Paragraph #7;
They are also adopting this new EA Sports-style "live update" system that will let Bethesda tweak the data in their game almost immediately. If a quest isn't triggering because players are doing some unforeseen combination of actions, that might be addressable by tweaking the data tables that dictate the flow of events in the game. If the game is proving to be unbalanced in an unexpected way, that can be fixed on the fly too. And these fixes—Howard prefers to call them "improvements"— will take effect fast. "We can change stats on a sword and it will be available to everyone in a few hours," he said.
Elemental/Damage Resistance bugs are data-oriented. People have been making esp files on skyrimnexus that alters things similar to this such as damage perks and whatever.
Im also willing to bet that the dragons flying backward are "data-oriented" as well.
Fix it. By the end of the day. You said you can do it, so do it.