So Todd & co. think head flying decaps is neat, but basi

Post » Fri Sep 23, 2011 2:59 pm

People please, politics is a forbidden subject on this site.
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Post » Fri Sep 23, 2011 11:51 am

Sounds like lose/lose to me. In that case, gratuitous violence and gore it is then.

Most of these discussion are lose/lose. There are some people who have decent comments, but the overall the discussions pretty much never go well. It isn't really surprising it is a morality commentary one way or the other, it has about the same chance of success as a topic on religion.
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Post » Fri Sep 23, 2011 2:01 am

This. In Germany violence is frowned upon, but nudity is ok. We even have TV commercials that show nvde women close up (for shower gel for example) and they show it no matter what time of day it is. We laughed about 'nipblegate'. But violence? In Half-Life (first part) they had to replace the human soldiers with robots and make their 'blood' green to be able to get a decent rating. Skyrim could have a nvde girls everywhere and still get a 16+ rating, but the decapitation feature will probably be a problem in Germany.

While the 'violence in computer games' discussion in Germany is pretty hysteric (they like to call shooters 'killer games' and blame them for school massacres) I also think that it absolutely doesn't make any sense how nudity is handled in the US. Especially in comparison to violence.

Don't forget the legal prosttutes and easily findable heroin. Ah, fond memories.
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Reven Lord
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Post » Fri Sep 23, 2011 4:25 pm

I heard that when Todd sees briasts in a game he says "BOOBIES!" and finds them distracting.

LOL... I heard that too :)
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Julie Ann
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Post » Fri Sep 23, 2011 2:36 am


Ratings boards have their collective heads shoved up their collective rears when it comes to "moral standards".

It's not just ratings boards, it's pervasive throughout American culture. We're a nation of warmongering prudes.
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Post » Fri Sep 23, 2011 7:50 am

I think excessive gore is unneccesary. I mean, I think non-gory decapitation and maybe limb removal is the limit. Fallout 3 style, while fun, was pushing unrealism for the sake of gorn.

Also I think we should leave nudity out of games like this. Its really unneccesary and its a gimmick.
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jessica robson
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Post » Fri Sep 23, 2011 3:39 am

Does anything concerning the aesthetic look and feel of a game ever really add anything to a game ? Do freedoms over minor matters ever really matter ? Well the answer is yes, I prefer TES over many other fantasy titles because of how realistic and nice the scenery can be, where in a game such as WoW you may walk through hallways of screaming scarlet colors TES will give you a dark and dreary hallways of stone with cracks and flaws. Yet with all the attention to the feel and details of the game for some reason everyone wears the same pair of underwear and no one ever takes them off (in fact no one ever takes anything off which has been a small gripe of mine, those Imperial guards sure love sleeping in their armor...) which is totally unreasonable.

Adamus Phillida doesn't even go swimming in the nvde, he'd rather soak his only pair of underwear (at least if the lack of other underwear in his house is any indicator of that :facepalm: another problem with the feel of the game, everyone is in underwear but no one owns any spares...)

So yes, nudity would add to the feel of the game.

Yes, if you read two sentences past the part of my post you highlighted, you would have seen how I pointed out it was a highly individual thing. Some people it will make a great difference too, but they are in the mast minority. The minority has mods to cater to things that Bethesda doesn't have the time or desire to cater to. That is what is special about TES. The mod tools and mod community.
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Gisela Amaya
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Post » Fri Sep 23, 2011 7:14 am

It's not just ratings boards, it's pervasive throughout American culture. We're a nation of warmongering prudes.

It seems to me like that's just whose in the media though. I really don't know a lot of people who are offended by nudity. Even my parents watch movies with nudity with no problem.

I lived in Alaska though. :celebration:
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Robyn Lena
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Post » Fri Sep 23, 2011 1:30 pm

Kids generally aren't going on violent murder sprees.

Kids will have crazy orgies in high school if they aren't instructed otherwise.

It's pretty basic actually, and makes a lot of sense. You control what is a problem.

It is a double standard of course, just that violence isn't really a problem for the vast majority, while six and the troubles that come with it are.

We don't have that problem in the Netherlands, why would it be any different in the USA?

More importantly, how did you get that info? Did you take part in a scientific experiment?
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Jose ordaz
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Post » Fri Sep 23, 2011 8:23 am

It's easy to read between the lines of some post and see they are just uncomfortable with nudity.

Some maybe, but I believe most think it is unnecessary to have nudity for the sake of nudity. Decapitations and some gore(not Fallout amount) would actually make sense since about 1/4 or 1/3 of the character building options are based around melee combat. I think that implied six and semi-nudity will be more than enough to cover most of the possible situations you can get in Skyrim, and most other games.
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Louise Andrew
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Post » Fri Sep 23, 2011 11:17 am

Great post, but i think everyone who cares about this should be emailing their government representatives (and save that address for future use). Many rep do read their messages, email and otherwise, Ive gotten 2 personalized return emailing back from my state rep here in Washington state.

and swearing also.... Is there anything wrong with poop? So whats wrong with the use of sh!t? Answer: we've been brainwashed (at least here in the US) since we were young. How about the F word... is there anything wrong with six? Can being called a f'er be anything but a compliment? No, and its a wonder we haven't nuked ourselves with all our contrived values.

To others: Its not about nudity being a desire, well....for me, its about the restriction of it where it might be appropriate to a virtual reality experience. What, do you think he wants everyone to be nvde all the time? Ugh...

About gore: Agree, waste processing power imo, and you just have to wonder about those who love it... it can be realistic though if interested in experiencing the horrors of war.
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Post » Fri Sep 23, 2011 5:26 am

What are you saying? I live in the US and it is rated M. Shoot over to youtube and see if yourself.

I don't need Youtube. I've played the game. The nudity that is there is passable - but just barely - for maintaining an M rating. I'm referring to the six scenes which ARE censored and WOULD net an AO rating if they had been left in place for the US version. They probably just barely held the M because the nudity isn't gratuitous. It's only in very select situations that you don't require in order to finish the game.
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Taylrea Teodor
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Post » Fri Sep 23, 2011 4:10 pm

Nudity definitely has its place in a game like this. It's ridiculous it can't be
added by default, but since things are as things are here in the US, it can't.
After all, this is a country where you can be sent out to handle multi-million
dollar equipment. Kill people in droves, get killed too. But still be considered
too young to go down to the bar and buy a beer?!?!?!?

Thanks (insert favorite deity here) for mods is all I have to say.

Maybe there could be a restricted censored version for the US? Like the violence restricted version for Germany. Just blur the offending areas?

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Mandi Norton
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Post » Fri Sep 23, 2011 3:54 pm

it's because it is an American game and in America it is less of a morality issue to see violence than nudity. You can't fight an entire nation with your game you intend to make money with. If you don't like it then go register to vote. When it comes to ethics and morality you can beat your head against the wall because you feel your morality makes more sense than the next guy but I can assure you he is also thinking the same way. Who is right? Who cares? Just understand nothing is going to change from a forum post. Nothing may ever change in regards to how nudity is perceived and you can't really help that. Oh, and before you think that those individuals are "stubborn" take a look at yourself and realize just how stubborn you are as well. Do you see someone convincing you that nudity is worse than violence? No, because you have already made up your mind.
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Deon Knight
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Post » Fri Sep 23, 2011 10:12 am

I think it will take a game focusing on presenting nudity in as many ways as possible that are not considered erotic for people to see that nudity itself does not produce the desire to perform sixual acts. Perhaps there are just too many people who can not see the difference between nudity and erotica.
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Alyesha Neufeld
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Post » Fri Sep 23, 2011 2:56 pm

It's a social double standard in general. I know most parents will let kids watch violent stuff, but never sixual stuff/porm.

For example - You can show death/violence on TV, but nudity for the most part has to be blurred or not shown at all.

The worst part is , this makes no sense. How is killing people worse than showing the human body, one is pain/suffering the other one is billions of years of evolved perfection :cryvaultboy:

Because nudity is equated with sixuality, and sixuality is something that is culturally considered to be a very private and personal thing, for good reason.

I dont think violence is good, but its not really a personal thing, its simply a tragedy we have to accept that we will be exposed to in the news. We see death openly and deal with it, even hear about killings. I dont think it is right either way.
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Hope Greenhaw
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Post » Fri Sep 23, 2011 2:11 pm

Can someone explain how nudity will add any value to the game and where it would fit in? i.e. where would u expect to see nudity?
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DAVId MArtInez
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Post » Fri Sep 23, 2011 4:38 am

-WTF you watching porm?!
-Nah, just watching some heads getting chopped off.
-Oh, well then, alright.

Regardless I love that decaps are in, and nudity is not.
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lucy chadwick
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Post » Fri Sep 23, 2011 1:34 am

I don't need Youtube. I've played the game. The nudity that is there is passable - but just barely - for maintaining an M rating. I'm referring to the six scenes which ARE censored and WOULD net an AO rating if they had been left in place for the US version. They probably just barely held the M because the nudity isn't gratuitous. It's only in very select situations that you don't require in order to finish the game.

Are you saying they were cut or edited post production? You keep using the word "censored" like a blur appears on the screen during certain parts.
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Post » Fri Sep 23, 2011 7:42 am

Can someone explain how nudity will add any value to the game and where it would fit in? i.e. where would u expect to see nudity?

Immersion, artistic value. A brothel?
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John Moore
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Post » Fri Sep 23, 2011 3:30 am

A perk for all the grisly desecrations of the slain that a quasi-psychotic heart could desire. Heads will fly and roll (a thing which no sane mind would ever hope to see in real life, and the sight of which has traumatized many a stout soildier). . . but bare buttocks that everyone has anyway, and that everyone on Earth knows the look of? Nah. That would be innappropriate :facepalm:

How very warped and disturbing. And before anyone starts spouting off about how basic, moderate nudity ( or frankly, in consideration of the new gore options, the lore related brothels and sensualist Religious Temples of Sanguine and Dibella) is superflous and innappropriate, I want you to stop and think about that contrast long and hard. . . a bare bum, versus someone's head being hacked off. Give it some SERIOUS thought, and then come back and give your comments on what is innappropriate, disturbing etc.

And this goes to the moderaters as well. I generally have great respect for our mods, but I cannot help noticing that there is a disproportionate heavy handedness on threads concering nudity etc. etc. but a MUCH more liberal hand towards threads of a violent nature. I know some of that is related to the fact that some forum members have a penchant for going overboard in their comments and being a little too graphic and purile. Nevertheless, it is a disturbing dichotomy.

I don't expect any alterations one way or the other, but I could not in good concience overlook this particular issue. It is interesting to see the devs behave with excessive sanctimony on an innocuous matter while evincing a casual satisfaction over grisly additives.

And for God's sake, don't bother to bring up the fact that the forums are for 13 and older. If you aren't mature enough to know that people have buttocks and to comment rationally on that fact of nature, then you certainly aren't mature enough to have ANY involvement in depictions of or discussions of decapitations. :verymad:

i agree, personally i don't like the idea about decapitations; ever since those horrific videos on youtube.
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Laurenn Doylee
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Post » Fri Sep 23, 2011 9:22 am

Some maybe, but I believe most think it is unnecessary to have nudity for the sake of nudity. Decapitations and some gore(not Fallout amount) would actually make sense since about 1/4 or 1/3 of the character building options are based around melee combat. I think that implied six and semi-nudity will be more than enough to cover most of the possible situations you can get in Skyrim, and most other games.

Yeah, agreed, semi-nudity and implied six would be more than enough. I can not see any reasons why it should be more than that? Do you really have to see every detail? (To put it like that)
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Post » Fri Sep 23, 2011 5:16 pm

Stupid American gaming company making a game in an American mindset.

I dont want skyrim to have nudity, and thats just beacuse i would like to play it while my kids are awake. I still havent lived down the Read Dead Redemption "six scene"
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Jade MacSpade
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Post » Fri Sep 23, 2011 2:30 pm

Yeah, agreed, semi-nudity and implied six would be more than enough. I can not see any reasons why it should be more than that? Do you really have to see every detail? (To put it like that)

Yes and the violence should be replaced by a blurry screen with a sound effect to imply that the sword connected with something, followed by a text box that says "You hit for 67 damage".
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Post » Fri Sep 23, 2011 5:21 am

All it's going to take is ONE brave title (most likely to be GTA) to incorporate it, and people will start to realize that it's not a big deal.

GTA IV had nudity, full frontal male nudity, at that.
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