So I was going through the College of winterhold quest line with ease, no bug, nothing. Then when I head back to the college and defeat Arcano. So it says go speak with Tolfdir. The quest marker is saying I go outside so I do and I notice I can't speak to tolfdir because he wasn't inside and got paralyzed outside because he shot a fireball at Arcano but it clearly didn't work because he was out side. Now he's stuck in a wall or somewhere I can't reach and now I can't finish the questline.
and on a side note now all the mages are going nuts and I can't speak with them which results in me not being able to talk to Enthir for the Thieves guild quest. He just keeps saying "BY OBLIVION SAVE YOURSELVES!!" or something like that.
This is really pissing me off.
Also I have no saves near that point in time I just blew it off thinking it would fix it's self but it hasn't.