[Part 02] Todd Howard Interview (Norwegian Magazine Gamer.no

Post » Tue Jul 26, 2011 1:11 am

I think he means that we never keep playing after the NPC blood is spilled. Most just reload and try it again another way. First thing I did when I seen that Brahmin in megaton was save and see if its head's were detachable. Hopefully by the next game we can keep the severed heads of our victims as proof of our evil deeds.
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Madeleine Rose Walsh
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Post » Tue Jul 26, 2011 12:26 am

I'm a bit disappointed that they have done away with Athletics.
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Bonnie Clyde
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Post » Tue Jul 26, 2011 4:54 am

This is what 280 Perks looks like.

Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk
Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk
Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk
Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk
Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk
Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk
Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk
Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk
Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk
Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk
Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk
Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk
Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk
Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk
Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk
Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk
Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk
Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk
Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk
Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk Perk
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The Time Car
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Post » Tue Jul 26, 2011 9:53 am

Sounds good, I like most of what I see and the rest is just fine with me.
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Post » Tue Jul 26, 2011 12:23 pm

I think that perks will add much to the game, unfortunately they can not make up for the loss of attribultes. Anyone who claims all that attributes are good for is calculating several final values needs to pause and take a step back. There is far more to attributes that that, calculating a characters health is just a small part. Attributes are more organic than picking a perk that suddenly boosts something. While it is true that they might have been a few problems with them in the previous game, removing them is not fixing the problem. I guess if my car's steering in broken I should remove the steering wheel and replace it with a turn left button and a turn right button, that should work. I commented earlier that I thought that Skyrim would reveal some of the prolbems with removing attributes, and it turns out that I didn't have to even wait that long. I ran into a skill check in Oblivion yesterday, and now I come here and find the same problem has been mentioned. True, you can still check skills and perks, but how will I check to see if someone is strong enough to do something?

Instead of is Strength greater than 80

I now have, is One-handed weapon greater than 80, or Two-Handed weapon greater than 80, or is One handed weapon greater than 70 and two handed weapon greater than 70, or is ... . This could go on awhile, and I haven't even gotten to perks

Static Strengh in the background is no good either. I might as well say if strong race, or slightly weaker race and perk 1 or perk 2 and perk 3, or weak race and ...

As I said before I hope that the attributes still exist in some sort of dynamic form based on behavior, and choices even if you can't get at them directly, otherwise there will be problems.
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RObert loVes MOmmy
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Post » Tue Jul 26, 2011 8:43 am

I think that perks will add much to the game, unfortunately they can not make up for the loss of attribultes. Anyone who claims all that attributes are good for is calculating several final values needs to pause and take a step back. There is far more to attributes that that, calculating a characters health is just a small part. Attributes are more organic than picking a perk that suddenly boosts something. While it is true that they might have been a few problems with them in the previous game, removing them is not fixing the problem. I guess if my car's steering in broken I should remove the steering wheel and replace it with a turn left button and a turn right button, that should work. I commented earlier that I thought that Skyrim would reveal some of the prolbems with removing attributes, and it turns out that I didn't have to even wait that long. I ran into a skill check in Oblivion yesterday, and now I come here and find the same problem has been mentioned. True, you can still check skills and perks, but how will I check to see if someone is strong enough to do something?

Instead of is Strength greater than 80

I now have, is One-handed weapon greater than 80, or Two-Handed weapon greater than 80, or is One handed weapon greater than 70 and two handed weapon greater than 70, or is ... . This could go on awhile, and I haven't even gotten to perks

Static Strengh in the background is no good either. I might as well say if strong race, or slightly weaker race and perk 1 or perk 2 and perk 3, or weak race and ...

As I said before I hope that the attributes still exist in some sort of dynamic form based on behavior, and choices even if you can't get at them directly, otherwise there will be problems.

I agree that perks can't fully replace attributes in some ways.

However in terms of a check for Strength for a mod, it would probably be more like:

Does PC have Increased Carry Weight level 1 perk?
Does PC have Increased Carry Weight level 2 perk?

You can be very skilled in a 1 handed weapon without being strong. I suppose 2 handed weapons would seem to require more strength to wield, however.

What might happen is that after installing your quest mod, Perk X or Perk Y could become slightly more OP, in which case you may need to incorporate some kind of balancing mechanic, making things slightly more complex than an attribute check.
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Steve Smith
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Post » Tue Jul 26, 2011 2:08 am

But to have a carry weight perk...you need perks for attributes......FO3 had perks for attributes AND skills..Skyrims perks are for Skills, as stated by Todd :turned: and what about the peeps on consoles who liked attributes, want it done differently and improved? they can't mod :(
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saharen beauty
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Post » Tue Jul 26, 2011 11:28 am

But to have a carry weight perk...you need perks for attributes......FO3 had perks for attributes AND skills..Skyrims perks are for Skills, as stated by Todd :turned: and what about the peeps on consoles who liked attributes, want it done differently and improved? they can't mod :(

I'm interested to see how the devs handled this, but they might have put the carry weight perk under the 2 handed skill. It's the only one that would seem to have some connection to strength, and I would be shocked if there is no carry weight perk at all. Maybe smithing is another option, since you need to be strong to pound a blade into shape
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Post » Tue Jul 26, 2011 11:10 am

But to have a carry weight perk...you need perks for attributes......FO3 had perks for attributes AND skills..Skyrims perks are for Skills, as stated by Todd :turned: and what about the peeps on consoles who liked attributes, want it done differently and improved? they can't mod :(

Long Hall Perk: After many long halls over the mountains of Skyrim to sell your goods, you've learned how to pack your items more effectivly so they don't slow you down. You can now carry an extra 50 units of items.
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Post » Mon Jul 25, 2011 11:30 pm

"In the previous Elder Scrolls games, we have also had the asterisk, and we would gather all these into one system."

Just guessing that 'asterisk' should be 'asterisms', which are constellations.
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Post » Tue Jul 26, 2011 2:14 pm

But to have a carry weight perk...you need perks for attributes......FO3 had perks for attributes AND skills..Skyrims perks are for Skills, as stated by Todd :turned: and what about the peeps on consoles who liked attributes, want it done differently and improved? they can't mod :(

What's wrong with having carry weight be tied to health or stamina? We don't need perks for everything. Health/Magicka/Stamina will have effects on a lot of things.
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JeSsy ArEllano
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Post » Tue Jul 26, 2011 2:34 am

my take on what the system works like:

attributes like strength, athletics and etc are now merged with the 3 core attributes and 18 skills, what i mean is, attributes have gone from being directly manipulated by the player to being indirectly manipulated.

-your character becoming stronger by increasing martial skills (one handed, two handed and hand to hand) mimicking the "strength" attribute
-your character being able to sprint or hold his breath for a longer period of time by increasing the core attribute of stamina mimicking the "athletics" attribute.
-your character becoming more persuasive by increasing the speechcraft skill mimicking the "personality" attribute.

ps: wrote this a while back but i thought it to be relevant to the topic so here it is.
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Post » Tue Jul 26, 2011 2:35 pm

What's wrong with having carry weight be tied to health or stamina? We don't need perks for everything. Health/Magicka/Stamina will have effects on a lot of things.

well apparently Dragonborn people are saying perks replace attributes, even you...so of course there needs to be perks for attributes.....but Todd says...Perks are for skills, he would have mentioned perks for H/M/S as well but he didnt, eh just said per level up you increase them STOP not you increase them and gain strenght, or resistances or get faster or anything, he just said, you raise them thats it, by all means if it was like that then YES excellent no gripes here, but he didnt.

Because those 3 bars in previous games and their totals did not = what a character can and cannot do, just how much they can before they Die/tire, and Until -TODD- says that there are PERKS for things unrelated to skills, then that still stands anything else is pretty much conjecture, in every interview/preview when He talks about Perks and H/M/S he says Attributes were folded into H/M/S

um what part of Personality is in HMS? and since when does 150 Stamina mean I can run like the wind or Carry X amount of weight? Luck? 230 health points don't mean I can take hits better than a person of a different race with the same exact amount of health. and I can see why they got rid of picking birthsigns too, Birthsigns effected attributes as well :bonk:

the only thing -according to Todd- that we will be doing to H/M/S is picking which one gets a boost per level up. pretty much it :shrug: since will be seeing Skyrim at E3 soon nothing much else to do but wait and see.

you could have a crap personality, and a High speechcraft, or a Low speechcraft and High personality vice versa with merchantile, Speechcraft does not equat personality. once could have a low personality and with their speechcraft coerce NPC's etc etc....and since the Speechcraft minigame is gone, I speculate Speechcraft will be more involved in Skyrim, something along the lines of Dialoge choices.

tell me what is so unappealing about a Highly intelligent Character with a low personality and high speechcraft gutting the information out of nearly anyone he comes across? with his imposing strenght so supplement his nature? this is something they could have redone and made curbstomp anything Oblivion and morrowind portayed as attributes...
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Joe Bonney
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Post » Tue Jul 26, 2011 8:43 am

@MK Pete said attributes have been folded into perks AND health/magicka/stamina. So no I don't know where personality fits in there, but they figured it out somehow. Probably personality perks under speechcraft.
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Rebekah Rebekah Nicole
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Post » Tue Jul 26, 2011 6:16 am

Well Dragonborn, don't know about you, thats all fine and well, but I'll wait to see whats really in the game, Pre Oblivion Todd said all the trees in Oblivion were handplace, he hyped up the dungeons too, and lets not get on Rai either, Had anything of revolutionary nature been done with Attributes and perks etc etc, he wouldn't have needed to add the Tid bit about rationalizing what they did, he could have stated what they did and leave it at that, but he and Beth are aware a partial shiistorm would wip up if they just left it at "we took out attributes"

just PR talk, if they are gone they are gone, leave the wool covering over the fans eyes out of it. :P
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Tiffany Carter
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Post » Tue Jul 26, 2011 12:11 pm

I think removing attributes is the best decision ever made by Bethesda ever. People, please look up the real definiton of Role Playing Game. Just F.Y.I.

Way to go Todd.
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Shiarra Curtis
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Post » Tue Jul 26, 2011 11:57 am

I think removing attributes is the best decision ever made by Bethesda ever. People, please look up the real definiton of Role Playing Game. Just F.Y.I.

Way to go Todd.

K 1. RPG means different things to different people.

2. Attributes never stopped you from Rping ....eva

3. PERKS are not included in the "definition" of RPG....

what say you..:bonk:
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Claire Mclaughlin
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Post » Tue Jul 26, 2011 5:42 am

Found this the most interesting piece of info from the interview.

Yes, I agree, directional sword slashing will be sick

Just wanted to add.....I would bet money that he's simply referring to power attacks having different directional options when you use the control stick. Otherwise it would require an entire thumbstick dedicated to the sword movement during combat. The only game I can think of like that was Obi-Wan, which was cool, but there's no way it could work in a first-person game like TES games.

I do like the news about the perks and removal of BS leveling techniques. That stuff is awesome!
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Dina Boudreau
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Post » Tue Jul 26, 2011 8:08 am

- In Oblivion, it was possible to find a unique unicorn. Is there such a thing in Skyrim too, for example an abominable snowman?

- I will not reveal everything here, this is a treat in the game! But yes, we have a hidden content, and it's not a unicorn.

Oh God, An ice dragon? :hubbahubba:
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Chloe Yarnall
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Post » Tue Jul 26, 2011 7:17 am

Well Dragonborn, don't know about you, thats all fine and well, but I'll wait to see whats really in the game, Pre Oblivion Todd said all the trees in Oblivion were handplace, he hyped up the dungeons too, and lets not get on Rai either, Had anything of revolutionary nature been done with Attributes and perks etc etc, he wouldn't have needed to add the Tid bit about rationalizing what they did, he could have stated what they did and leave it at that, but he and Beth are aware a partial shiistorm would wip up if they just left it at "we took out attributes"

just PR talk, if they are gone they are gone, leave the wool covering over the fans eyes out of it. :P

They also said that you can destroy Megaton with a nuke, you'll have a mini-nuke launcher and a system where you can stop time and target the enemies' limbs, killing them in a cinematic fashion.
And they provided all these promises, and much more.

In other words, get over Oblivion... seriously...
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Elisha KIng
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Post » Tue Jul 26, 2011 1:41 am

- Can you damage the limbs of your enemies?

- How should I answer this? Yes, there is a kind of system, but not like in Fallout 3

sort of hints that locational damage is in :)
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Post » Tue Jul 26, 2011 12:15 pm

They also said that you can destroy Megaton with a nuke, you'll have a mini-nuke launcher and a system where you can stop time and target the enemies' limbs, killing them in a cinematic fashion.
And they provided all these promises, and much more.

In other words, get over Oblivion... seriously...

They also said you'd have to brave the inhospitable wasteland keeping your character alive managing radiation and searching for supplies (oh my char was perfectly fine wandering the waste, its not like they had to worry about anything but enemies, Radiaiton? ha frightning)

they also said the choices you make in Fo3 would have sweeping and game changing reprocussions in the game. ( I poisoned the water in Fo3...oh wait some random guy, ONE random guy dies lol...I blew up megaton...big whoopdy doo the game is none the lesser for it,)

Yeah, in other words challenge all PR talk until proven otherwise.
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carley moss
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Post » Tue Jul 26, 2011 7:06 am

Just wanted to add.....I would bet money that he's simply referring to power attacks having different directional options when you use the control stick. Otherwise it would require an entire thumbstick dedicated to the sword movement during combat. The only game I can think of like that was Obi-Wan, which was cool, but there's no way it could work in a first-person game like TES games.

I do like the news about the perks and removal of BS leveling techniques. That stuff is awesome!

Interesting, the new controls will take some getting used to.

I play on PC and use mouse to aim. If I have a sword in each hand, would they both be aimed in individual directions? Seems like they would both have to slash in the same direction (wherever I'm aiming with the mouse).
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Nicole Mark
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Post » Tue Jul 26, 2011 12:37 am

- In Oblivion, it was possible to find a unique unicorn. Is there such a thing in Skyrim too, for example an abominable snowman?

- I will not reveal everything here, this is a treat in the game! But yes, we have a hidden content, and it's not a unicorn.

Oh God, An ice dragon? :hubbahubba:

I will probably and literally almost fall off my char laughing if they threw in a Deathclaw in there as the hidden content :rofl:
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Post » Tue Jul 26, 2011 7:08 am

K 1. RPG means different things to different people.

2. Attributes never stopped you from Rping ....eva

3. PERKS are not included in the "definition" of RPG....

what say you..:bonk:

I never said that perks were part of RPG.

And I agree that RPG can mean different things to different people, I'm just sick of people who like attributes and think their opinions are fact when it comes to RPGs and stats :o
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