So Todd & co. think head flying decaps is neat, but basi

Post » Fri Sep 23, 2011 3:29 am

Do we know there will be no nudity in the game? Have they said anything about it yet or were they asked about it before?
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Chris Jones
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Post » Fri Sep 23, 2011 1:44 am

If it's too much over the top, then the game won't be allowed to sell in certain places if any.
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Post » Fri Sep 23, 2011 2:31 pm

You know what... The issue regarding the absence of nudity is not soely based on the morality. The issue is that it is a video game with limitations on goals; those being Story, Combat, and Treasure for TES. The reason that nudity is not in, is very related to the reason that spears, athletics, acrobtics, and spellmaking are not in; the devs are focused on the important aspects of the game, and nudity and six are as unimportant as making sure your horse leaves fecal droppings on the trail behind you as you travel. I will admit that the rating system is another motivating factor, but it is not the primary in my opinion. Every game, no mater how pormographic it is, is still a video game. If you want to see nudity, then go find it in real life. Real life will always be the best video game for that. So please have the devs focus on the more important things, I want to see spears return way before they get something in as unimportant as nudity. The fact that the books in the game reference six in explicit terms is immersion enough, period. And those that are obssessed with having nuddity and six in the game are probably just as messed up as those who vehemently oppose it on supposed moral grounds. I personally do not care if it is in or not, as long as I also get to keep the in-game choice of abstinence as well if I so choose.

TES videogames are for the combat and exlporation in a wierd world without the conesquence of death. If you want six, then go find it in the real world.

The morality isn't tainted on the revelation of sixuality. Morality is found in the choices regarding sixuality. There is a major moral difference between consensual fornication and [censored], and no one can win a debate against that. It is the duty of the older generartion to teach the younger one these things, rather than hide their sins in futility. So even though I agree on the point of hipocrisy, I do not think it is a valid argument for bethesda to sacrifice time and resources into its implementation.

Two things you overlook.

One is that story(in terms of the set plot)/combat/treasure aren't there only concerns. Or more to the point, their notion of story includes increasing verisimilitude and personal story, enhanced by things like marraige and relationships and jobs, all of which they have put great effort into. So it is a fallacy to suggest that nudity somehow veers far away from anything they are trying to incorporate in the games.

The other point ommitted is that it really doesn't take a lot of developmental effort to get, say, bare asses in. No more than it takes to add in that big brown diaper.
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Post » Fri Sep 23, 2011 2:53 pm

Its mostly a cultural thing. Not that Skyrim needs nudity but its amazing how much we tolerate violence in America (six Saw movies, really???) and freak out over anything sixual. I say be uncomfortable with violence and educated about six.
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kirsty joanne hines
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Post » Fri Sep 23, 2011 5:16 pm

When people are all be breaking into throes of ecstasy because they can lop someone's head off in the game, but then making the wtf face about the notion of the game having any aspect of nudity. . . then yes, the facepalm is definitely in order.

Are people in ecstasy over decapitations? I haven't been here in a while.

But despite that, what does one gain from an ass or nudity in a videogame, if the game is not about nudity (or if the narrative doesn't require it to create a mood or something)? I general, I mean. What's the "profit"?
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Taylor Tifany
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Post » Fri Sep 23, 2011 12:15 pm

It is. And because of that, the behaviours and instincts that you support repressing by avoiding nudity, don't actually require any nudity to be activated.

Hang on, you appear to have mistaken my explanations of why this happens for my supporting its repression by avoiding it. I really couldn't care less about it. If I did, do you really think I'd have played Witcher 2 after having played the first KNOWING there would be sixual nudity involved?

And yes, if it matters in the least, I consider myself a conservative. And yes, the gratuitous violence is something I'd personally rather not have but it isn't something I'm going to rail against a company for including either.
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stevie critchley
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Post » Fri Sep 23, 2011 1:11 am

This is really a social issue, Bethesda can't escape existing in a sixually repressed (or at least morally confused) society.
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Skrapp Stephens
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Post » Fri Sep 23, 2011 4:22 pm

I personally think that they should have toggles for violence and nudity. Then everyone will be happy. I can choose to toggled both off while others may toggle both on. Would that make you content Ainur? I have a feeling that you are more frustrated with one being allowed but the other being taboo. I don't think you are saying that both are acceptable OR that both are unacceptable but rather confused by the expulsion of one but not the other. I understand that aspect and maybe a simple toggle would suffice. If parents are afraid of their kids or even teenagers getting their hands on nudity or violence then there should be password implementations to avoid the child becoming curious and switching it on. I wonder if that is something possible? Maybe a new movement in video games? I see no harm in a movement like that as it protects the rights and freedoms of all. A middle ground so-to-speak.

edit: I just realized a problem with that though... People will notice this and then want toggles for things like alcohol references in games and everything else. I guess people will just have to put up with the conflict of morality. You can't make toggles for everything.
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Trista Jim
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Post » Fri Sep 23, 2011 6:09 am

Are people in ecstasy over decapitations? I haven't been here in a while.

But despite that, what does one gain from an ass or nudity in a videogame, if the game is not about nudity (or if the narrative doesn't require it to create a mood or something)? I general, I mean. What's the "profit"?

A believable world.

Especially since TES is all about creating a large, interactive world for you to explore. I can not believe that there would not be some skin shown anywhere, at any time within the province of Skyrim.
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Post » Fri Sep 23, 2011 4:26 am

A perk for all the grisly desecrations of the slain that a quasi-psychotic heart could desire. Heads will fly and roll (a thing which no sane mind would ever hope to see in real life, and the sight of which has traumatized many a stout soildier). . . but bare buttocks that everyone has anyway, and that everyone on Earth knows the look of? Nah. That would be innappropriate :facepalm:

How very warped and disturbing. And before anyone starts spouting off about how basic, moderate nudity ( or frankly, in consideration of the new gore options, the lore related brothels and sensualist Religious Temples of Sanguine and Dibella) is superflous and innappropriate, I want you to stop and think about that contrast long and hard. . . a bare bum, versus someone's head being hacked off. Give it some SERIOUS thought, and then come back and give your comments on what is innappropriate, disturbing etc.

And this goes to the moderaters as well. I generally have great respect for our mods, but I cannot help noticing that there is a disproportionate heavy handedness on threads concering nudity etc. etc. but a MUCH more liberal hand towards threads of a violent nature. I know some of that is related to the fact that some forum members have a penchant for going overboard in their comments and being a little too graphic and purile. Nevertheless, it is a disturbing dichotomy.

I don't expect any alterations one way or the other, but I could not in good concience overlook this particular issue. It is interesting to see the devs behave with excessive sanctimony on an innocuous matter while evincing a casual satisfaction over grisly additives.

And for God's sake, don't bother to bring up the fact that the forums are for 13 and older. If you aren't mature enough to know that people have buttocks and to comment rationally on that fact of nature, then you certainly aren't mature enough to have ANY involvement in depictions of or discussions of decapitations. :verymad:

You speak a lot of sense, i think it's an american cultural thing, because in the UK TV shows can get away with more six than they can violence (but not too much of either). But for some reason, nudity and six seems to be more of a taboo than violence in US media. This is especially true for video games, for reasons largely unknown, but i would speculate that many ignorant people see video games as the past-time of children, and so any news story about six in video games is immediately sensational, "corrupting the youth etc etc" - anyone remember the fox "news" coverage of mass effect?
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Sista Sila
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Post » Fri Sep 23, 2011 2:46 pm

I haven't read all of this thread (because it's 8 pages and I'm lazy), but I'm on the "it's the culture in which the game was made" side. I think six and nudity can/could be handled well in games, but whether it will be received well by institutions like the rating board is a whole different matter. As it is, six and sixuality has always been represented in ES somewhere (and fairly well I think), so I'm not too fussed by it.
You can see how different places view six and stuff a bit in films I think - a film like The Sweetest Thing was rated 11 in Denmark, 15 in the UK, and R (which I think means you should be over 17) in USA.

Interesting to note maybe, but I think the last time I saw complete nudity in a game, it was when I was looking at brutally beaten dead women in LA Noire.
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Celestine Stardust
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Post » Fri Sep 23, 2011 4:56 pm

nudity is bad decapitation is good. this argument over. :brokencomputer:
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James Hate
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Post » Fri Sep 23, 2011 5:49 am

Tis' the way of the world.

Nudity is now commonly acossiated with perversion and fleshly desires, where as to me, nudity is a symbol of natural beauty and the miracle of human life. I only wish we could have a mature an outlook on nudity as those folks of the Renaissance did.
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Post » Fri Sep 23, 2011 9:05 am

Its mostly a cultural thing. Not that Skyrim needs nudity but its amazing how much we tolerate violence in America (six Saw movies, really???) and freak out over anything sixual. I say be uncomfortable with violence and educated about six.

Yeah I think I only saw the first Saw movie and I was surprised they could show something like that, but people are weird when it comes to six.

Interesting to note maybe, but I think the last time I saw complete nudity in a game, it was when I was looking at brutally beaten dead women in LA Noire.

The first Diablo game has naked people impaled on spears, but they're seen from the game's isometric view.
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Jeff Tingler
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Post » Fri Sep 23, 2011 10:17 am

Don't single out "Todd&co". It's not their fault; this is a problem with society and the way in which it arbitrarily decides what is or isn't appropriate.
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remi lasisi
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Post » Fri Sep 23, 2011 3:36 pm

It has nothing to do with the rating boards anymore. Nudity is M rated. They've had a few games in the past few years with floppy [censored] for jebus sake. Nudity, at this point in a game, has more to do with if the developer is comfortable with it and a lot of them shy away from it like it'll destroy them. I can see doing full frontal via no clothing on having issues do to players being able to manipulate dead bodies and the like though. That's about where I think it would kill it for this type of game. The older Conan approach of topless and g-string would get around it but that's still a bit awkward.

Just 2 primary examples but Red Dead had a topless women 'while' she was getting plowed directly on screen 'while' you talked with the guy who was giving it to her. And the more recent Noir game had an awful lot of naked dead women in it halfway through. Full frontal naked dead women. Hell a lot of that game was crazy messed up but that's kinda part of the job.

Anyways, point is, they aren't doing it cause they don't feel comfortable doing it, or there still scared of the rating board even though its accepted and would earn them the M rating they already have.

^This. Not that I am advocating anything as extreme as some of the examples cited, but you make the point well. As wrongheaded and backwards as the rating boards and culture are, games don't get insta-banned or advlt rated just for having partial nudity or implications of sixuality. And it doesn't tank their sales (See Fable, the Conan games, God of War, etc, etc,).

The devs have shyed away from nudity, by their own choice, while simultaneously putting significant effort into implementing features that allow players to desecrate the bodies of their foes, slaying them in over the top, graphic, gorepormographic displays. In doing this, the devs have not only bowed to and tacitly lent support to some of the most ludicrous standards in the industry/ratings system, they have also made an implicit judgement call. . . that gratuitous gore is somehow more appropriate than nudity.
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Samantha hulme
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Post » Fri Sep 23, 2011 12:00 pm

I personally think that they should have toggles for violence and nudity. Then everyone will be happy. I can choose to toggled both off while others may toggle both on. Would that make you content Ainur? I have a feeling that you are more frustrated with one being allowed but the other being taboo. I don't think you are saying that both are acceptable OR that both are unacceptable but rather confused by the expulsion of one but not the other. I understand that aspect and maybe a simple toggle would suffice. If parents are afraid of their kids or even teenagers getting their hands on nudity or violence then there should be password implementations to avoid the child becoming curious and switching it on. I wonder if that is something possible? Maybe a new movement in video games? I see no harm in a movement like that as it protects the rights and freedoms of all. A middle ground so-to-speak.

Toggles are great, and tying it into windows' content filtering system (I think all 'Games for Windows' do) would prevent children from accessing undesired content on PCs is always a good idea. Although, I do not know if consoles have user controlled content filters.

I do not even care if nudity is in Skyrim, but my desire for gore is just as lacking. I just think that a game is targeting a mature audience with the aspirations of creating a virtual, free-form world like TES it should include nudity. To be a quality game there should be depth to all aspects and the context of mature content should be well developed and presented in a tasteful manner. George RR Martin's 'Song of Fire and Ice' series has a lot of gratuitous six and violence that I think serves no purpose other than shock value and it reduced my opinion of his writing. Games should be held to as high of a standard as any other art form.
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Nitol Ahmed
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Post » Fri Sep 23, 2011 11:49 am

Ah but the wonders modders will create. I can already see the nudity mods day 1 of release. And let's not even mention the children related mods. It will be glorious and hilarious at the same time.
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Logan Greenwood
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Post » Fri Sep 23, 2011 12:55 pm

A believable world.

Especially since TES is all about creating a large, interactive world for you to explore. I can not believe that there would not be some skin shown anywhere, at any time within the province of Skyrim.

Not seeing naked people makes the world less believable? Sorry, I can't see how that works. The effect of such is so small that surely it isn't worth lamenting. I still don't see how seeing a pair of [censored] or someones ass benefits the gameplay.
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Post » Fri Sep 23, 2011 5:40 am


Edit: But anyways, i think nudity is just kind of lame having in a game. I feel like it's a cheap way to get people more interested :shrug:

You don't think "and as an added bonus, we've thrown it, at half the price, a special bonus move that lets you knock the local tavern wenches head clean off if she doesn't get your order right the first time!" is not an equally cheap and far more disturbing gimmick?
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Jade Muggeridge
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Post » Fri Sep 23, 2011 11:57 am

A perk for all the grisly desecrations of the slain that a quasi-psychotic heart could desire. Heads will fly and roll (a thing which no sane mind would ever hope to see in real life, and the sight of which has traumatized many a stout soildier). . . but bare buttocks that everyone has anyway, and that everyone on Earth knows the look of? Nah. That would be innappropriate :facepalm:

How very warped and disturbing. And before anyone starts spouting off about how basic, moderate nudity ( or frankly, in consideration of the new gore options, the lore related brothels and sensualist Religious Temples of Sanguine and Dibella) is superflous and innappropriate, I want you to stop and think about that contrast long and hard. . . a bare bum, versus someone's head being hacked off. Give it some SERIOUS thought, and then come back and give your comments on what is innappropriate, disturbing etc.

And this goes to the moderaters as well. I generally have great respect for our mods, but I cannot help noticing that there is a disproportionate heavy handedness on threads concering nudity etc. etc. but a MUCH more liberal hand towards threads of a violent nature. I know some of that is related to the fact that some forum members have a penchant for going overboard in their comments and being a little too graphic and purile. Nevertheless, it is a disturbing dichotomy.

I don't expect any alterations one way or the other, but I could not in good concience overlook this particular issue. It is interesting to see the devs behave with excessive sanctimony on an innocuous matter while evincing a casual satisfaction over grisly additives.

And for God's sake, don't bother to bring up the fact that the forums are for 13 and older. If you aren't mature enough to know that people have buttocks and to comment rationally on that fact of nature, then you certainly aren't mature enough to have ANY involvement in depictions of or discussions of decapitations. :verymad:

I couldn't agree with you more.
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Marine x
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Post » Fri Sep 23, 2011 7:02 am

This correlates directly - All it's going to take is one mainstream title to incorporate nudity, and the world will eat it up. Until then, the religious nuts are still in control and the conservative mindset remains supreme.

Wow, just WOW. You are a complete fool. I am of the right wing AND religious and I do not support our societies outlook on the human body in its purest form at all..
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Post » Fri Sep 23, 2011 2:19 pm

Since I was little, like six I read up on Egyptian, Roman, and Greek civilization (I was a strange child) and they weren't shy about the body, especially the latter two. I knew what briasts and other sixual organs looked like at a young age, so I'm not freaked out by seeing them even now. They're just body parts that serve a very integral (and fun) function. Really though it's the fault of the industry, not the company. Personally with our media being mired in loose six, greed, violence, and substance abuse, a little skin should be the last of our worries.
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Katie Pollard
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Post » Fri Sep 23, 2011 1:22 pm

You don't think "and as an added bonus, we've thrown it, at half the price, a special bonus move that lets you knock the local tavern wenches head clean off if she doesn't get your order right the first time!" is not an equally cheap and far more disturbing gimmick?

More to the point, why does nudity have to be evaluated as a selling point to the game at all? I'm pretty games that have previously used nudity in them haven't stamped "Hey, there's also boobs in here!". Lets stop objectifying this...
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Post » Fri Sep 23, 2011 2:55 pm

It's a culture thing in the US. For whatever reason, we seem to think that being nekkid is a big no no, but mutilating your still living form and making you watch your entrails being pulled out and put on display is just fine. I've seen comments from folks in Europe who think just the opposite - that full frontal nudity on both males and females is no big thing, but gratuitous gore and violence is unthinkable.

Since Bethesda is a US corporation, they are beholden to the whims of US law on the issue. Which is also why the ESRB seems to have fits over nudity as well.


And i am from Europe myself...
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