Yes, but what if you want to have the spell available for some custom spell you want to create mein Sohn?
Conjuration spells are a source of huge spellbook cluttering - I was reluctant to delete them, as opposed to, say, flare, as they represent unique spell effects. I decided to create a small personal utility to get rid of them and back at will (and learn menu scripting).
On the other hand I have some personal ideas on magick so I combined this little leaflet of mine with a teleport spell that lets one name one's markers (a nice OBSE exercise).
So finally (after some luck with nifs, oh yes luck) I finally present you the (blast of trumpets) :
Tome of Conjuration
Download : || PlanetES
Name: Tome of Conjuration
Version: 1.0
Date: 8/2/2010
Category: Items/Spells
Requirements: Oblivion Patch
Recommended : Oblivion Script Extender v18+ (OBSE), Wrye Bash v287+, Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul v 1.34b5
Author(s): utumno aka Udun
Cleaned : Tes4Edit 2.5.3
Tired of carrying summon scamp at level 46 - but still want to be able to get it back if you want to create a particular spell effect ? Then read on...
OBSE versions (recommended) :
Adds a book that helps you manage your conjuration spells. You can add and remove spells from your spell book at will - options ranging from adding and removing individual spells, groups of spells, or the whole school at once. Yes it is a bit of a cheat but I trust you will not use it to acquire spells that you don't have bought or gained heh ?
Once your skill in conjuration, mysticism and restoration is high enough (yes all three) you will be prompted to read the Tome again. You will gain a teleport spell - you can name the teleport markers yourself ! - which will become more and more powerful as your skill in those schools increases (for details read the book
. To make the spell less uber there is a material component requirement, namely a Welkynd Stone, when placing a teleport marker. If you want the spell to be uber, open up the console and type :
set udunconjurationtomequest.enablematerialcomponent to 0
non OBSE versions :
Adds a book that helps you manage your conjuration spells. You can add and remove spells from your spell book at will - options ranging from adding and removing individual spells, groups of spells, or or the whole school at once. Yes it is a bit of a cheat but I trust you will not use it to acquire spells that you don't have bought or gained heh ?
When you read the book you will also gain a journeyman teleport recall spell - nothing like the OBSE version though.
I have made Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul versions of the books - to add/remove Golem and Jephre spells - use these versions if you have OOO installed !
NB (all versions) : the teleport spell does NOT work in SI - I do not use SI and it bores me to death to delve into the scripting details needed to do this correctly - will do one day, with a little help from my friends.
Also there are places you must not teleport away from, otherwise some quests will break in tiny pieces. Even if I took care of the Vanilla ones there are countless others added by mods. So... teleport at your own risk : beware of astral plane storms btw.
BAIN (recommended) :
1. Copy the 7z folder to the Bash Installers folder.
2. Use the wizard.
3. Check the esp in WB.
4. Play - once you are done with the tutorial and out of the sewers you will receive the book.
Manual :
1. Extract the files to a temporary location.
2. Copy the contains of the 00 Core folder to the (install folder)\Oblivion\Data\ dir.
3. Copy one ONLY of the esps in the 01... folders to the (install folder)\Oblivion\Data\ dir (copy the one in the OOO folder if you have Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul) - ignore wizard.txt
4. Start Oblivion Launcher, click 'Data Files', place a checkmark beside the .esp file.
5. Play - once you are done with the tutorial and out of the sewers you will receive the book.
Manual :
1. Start Oblivion Launcher, click Data Files, uncheck the .esp file(s).
2. Delete the files/folders associated with the mod (the .esp and Oblivion\Data\Meshes\Creatures\udun folder)
Right click the installer and choose Uninstall - and send me an email why you uninstalled - read my privacy policy on the back cover of the tome.
Known Issues or Bugs
OBSE versions :
There is an Oblivion bug I run across (I do run across bugs routinely) which may cause the (low level) version of the tome to disappear if you drop it in an exterior. Clean save and reinstall the mod if this happens - or if you prefer open the console and type :
PRID xx008C5F
moveto player
where xx is the load order of my mod (find it via Wrye Bash or OBMM) - you must press after each line (duh).
If the higher version of the book disappears (never happened nor will but just in case) reinstalling the mod will make you loose your teleport markers. Use above procedure but PRID xx008C5C.
There should not be any.
Make better models for my marker rats - yes I did manage to enable them at last
Extend to SI
Add a quest and some lore (at the mo the acquisition of the book is err.. DLC inspired)
Make icons for my spell
Add appendices to the Tome detailing Golems && Jephre's Guardians - an everlasting source of confusion
Add more spells
Overhaul the magic system
NEED HELP with NIFs/KFs ! I am not a modeler - my real thing is quests and lore and scripting - if anyone will lend me a hand with the nifs I'd thank him much for that - even make him/her co-author
Anyone who would want to contribute in my ToDo list is welcome actually
1.0, 2010/8/3 - Initial release.
You can find me on the official Elder Scrolls forums as utumno
Thanks to all the people whose tools I used - in particular the OBSE team and the WB and TES4 ones - modding would be impossible without them.
Thanks to the authors of Realistic Leveling whose script I used to detect skill ups.
Thanks to all the people in the forums that helped me especially QQuix for tricks and ShadeMe for tips.
Thanks to scruggsywuggsy the ferret who confirmed the bug I discovered and saved my sanity (as well as provided a workaround).
Tools Used
NIFSkope -
Oblivion Script Extender (OBSE) -
TES4Edit -
TES4Files -
TES Construction Set -
Readme Generator -
Wrye Bash -
TES4 CS Hotkeys -
Please give me credit if you use any of my scripts and/or models - I worked really hard on them.
Enjoy !
Version: 1.0
Date: 8/2/2010
Category: Items/Spells
Requirements: Oblivion Patch
Recommended : Oblivion Script Extender v18+ (OBSE), Wrye Bash v287+, Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul v 1.34b5
Author(s): utumno aka Udun
Cleaned : Tes4Edit 2.5.3
Tired of carrying summon scamp at level 46 - but still want to be able to get it back if you want to create a particular spell effect ? Then read on...
OBSE versions (recommended) :
Adds a book that helps you manage your conjuration spells. You can add and remove spells from your spell book at will - options ranging from adding and removing individual spells, groups of spells, or the whole school at once. Yes it is a bit of a cheat but I trust you will not use it to acquire spells that you don't have bought or gained heh ?
Once your skill in conjuration, mysticism and restoration is high enough (yes all three) you will be prompted to read the Tome again. You will gain a teleport spell - you can name the teleport markers yourself ! - which will become more and more powerful as your skill in those schools increases (for details read the book

set udunconjurationtomequest.enablematerialcomponent to 0
non OBSE versions :
Adds a book that helps you manage your conjuration spells. You can add and remove spells from your spell book at will - options ranging from adding and removing individual spells, groups of spells, or or the whole school at once. Yes it is a bit of a cheat but I trust you will not use it to acquire spells that you don't have bought or gained heh ?
When you read the book you will also gain a journeyman teleport recall spell - nothing like the OBSE version though.
I have made Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul versions of the books - to add/remove Golem and Jephre spells - use these versions if you have OOO installed !
NB (all versions) : the teleport spell does NOT work in SI - I do not use SI and it bores me to death to delve into the scripting details needed to do this correctly - will do one day, with a little help from my friends.
Also there are places you must not teleport away from, otherwise some quests will break in tiny pieces. Even if I took care of the Vanilla ones there are countless others added by mods. So... teleport at your own risk : beware of astral plane storms btw.
BAIN (recommended) :
1. Copy the 7z folder to the Bash Installers folder.
2. Use the wizard.
3. Check the esp in WB.
4. Play - once you are done with the tutorial and out of the sewers you will receive the book.
Manual :
1. Extract the files to a temporary location.
2. Copy the contains of the 00 Core folder to the (install folder)\Oblivion\Data\ dir.
3. Copy one ONLY of the esps in the 01... folders to the (install folder)\Oblivion\Data\ dir (copy the one in the OOO folder if you have Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul) - ignore wizard.txt
4. Start Oblivion Launcher, click 'Data Files', place a checkmark beside the .esp file.
5. Play - once you are done with the tutorial and out of the sewers you will receive the book.
Manual :
1. Start Oblivion Launcher, click Data Files, uncheck the .esp file(s).
2. Delete the files/folders associated with the mod (the .esp and Oblivion\Data\Meshes\Creatures\udun folder)
Right click the installer and choose Uninstall - and send me an email why you uninstalled - read my privacy policy on the back cover of the tome.
Known Issues or Bugs
OBSE versions :
There is an Oblivion bug I run across (I do run across bugs routinely) which may cause the (low level) version of the tome to disappear if you drop it in an exterior. Clean save and reinstall the mod if this happens - or if you prefer open the console and type :
PRID xx008C5F
moveto player
where xx is the load order of my mod (find it via Wrye Bash or OBMM) - you must press
If the higher version of the book disappears (never happened nor will but just in case) reinstalling the mod will make you loose your teleport markers. Use above procedure but PRID xx008C5C.
There should not be any.
Make better models for my marker rats - yes I did manage to enable them at last

Extend to SI
Add a quest and some lore (at the mo the acquisition of the book is err.. DLC inspired)
Make icons for my spell
Add appendices to the Tome detailing Golems && Jephre's Guardians - an everlasting source of confusion
Add more spells
Overhaul the magic system
NEED HELP with NIFs/KFs ! I am not a modeler - my real thing is quests and lore and scripting - if anyone will lend me a hand with the nifs I'd thank him much for that - even make him/her co-author
Anyone who would want to contribute in my ToDo list is welcome actually

1.0, 2010/8/3 - Initial release.
You can find me on the official Elder Scrolls forums as utumno
Thanks to all the people whose tools I used - in particular the OBSE team and the WB and TES4 ones - modding would be impossible without them.
Thanks to the authors of Realistic Leveling whose script I used to detect skill ups.
Thanks to all the people in the forums that helped me especially QQuix for tricks and ShadeMe for tips.
Thanks to scruggsywuggsy the ferret who confirmed the bug I discovered and saved my sanity (as well as provided a workaround).
Tools Used
NIFSkope -
Oblivion Script Extender (OBSE) -
TES4Edit -
TES4Files -
TES Construction Set -
Readme Generator -
Wrye Bash -
TES4 CS Hotkeys -
Please give me credit if you use any of my scripts and/or models - I worked really hard on them.
Enjoy !