So Todd & co. think head flying decaps is neat, but basi

Post » Fri Sep 23, 2011 5:43 am

The exposed human body is bad, but the chopping off of heads and other violent acts aren't looked upon as badly. Its a strange world we live in. (Honestly, I think the gritty, more visceral combat with limb chopping and decaps will be a nice addition. The addition of nvde bodies in a video game won't likely happen, unless it can be done without an AO rating in my neck of the woods.) :tops:
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remi lasisi
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Post » Fri Sep 23, 2011 1:24 am

I think it's sad that the OP wants nudity enough to complain about this. Somebody is very frustrated.

... Annnnnnyway, it's not Bethesda's fault, nor is it "warped" as you suggest. It's just society. Due largely to our cultural histories (*cof cof* the Church *cof cof*) six is somehow considered to be immoral and evil. These are sad, odd people.
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Tom Flanagan
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Post » Fri Sep 23, 2011 12:25 pm

Nudity definitely has its place in a game like this. It's ridiculous it can't be
added by default, but since things are as things are here in the US, it can't.
After all, this is a country where you can be sent out to handle multi-million
dollar equipment. Kill people in droves, get killed too. But still be considered
too young to go down to the bar and buy a beer?!?!?!?

Thanks (insert favorite deity here) for mods is all I have to say.
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Lynette Wilson
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Post » Fri Sep 23, 2011 3:28 am

Well I don't really rely on games for titillation. I'd just rather my character go nvde than be in some advlt diaper. I completely agree with the OP. It's not just nudity that people are complety backwards about either, but six and sixuality in general.

Yeah, and i know that the peoples on this forum isn't supporting nudity for titillation. But i don't think it fits the whole TES thing anyways. And as stated before, i feel like it's a cheap trick to get others intrested, and i feel the game kinda lowers in quality that way. But i definatly know what your sayin, just that i don't suppoert the idea :shrug:
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Veronica Flores
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Post » Fri Sep 23, 2011 3:38 am

There are definitely places for six in the taverns/brothels as well as in quests. six is a huge motivator - an unbelievable number of history altering events have all spun out of this basic desire. I am not talking about pormographic displays in screen (Beth's animations aren't up to the job anyway :)). I am talking about points in the quest line where six plays a real part in the NPC's and possibly the player's actions.

Would make for a deeper game, but ain't gonna happen.
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Post » Fri Sep 23, 2011 5:24 pm

Why so much interest in nudity in games....
I really dont want to see any male parts so please keep nudity OUT.
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Post » Fri Sep 23, 2011 9:33 am

To sum up this thread and every other thread on this subject.

If you are for nudity in games you are a perv.
If you are against nudity in the games you are a prude.
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Kim Kay
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Post » Fri Sep 23, 2011 6:36 am


Ratings boards have their collective heads shoved up their collective rears when it comes to "moral standards".

I know the ratings boards are predominantly presided over by very bass ackwards individuals. I know that our culure and society has long been very dishonest, disparaging, hypocritical, in denial, illogical and irrational in matters not only of actual sixuality, but even of basic nudity unrelated to any focal sixual overtures. And I know that our culture is very lopsided and backwardly warped in its balancing of six vs. violence on many levels. I don't blame the devs for that, but I do take issue with them feeding into the foolishness and kow towing so completely to it, even beyond the point of what would be required to keep their desired rating.

DOA 3 with a teen rating had some basic nudity scenes. Fable, as a franchise, has had brothels galore and skimpy outfits for the employees of those establishments (and keep in mind, it is generic partial nudity, not sixual content, which I mainly geared this thread towards, though in a thorough conversation, the brothels bear at least a passing mention), and all maintained their rating integrity.

It seems, therefore, to be a personal choice not entirely dictated by boards, ratings and standards, that the devs should include grisly execution options for the game, but treat nudity et al as some unapproachable taboo. And that has a disturbing subtext.

Some might ask why bother with any aspect of nudity etc., but the more obvious question in a game struggling to be ever more verisimilitudinous, is why go out of the way to avoid and ignore it whilst revelling in goreporm. And lets be honest, animations for explicitly graphic violence are done, at least in part, to cater to the disturbing bloodlust of a certain section of the audience. You have all seen some of the same posts and pleas I have, in which people seem to approach an almost sixual level of excitment. . . at the notion of having extremely graphic brutality. And the same people often turn around and act holier than though about inqueries over something as basic and frankly natural as partial nudity etc.

Something is rotten in The State of Denmark. And it isn't the bottoms. Its those rotting, impaled heads. :shakehead:
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Post » Fri Sep 23, 2011 6:27 am

I wouldn't want nudity for the sake of nudity.
If there was a very plausible, fitting reason for nudity, I'd like it. Just because it's in the lore does not make it fitting. You need to think about the game specific game you're creating and that as a whole; what you really want to achieve, etc.

Ratings have nothing to do with this. Todd said himself before that he doesn't care about ratings when making games. Bethesda make the game the way they want and don't let any ratings box them in.

They would backpedal real quick on that if the ESRB slapped them with an AO rating, which would mean almost all major retailers wouldn't sell the game :laugh:
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Ownie Zuliana
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Post » Fri Sep 23, 2011 4:44 pm

Why so much interest in nudity in games....
I really dont want to see any male parts so please keep nudity OUT.

You'd like Daggerfall then. Women get boobs and men get the Ken doll.

I agree with hlvr, no nudity just for the sake of nudity.
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A Boy called Marilyn
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Post » Fri Sep 23, 2011 1:38 am


Edit: But anyways, i think nudity is just kind of lame having in a game. I feel like it's a cheap way to get people more interested :shrug:

I actually agree, to some extent. Things like implied six, or semi-nvde bodies and stuff is okay with me, but why is full nudity important to so many? I rather have decapitations(nothing major IMO, not like Fallout, and if it is optional I won't go for them) than nudity in TES since a large part of the game is based on exploration and with that comes combat since we all know Tamriel is a dangerous place.

Can someone please give a situation where nudity is required? I don't think it is any.

Edit: I agree with hlvr, no nudity just for the sake of nudity.
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Samantha Jane Adams
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Post » Fri Sep 23, 2011 2:11 pm

You can argue Todd's beliefs as he could argue yours. The truth remains that everyone is entitled to believe what they want in terms of morality and you can't change it.
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Post » Fri Sep 23, 2011 4:11 pm

Kids generally aren't going on violent murder sprees.

Kids will have crazy orgies in high school if they aren't instructed otherwise.

It's pretty basic actually, and makes a lot of sense. You control what is a problem.

It is a double standard of course, just that violence isn't really a problem for the vast majority, while six and the troubles that come with it are.
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Daniel Brown
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Post » Fri Sep 23, 2011 3:34 am

To sum up this thread and every other thread on this subject.

If you are for nudity in games you are a perv.
If you are against nudity in the games you are a prude.

Sounds like lose/lose to me. In that case, gratuitous violence and gore it is then.
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Sista Sila
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Post » Fri Sep 23, 2011 2:40 pm

Nudity definitely has its place in a game like this.

Would make for a deeper game, but ain't gonna happen.

Couldn't disagree more. I'm a fairly liberal person when it comes to nudity and six and I couldn't care less if it was in Skyrim or not but if it was it would seem really out of place and add nothing of value to the game.
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Adrian Powers
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Post » Fri Sep 23, 2011 4:36 am

The uncensored version of that would have received an AO rating in the US.

What are you saying? I live in the US and it is rated M. Shoot over to youtube and see if yourself.
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chirsty aggas
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Post » Fri Sep 23, 2011 9:29 am

It's a culture thing in the US. For whatever reason, we seem to think that being nekkid is a big no no, but mutilating your still living form and making you watch your entrails being pulled out and put on display is just fine. I've seen comments from folks in Europe who think just the opposite - that full frontal nudity on both males and females is no big thing, but gratuitous gore and violence is unthinkable.

Since Bethesda is a US corporation, they are beholden to the whims of US law on the issue. Which is also why the ESRB seems to have fits over nudity as well.

This. In Germany violence is frowned upon, but nudity is ok. We even have TV commercials that show nvde women close up (for shower gel for example) and they show it no matter what time of day it is. We laughed about 'nipblegate'. But violence? In Half-Life (first part) they had to replace the human soldiers with robots and make their 'blood' green to be able to get a decent rating. Skyrim could have a nvde girls everywhere and still get a 16+ rating, but the decapitation feature will probably be a problem in Germany.

While the 'violence in computer games' discussion in Germany is pretty hysteric (they like to call shooters 'killer games' and blame them for school massacres) I also think that it absolutely doesn't make any sense how nudity is handled in the US. Especially in comparison to violence.
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Carlos Vazquez
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Post » Fri Sep 23, 2011 4:52 am

I heard that when Todd sees briasts in a game he says "BOOBIES!" and finds them distracting.
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Jessica Raven
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Post » Fri Sep 23, 2011 5:08 am

It is like saying Schindler's List should be an NC-17 movie because of nudity....

Sometimes the craziness allows me to understand how atrocities can be considered acceptable. People are using it as a way to deal with frustration, anger, and helplessness on a primal level. It has nothing to do with decency and everything to do with feeling control in a chaotic world.
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matt oneil
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Post » Fri Sep 23, 2011 4:00 pm

Nudity in game is disgusting.

If I wanna see "buttocks", I'll look at my wife ;)
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bonita mathews
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Post » Fri Sep 23, 2011 5:42 am

Just remember what the MPAA says: Horrific, deplorable violence is okay, as long as nobody says any naughty words.
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Liv Staff
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Post » Fri Sep 23, 2011 9:18 am

This thread reminds me a comic from "Scandinavia and the World" ... ;) :D
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Sandeep Khatkar
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Post » Fri Sep 23, 2011 2:53 am

A perk for all the grisly desecrations of the slain that a quasi-psychotic heart could desire. Heads will fly and roll (a thing which no sane mind would ever hope to see in real life, and the sight of which has traumatized many a stout soildier). . . but bare buttocks that everyone has anyway, and that everyone on Earth knows the look of? Nah. That would be innappropriate :facepalm:

How very warped and disturbing. And before anyone starts spouting off about how basic, moderate nudity ( or frankly, in consideration of the new gore options, the lore related brothels and sensualist Religious Temples of Sanguine and Dibella) is superflous and innappropriate, I want you to stop and think about that contrast long and hard. . . a bare bum, versus someone's head being hacked off. Give it some SERIOUS thought, and then come back and give your comments on what is innappropriate, disturbing etc.

And this goes to the moderaters as well. I generally have great respect for our mods, but I cannot help noticing that there is a disproportionate heavy handedness on threads concering nudity etc. etc. but a MUCH more liberal hand towards threads of a violent nature. I know some of that is related to the fact that some forum members have a penchant for going overboard in their comments and being a little too graphic and purile. Nevertheless, it is a disturbing dichotomy.

I don't expect any alterations one way or the other, but I could not in good concience overlook this particular issue. It is interesting to see the devs behave with excessive sanctimony on an innocuous matter while evincing a casual satisfaction over grisly additives.

And for God's sake, don't bother to bring up the fact that the forums are for 13 and older. If you aren't mature enough to know that people have buttocks and to comment rationally on that fact of nature, then you certainly aren't mature enough to have ANY involvement in depictions of or discussions of decapitations. :verymad:

I so totally agree with everything you say! This has been my biggest beef with the games in this series all along. But frankly speaking from personal experience, this imbalanced sense of allowing ever more detailed gore on the one hand and acting scandalized over exposed buttocks or briasts is for the most part a cultural bigotry of where the game originates. Fortunately there are Moders who will remedy that in short time, undoubtedly.
Anyone who really believes that today's 13 year old is not ready to see a naked bum lives in a monastery on top of a mountain.
Alas thanks to the rules that make society feel better and pretend these issues don't exist, the hands of game developers will continue to be tied.
We really should not be surprised that in a society that glorifies war decapitation in a game is acceptable and nudity is not.
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Post » Fri Sep 23, 2011 12:18 pm

I think the nudity part is actually based on principels, and not that he actually have an urge for nudity right now...

Yah, I was trying to get at that. I was mostly joking about the internet stuff. I edited my post about 5 times in a row having left several things unfinished, and I point that out in it now.
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Celestine Stardust
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Post » Fri Sep 23, 2011 10:26 am

It's easy to read between the lines of some post and see they are just uncomfortable with nudity.
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Jamie Lee
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