» Tue Dec 13, 2011 3:33 am
Notable quotes from Todd Howard http://www.gamasutra.com/php-bin/news_index.php?story=22418:
""You can pull up a review of Arena, our first Elder Scrolls games, and if you black out a few words, you can't tell what Elder Scrolls game it is, whether it's Daggerfall, Morrowind, or Oblivion," he said."
Yep, because every one of them will mention how it's full of bugs.
"Install base really doesn't matter," said Howard, kicking off the theme of making games based on passion, not equations -- and showing a pie graph demonstrating the Wii's formidable market share. "My comeback is, if install base really mattered, we'd all make board games, because there are a lot of tables."
There's where he told PC users they didn't matter.
"Howard called out Bethesda's marketing VP, Pete Hines, and argued that marketing must be a part of the development process from the beginning. Every piece of media a player sees prior to playing the game influences their expectations and perception of the experience itself."
And marketing is what Todd does best. He will lie like a [censored], 'cause afterhe's got your money it won't matter.
And a funny little side note. you know why they're taking so long getting you modders the "Creation Kit"?
It's because they know [censored]'s going to hit the fan when everyone who currently tries to deny it to themselves and others, and believe Bethesda's spin about the "new engine", sees that the "Creation Engine" is in fact nothing but good ol' Gamebryo heavily modified.