horvard. If learning about Dev members is your thing then that would be the first step to overcoming the challenge of revealing their identities. Go face to face with them in combat or fight on their side.Tell me how you guys would feel about about this and how would this affect gameplay for you. How would you feel about fighting along side the Dev members or fighting against them? If they were notorious high-risk criminals (serial killers) in the game would you be less persuaded to join them for the benefits?
And please do not give brief and obvious answers; I need to take the good with the bad criticism with thoroughly typed explanations its helpful for the learning process.
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