Tom Baker

Post » Thu Apr 07, 2011 3:13 pm

I may just get flamed for this but why does everyone like to cite Tom Baker as one of the best doctors?

I just watched an episode of his from 72, I forgot the name but they go on a ship where all the human race is and there is a bug alien...

Anyway he seems like an [censored] and has no flare or attitude. Just sits there and drones on about some thing then he insults the doctor that they are traveling with. "you are getting smarter although it has nothing to do with you it is entirely because of me." Maybe he is someone you have to grow up with or maybe its the episode but I don't like him to much. Are there any episodes you would recommend?
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Curveballs On Phoenix
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Post » Thu Apr 07, 2011 1:33 pm

I've always thought Tom Baker was the best. A bit of a dandy, slightly mad and an awesome voice. :D
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Laurenn Doylee
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Post » Thu Apr 07, 2011 8:36 pm

Tom Baker was an excellent doctor. David Tennant is my favourite, followed by Tom and Christopher Eccleston, then Matt Smith, then Colin Baker, William Hartnell, and Peter Davison. Haven't seen any of Patrick Troughton, Jon Pertwee or Paul McGann yet. Still, I love them all.
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Eileen Müller
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Post » Thu Apr 07, 2011 5:04 pm

I like Tom quite a bit, although Eccleston was my favorite in his short tenure.
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Post » Fri Apr 08, 2011 1:20 am

Thats just it, I don't see what is so great about Tom Baker he is boring to me. Tennant is my favorite followed by Mat Smith then Christopher Eccleston.
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stevie trent
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Post » Fri Apr 08, 2011 2:10 am

I love Tom Baker's Doctor. Have you ever seen older Doctor Who episodes, or is this the first one you've watched? It sounds to me like you might be reacting just as much to the difference between New Who and the original series(the original series can contain quite a bit of padding), as Tom Baker's doctor.

My favorite doctor, btw, is David Tennent; followed by Tom Baker, Patrick Troughton, and Matt Smith.
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Post » Fri Apr 08, 2011 1:16 am

I may just get flamed for this but why does everyone like to cite Tom Baker as one of the best doctors?

I just watched an episode of his from 72, I forgot the name but they go on a ship where all the human race is and there is a bug alien...

Anyway he seems like an [censored] and has no flare or attitude. Just sits there and drones on about some thing then he insults the doctor that they are traveling with. "you are getting smarter although it has nothing to do with you it is entirely because of me." Maybe he is someone you have to grow up with or maybe its the episode but I don't like him to much. Are there any episodes you would recommend?
Baker and Pertwee were the best IMO. :shrug:
(Pertwee was great, but Baker was just my favorite of the two best)

I started watching around the time of the switch to the 5th Doctor... after that I lost interest until I found a run of the older series.

I don't really remember many episodes. I seemed to like the Daveros episode where Baker ran out of a meat locker with a plucked cornish hen stuck to his neck like a leech (said to be a Dalek brain or body). I liked the one with Sutek that had the android mummies, and I liked the one with the huge monster-part body that had the brain in the plastic fish bowl for a head.

Now... loosely on the topic of Doctor Who....

Listen to this insanely famous song, (listen word for word), and tell me its not about Doctor Who. :lmao:

** And just when you're about to call phooey... What was his scarf made of?
(never mind the spelling)
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Post » Thu Apr 07, 2011 8:04 pm

I just watched an episode of his from 72, I forgot the name but they go on a ship where all the human race is and there is a bug alien...

Sounds like The Ark In Space, one of the best, though it was in 1975, in 1972 Pertwee was still the Doctor.

Personally, I think people liked him because he projected so much alien persona into the part. His demeanor was so utterly odd, but warm at the same time. He was bound to appeal to the children, just as Troughton's playful attitude did. He also happens to be the Doctor that a huge number of people who are now 40 - 50 watched, because he was on for so long.

I don't actually like all that many of his stories,apart from his first, where his act was fresh, and last season, where they revamped him. In between, he stagnated a bit.

Personally I liked the Demi-God mystery of the McCoy era more. And Ace was fit.

I don't really remember many episodes. I seemed to like the Daveros episode where Baker ran out of a meat locker with a plucked cornish hen stuck to his neck like a leech (said to be a Dalek brain or body). I liked the one with Sutek that had the android mummies, and I liked the one with the huge monster-part body that had the brain in the plastic fish bowl for a head.

Genesis of The Daleks, Pyramids of Mars and The Brain of Morbius respectively. :biggrin:

Listen to this insanely famous song, (listen word for word), and tell me its not about Doctor Who. :lmao:

"you are getting smarter although it has nothing to do with you it is entirely because of me."

The actual exchange is:

"You're improving, Harry! Your mind is beginning to work! Entirely due to my influence of course, you mustn't take any credit for it."

Of course, Harry had just started panicking and pressing buttons in what was to be a trip to the moon, ended up travelling about 7000 years into the future, fighting off the insect horde, t-matting down to a wasted Earth and being tortured by a Sontaran, and indirectly led to their hijacking by the Timelord Black Ops Agency, being forced to attack the daleks in a series of events that led to the opening salvo in the Last Time War. I'd say The Doctor's aloofness was justified.

Doctor Who is one of my favourites, see. :P
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Post » Thu Apr 07, 2011 4:17 pm

Genesis of The Daleks, Pyramids of Mars and The Brain of Morbius respectively. :biggrin:
That's them. :tops:
Seems very familiar, but I don't recall; I'd say that I've seen it before, but I can't believe I'd ever forget that. :lol:
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Post » Fri Apr 08, 2011 3:58 am

Baker and Pertwee were the best IMO. :shrug:
(Pertwee was great, but Baker was just my favorite of the two best)

I started watching around the time of the switch to the 5th Doctor... after that I lost interest until I found a run of the older series.

I don't really remember many episodes. I seemed to like the Daveros episode where Baker ran out of a meat locker with a plucked cornish hen stuck to his neck like a leech (said to be a Dalek brain or body). I liked the one with Sutek that had the android mummies, and I liked the one with the huge monster-part body that had the brain in the plastic fish bowl for a head.

Now... loosely on the topic of Doctor Who....

Listen to this insanely famous song, (listen word for word), and tell me its not about Doctor Who. :lmao:

** And just when you're about to call phooey... What was his scarf made of?
(never mind the spelling)

Lol as much as it could seem like it, Plant explained: "'Kashmir' came from a trip Jimmy and me made down the Moroccan Atlantic coast, from Agadir down to Sidi Ifni. We were just the same as the other hippies really."
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Post » Fri Apr 08, 2011 3:34 am

Tom Baker was a good DR but Jon Pertwee was the best ever Dr Who.
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Post » Fri Apr 08, 2011 5:03 am

I just got into Doctor Who, so I know nearly nothing about the older Doctors, but I have read a lot of things saying he was the best Doctor.

I'm thinking it's because Tom Baker was the Doctor for 7 years, so that's plenty of time to get used to and grow attached to him specifically. The other ones, if I remember correctly, were only there for 2 or 3 years and not much longer if that.

Granted he could have had amazing stories in comparison to the other Doctor's stories; I really couldn't say either way, I have only seen Doctors 8, 9, 10, and 11.
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Post » Thu Apr 07, 2011 9:33 pm

My scarf proves you wrong. I'd not have made it if not for his grandness. Doctors 10 and 11 have risen to number three now. Can't decide who I like more, so second-favourite is none. ^_^
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Post » Thu Apr 07, 2011 7:02 pm

Who? :huh:
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Post » Fri Apr 08, 2011 3:21 am

Tom Baker is silly and his episodes aren't all good. Doctor Who was also always rather campy and Tom Baker brought this out more than most - and if the episodes don't benefit from a nostalgia factor that campiness probably hasn't aged well.

When it comes to the original series my favorites would be 7, 4, and 3. Pertwee's Doctor was fun but I didn't like the direction the show took (trying to ride the rise in spy shows), Tom Baker's run brought the show to some interesting areas it hadn't been before: like having extended periods with no human companion and extended periods with no contemporary human companion. His run also spent far less time on Earth compared to say the Third Doctor or the revamped series with Doctor's Nine, Ten, and Eleven.

Sylvester McCoy was fantastic in my opinion. He brought back the sense of mystery and excitement in my opinion, and he could change his mood quickly without it being jarring (something Ninth Doctor Christopher Eccleston also did very well).

I haven't seen the Eleventh Doctor but fans of David Tennant should check out Peter Davison's run as the Fifth Doctor. Davison is Tennant's idol (and future father-in-law, creepy) and the Fifth And Eleventh Doctors have a lot of parallels.
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Post » Fri Apr 08, 2011 3:10 am

My two favorite Doctors are David Tennant and Tom Baker.

Davison is Tennant's idol (and future father-in-law, creepy) and the Fifth And Eleventh Doctors have a lot of parallels.

True, but only Davison can pull of a decorative vegetable.:P
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Post » Fri Apr 08, 2011 12:14 am

Personally, I think people liked him because he projected so much alien persona into the part. His demeanor was so utterly odd, but warm at the same time. He was bound to appeal to the children, just as Troughton's playful attitude did. He also happens to be the Doctor that a huge number of people who are now 40 - 50 watched, because he was on for so long.


He played the Doctor for perhaps the longest run of any actor who had the role. Set the bar pretty high and was popular. Each actor since then has to find a way to make the Doctor his own but still keep the portrayal faithful to what's come before.

If anything, the Doctor seems to be getting younger and more impish in later portrayals, and you don't see the seasoned age that older portrayals made common. Keep in mind that the Doctor was something like 900 years old when he was introduced in the first actor. I find the almost insanely young actors an insult to the viewer who would expect anyone who has lived so long to be more balanced on the whole.
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Post » Thu Apr 07, 2011 3:55 pm

Tom Baker was a good Doctor (he just had a certin charm about him, hard to explain) ) during his time but I like David Tennet followed by Sylvester McCoy in second, Tom Third and Matt Smith fourth.
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