Repairing- Having to carry a bunch of hammers around with you wasn't necessary; it was annoying. It also had nothing to do with character variety.
Separate Greaves- If it gets rid of clipping to combine cuirass and greaves, and if it gives us more armor sets, then I'm all for it. And again, nothing to do with character variety.
Short/Long Swords- Have they confirmed that there aren't short swords in the game? Not that I see how that would be game-breaking, but I hadn't heard one way or the other.
Attributes- Numbers. From the raging debate on the forums alone, it's clear that this was only considered a necessity by some players. Still has nothing to do with character variety.
Evolving Athletics- Running and jumping everywhere just to level up a skill was tedious, not fun.
Etc.- Basically, none of the cut elements have a thing to do with the open-endedness of the game. The most important part of the Elder Scrolls series has always been the open world and the innovative skill-leveling system. Add Radiant Story, and you have a game with infinite variety. Doesn't make the game less complex. Doesn't make it less challenging. Just makes it more fun.
Yes, people need to understand that whatever Bethesda does is perfect and decreasing choices has nothing to do with decreased player choice!
"Variety" is a numbers game. It's math. When you decrease, say, the clothes options from separate shirts and pants to one-piece "outfits", what you have done is lowered player investment, as your have fewer options to make your character feel unique to you.
It's like if Bethesda had gotten rid of sliders on character generation and simply given us a bigger list of presets that you were forced to choose. They might look good, but again, it takes away from your ability to make a character feel your own.
Also, your logic on most of these simply doesn't add up at all.
Repairing- Having to carry a bunch of hammers around with you wasn't necessary; it was annoying. It also had nothing to do with character variety.
"Having to carry a bunch of healing potions or equip restoration spells isn't necessary, it's annoying. It has nothing to do with character variety."
This type of reasoning of what you personally find "annoying" is totally subjective, and could be used to justify anything.