So Todd & co. think head flying decaps is neat, but basi

Post » Fri Sep 23, 2011 4:57 am

Stupid American gaming company making a game in an American mindset.

I dont want skyrim to have nudity, and thats just beacuse i would like to play it while my kids are awake. I still havent lived down the Read Dead Redemption "six scene"

I think your kids will get a nightmare sooner from the gore then a nipble.
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Post » Fri Sep 23, 2011 1:27 am

I heard that when Todd sees briasts in a game he says "BOOBIES!" and finds them distracting.

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Lifee Mccaslin
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Post » Fri Sep 23, 2011 3:17 am

Again, it comes down not to the point that the game should or should not have nudity but the fact that it seems like there is a disapproval to this feature. Nobody can really tell if nudity will fit Skyrim or not because that is something only the developers can decide. You can't honestly say.. "Skyrim doesn't need nudity", how can you tell? What if nudity would be required to show some specific situation on the game? We don't know... It just comes down to the point that there seems to be a disapproval to using it, while things like decapitations and such are clearly acceptable (i have no issues with gore either btw) which makes it kinda controversial.
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Solène We
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Post » Fri Sep 23, 2011 12:28 pm

Yes, if you read two sentences past the part of my post you highlighted, you would have seen how I pointed out it was a highly individual thing. Some people it will make a great difference too, but they are in the mast minority. The minority has mods to cater to things that Bethesda doesn't have the time or desire to cater to. That is what is special about TES. The mod tools and mod community.

I did read it all and I understand your view, but since the question was brought up I wished to expand upon it by answering it from the viewpoint of someone who does feel it would add to the game :P Not really a personal quote against you but rather just a general one against the underlined part, I should probably just have asked the question though and answered it myself now that I think about it.

There isn't unlimited time to make Skyrim yes but perhaps the viewpoints of the TES community at this current time will influence the next game, just maybe they will decide "you know what, people should bathe in their birthday suits" in TES:VI :D
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Scott Clemmons
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Post » Fri Sep 23, 2011 7:06 am

Stupid American gaming company making a game in an American mindset.

I dont want skyrim to have nudity, and thats just beacuse i would like to play it while my kids are awake. I still havent lived down the Read Dead Redemption "six scene"

Im not trying to imply something, and sorry if this will be taken "hostile"... But is really decap better to that kids watch? I mean, sooner or later they will learn about, and experience six. And decap most people wont experience at all. But too don't want Skyrim to have nudity, and i like decap, aslong as it seems realistic, and rare.

Edit: lol, just saw that there was some serrious grammar errors there... sorry about that :)
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brandon frier
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Post » Fri Sep 23, 2011 1:25 pm

Because nudity is equated with sixuality, and sixuality is something that is culturally considered to be a very private and personal thing, for good reason.

I dont think violence is good, but its not really a personal thing, its simply a tragedy we have to accept that we will be exposed to in the news. We see death openly and deal with it, even hear about killings. I dont think it is right either way.

exactly! You can't argue someone else's morality because they could easily question yours. We live in a world where we all have different opinions and beliefs. svcks for all of us when beliefs conflict but you do the best you can by voting and maintaining and practicing your beliefs IN YOUR HOME. Getting angry, upset or up in arms won't fix anything.
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Caroline flitcroft
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Post » Fri Sep 23, 2011 12:13 pm

Immersion, artistic value. A brothel?

Immersion? So seeing some briasts in a game keeps you immersed in it? Thats pretty sad....and this is coming from a guy who looks a porm on the net frequently, lol. Artistic value? are you kidding me? That is just laughable, I'm sure everyone wants briasts in the game in order to boost its artistic integrity, give me a break. There are no brothel's in the TES series.
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ILy- Forver
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Post » Fri Sep 23, 2011 2:27 pm

Can someone explain how nudity will add any value to the game and where it would fit in? i.e. where would u expect to see nudity?

It could be used in a scene to emphasize vulnerability (prisoners like the gas showers in Schindler's List), prowess (any gladiator movie), control/submission (scantily clad servants), etc... In any of those situations the nudity need not be erotic, but in all of them it creates a gut response.
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Jonathan Windmon
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Post » Fri Sep 23, 2011 4:38 am

Yes and the violence should be replaced by a blurry screen with a sound effect to imply that the sword connected with something, followed by a text box that says "You hit for 67 damage".

This. It's a shame that we can't have a more immersive game simply because some people are ashamed of something that's only natural.
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maya papps
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Post » Fri Sep 23, 2011 2:57 pm

Because nudity is equated with sixuality, and sixuality is something that is culturally considered to be a very private and personal thing, for good reason.

I dont think violence is good, but its not really a personal thing, its simply a tragedy we have to accept that we will be exposed to in the news. We see death openly and deal with it, even hear about killings. I dont think it is right either way.

Lol, but losing your head in a melee fight is not a very private and personal thing?

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KU Fint
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Post » Fri Sep 23, 2011 1:50 pm

Couldn't disagree more. I'm a fairly liberal person when it comes to nudity and six and I couldn't care less if it was in Skyrim or not but if it was it would seem really out of place and add nothing of value to the game.

Couldn't disagree more. Having brothels, 'working girls', maybe barmaids too, etc. existing in game, selling their 'goods' too. Short cut scene with nudity. (the act itself does not have to be shown). Would add a lot to the atmosphere of the game advlt-wise. What kind of a place do you really think Skyrim would of been if it had, been? Happy ponies little paradise land? I am an advlt. Why would I not like games to be, advlt as well? If I can drink, get drunk in the game, and If I can go out and decapitate people and mercilessly slaying people and beasts to my hearts content. I sure as hell can handle getting a little fun in the sack. I want it in game, because it would make the whole world that much more believable. Not for the six act itself. For that, I have a wife. Not holding my breath though waiting for it to happen in a vanilla game. But again, that's where mods come in.
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carly mcdonough
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Post » Fri Sep 23, 2011 8:12 am

I think your kids will get a nightmare sooner from the gore then a nipble.

I find it easy to play off, oh he was a bad man.

Cant play off a nipble. Its just there.
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Matthew Aaron Evans
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Post » Fri Sep 23, 2011 12:52 am

Immersion? So seeing some briasts in a game keeps you immersed in it? Thats pretty sad....and this is coming from a guy who looks a porm on the net frequently, lol. Artistic value? are you kidding me? That is just laughable, I'm sure everyone wants briasts in the game in order to boost its artistic integrity, give me a break. There are no brothel's in the TES series.

There were acually a brothel in Morrowind called Desele's House of Earthly Delights.
Still think implied six and semi-nudity is enough.
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bonita mathews
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Post » Fri Sep 23, 2011 2:52 pm

Couldn't disagree more. Having brothels, 'working girls', maybe barmaids too, etc. existing in game, selling their 'goods' too. Short cut scene with nudity. (the act itself does not have to be shown). Would add a lot to the atmosphere of the game advlt-wise. What kind of a place do you really think Skyrim would of been if it had, been? Happy ponies little paradise land? I am an advlt. Why would I not like games to be, advlt as well? If I can drink, get drunk in the game, and If I can go out and decapitate people and mercilessly slaying people and beasts to my hearts content. I sure as hell can handle getting a little fun in the sack. I want it in game, because it would make the whole world that much more believable. Not for the six act itself. For that, I have a wife. Not holding my breath though waiting for it to happen in a vanilla game. But again, that's where mods come in.

I believe Skyrim would be like the rest of the provinces and games of the TES series that didnt have brothels. That is my point, to add them and nudity in now would just seem out of place.
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Frank Firefly
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Post » Fri Sep 23, 2011 12:49 pm

Immersion? So seeing some briasts in a game keeps you immersed in it? Thats pretty sad....and this is coming from a guy who looks a porm on the net frequently, lol. Artistic value? are you kidding me? That is just laughable, I'm sure everyone wants briasts in the game in order to boost its artistic integrity, give me a break. There are no brothel's in the TES series.

It wont give any less immersion then decapitation.
Artistic value, not kidding, and weak counter argument, you will see when you find a nvde statue in the game (which is allowed oddly).
I dunno about brothels in the game, but there are dungeons, and dungeons are used to torture people, including women. Do have to explain this one?
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josie treuberg
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Post » Fri Sep 23, 2011 2:14 am

Say Skyrim has full nudity, then what next, npcs that urinate in streams and defecate in the bushes? I have no desire to see things like that. Decapitation is a combat feature, and for most of the game that's what you'll be doing.
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Anna Kyselova
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Post » Fri Sep 23, 2011 10:14 am

We don't have that problem in the Netherlands, why would it be any different in the USA?

More importantly, how did you get that info? Did you take part in a scientific experiment?

NL parents allow their teenage kids to have six freely, hence the low teenage pregnancy rates, the parents give them condems. This is a nightmare for most other countries in the world, morally.

It's the equivalent of saying "we can't control drug use, so lets just give them drugs" - youth suicide rates are up 50% in the last 5 years in NL, everybody is on antidepressants to deal with the depression that comes from dropping moral fortitude.

On the other hand, US gun death rates are dramatically higher than the rest of the world; same problem reversed.

So the logic stands:

Acceptable violence = more violence (obvious problem)
Acceptable free-for-all six = more six (problem, with not so obvious repercussions)
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Jose ordaz
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Post » Fri Sep 23, 2011 8:02 am

Perhaps if people were shown more situations where a nvde person is not performing or inviting erotic activities it will be easier for people to think about it without sixual acts coming to mind.
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Anna Kyselova
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Post » Fri Sep 23, 2011 10:56 am

In a game where the most key game mechanic is killing decapitations are something people can expect. Nudity is unnecessary and has nothing to do with anything in the game. When you want fighting and decapitation, play Skyrim. If you want nudity then play a game that's based on that.
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Post » Fri Sep 23, 2011 5:18 pm

Seems some people argue it adds immersion.


Regardless, I think they have better stuff to be working on then making sure teenagers/advlts get to enjoy their pixelated boobs.
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Epul Kedah
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Post » Fri Sep 23, 2011 3:07 am

If you want nudity that bad get a girlfriend
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Wayne W
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Post » Fri Sep 23, 2011 3:47 pm

I used to download Alot of mods for Oblivion on the Nexus site. And sometimes I saw some Nudity mods going around. From the regular moderators I have saw topics About the Line of the Mods and nudity. Luckily there is a line for when it gets to innapropiate, but that doesn't stop perverted guys that mod for themselfs and can get a bit to extreme with ''nudity''.etc Anyways This doesn't really bother me but still.
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Ashley Clifft
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Post » Fri Sep 23, 2011 1:58 am

I believe Skyrim would be like the rest of the provinces and games of the TES series that didnt have brothels. That is my point, to add them and nudity in now would just seem out of place.

Then some of the temples in Daggerfall would seem very out of place to you.

Nudity is not something out of place in TES. In fact, it was a joke about how the Dunmer in Morrowind were prudes.
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Epul Kedah
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Post » Fri Sep 23, 2011 3:24 pm

In a game where the most key game mechanic is killing decapitations are something people can expect. Nudity is unnecessary and has nothing to do with anything in the game. When you want fighting and decapitation, play Skyrim. If you want nudity then play a game that's based on that.

I think most people feel pervy making virtual love, understandably, as it is pervy LOL. At least have the decency to use a REAL human being for your fap fap.

Alternatively 'violence' is the core mechanic for 90% of games, and I doubt people are drawing actual angry feelings of violence while gaming. (save those select few psychos)
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Post » Fri Sep 23, 2011 6:48 am

Call it American hypocracy.
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