But I was able to bring up Tommy Khajiit's page through the WayBackMachine: http://web.archive.org/web/20110107062222/http://tommyshideout.net/
This also links to all the great guides that Srikandi had made. Which, to me, were invaluable in learning how to mod.
The TESCS Item Index is probably the most handy guide for any modder.... No matter how well you know the CS, it's still so easy to forget where "In_Lava_Blacksquare" is, or what "furn_bone_rib_01" was called.
Unfortunately, the WayBackMachine doesn't seem to have the pictures that went with the guide, or even the proper structure, but it is still all there for use.
I thought I'd share, for the older modders who remember it fondly, and for new modders who have no where else to turn.
Aside.... I wonder if GHF would be interested in hosting a new version The TESCS Item Index?
Fliggerty, a summons.