Version: 3.2.0
By: Waruddar & kea
Email: In Archived Readme
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Previous Threads:
What's New?:
- COBL support removed.
- As a result, Oblivion.esm is no longer required.
- This allows TQP to be used in Total Conversions such as Nehrim.
- As a result, Oblivion.esm is no longer required.
- OBSE v17+ now required.
- Scripts were simplified by using newer OBSE functions.
- Spell Purchases are no longer affected by the Default Action.
- They can still be auto-confirmed, you just have to hold one of the hotkeys down.
- Added support for the Quantity Prompt that appears when picking up certain items.
- It uses the same hotkeys as the Container/Barter screens.
- It is not affected by the Default Action for technical reasons.
- Either hold the hotkey down when picking the item up, or tap the hotkey when the prompt appears.
- It uses the same hotkeys as the Container/Barter screens.
- Added INI support.
- It is read from when:
- TQP is first installed
- '<< Reset to Default Settings >>' is selected in the menu.
- TQP is first installed
- It may be placed in one of three locations:
- Data\TQP.ini
- Data\INI\TQP.ini
- Data\Scripts\TQP.ini
- Data\TQP.ini
- It is read from when:
With this mod, you can auto-confirm the quantity prompt ("How many?") and confirmation prompt that you get when an item or spell is transacted (moving/buying/selling/dropping). Items may be transacted one at a time with by holding down either ctrl key, or an entire stack at a time by holding down either shift key. These hotkeys may be customized ingame.
When in a Container or Barter menu:
Hold either ctrl key when clicking on an item stack to auto-confirm ONE item.
Hold either shift key when clicking on an item stack to auto-confirm ALL items.
When in a Spell Purchase menu (uses the same hotkeys as the Container or Barter menu):
Hold either ctrl key when clicking on an item stack to auto-confirm ONE item.
Hold either shift key when clicking on an item stack to auto-confirm ALL items.
When in the Inventory menu (when either shift key is also pressed):
Hold either ctrl key when clicking on an item stack to auto-confirm ONE item.
Hold either alt key when clicking on an item stack to auto-confirm ALL items.
When in any of the above menus, press the left ctrl key in combination with the 'T' key to
bring up TQP's configuration menu.
- The menu allows you to:
- Allow auto-confirmation when giving away 0 value items to a merchant.
- Change the Default Action to: Prompt, Single, or Stack
- Customize all of the keys
- Reset everything back to the default settings
Other features:
- Custom Default Actions:
You may set the Default Action that occurs whenever you select an item without any hotkeys pressed. It can be set to Prompt (the normal behavior), Single, and Stack.
For example, if you set the Default Action to Stack:- Clicking without any hotkeys pressed will auto-confirm the entire stack.
- Clicking while holding one of the Stack hotkeys will cause the Prompts to appear. You may manually confirm the prompts, or press the Single or Stack hotkeys to auto-confirm the requisite amount.
- Clicking while holding one of the Single hotkeys will auto-confirm one item from the stack.
- Clicking without any hotkeys pressed will auto-confirm the entire stack.
- You may press the hotkeys even after the quantity/confirmation screens have appeared.
- As a safety measure, auto-confirmation is disabled by default when "Giving away" items to a merchant. This may be enabled in the configuration menu.
- Attempts have been made to make this work on international versions of Oblivion. The menu's won't be translated, but the mod 'should' work on non-English copies. This is completely untested, as I don't have a non-English version
It needs or greater to work.
- Three choices:
- OMOD: Load the archive in OBMM. It's in the omod-ready format.
- BAIN: Load the archive in Wrye Bash. It's in a BAIN-ready format.
- Manual: Just extract the .esp to your data directory and check it in the data files.
I would appreciate if you contact me, but ultimately you may do whatever you want with this mod as long as you properly credit any and all authors.
This applies to any mod primarily authored by Waruddar.