When arriving at Saarthal I noticed I HAD to join the College since Tolfdir has to open Saarthal, which is somewhat OOC for my character.
I quickly rush through the College introduction quest and tour, do the ward spell and I get to the part where I have to meet Tolfdir outside Saarthal to begin the search there.
I rush out, fast travel to Saarthal, wait 2-3 hours but Tolfy never showed up. I only get the one dunmer student, the rest simply doesn't show, even after waiting 3-4 days.
When I travel back to the College, I simply can't find Tolfdir, not during the day, not during the night.
Anyone know how to solve it and finish both (Forbidden Legends + Under Saarthal) quests?
I ran from Winterhold to Saarthal and back, no Tolfdir.
I'm on PS3 so console commands won't help me..