How very warped and disturbing. And before anyone starts spouting off about how basic, moderate nudity ( or frankly, in consideration of the new gore options, the lore related brothels and sensualist Religious Temples of Sanguine and Dibella) is superflous and innappropriate, I want you to stop and think about that contrast long and hard. . . a bare bum, versus someone's head being hacked off. Give it some SERIOUS thought, and then come back and give your comments on what is innappropriate, disturbing etc.
And this goes to the moderaters as well. I generally have great respect for our mods, but I cannot help noticing that there is a disproportionate heavy handedness on threads concering nudity etc. etc. but a MUCH more liberal hand towards threads of a violent nature. I know some of that is related to the fact that some forum members have a penchant for going overboard in their comments and being a little too graphic and purile. Nevertheless, it is a disturbing dichotomy.
I don't expect any alterations one way or the other, but I could not in good concience overlook this particular issue. It is interesting to see the devs behave with excessive sanctimony on an innocuous matter while evincing a casual satisfaction over grisly additives.
And for God's sake, don't bother to bring up the fact that the forums are for 13 and older. If you aren't mature enough to know that people have buttocks and to comment rationally on that fact of nature, then you certainly aren't mature enough to have ANY involvement in depictions of or discussions of decapitations. :verymad: