The kinds of thinking I had with MORROWIND which made me ponder making my character a better weapon, or adding a bed where he was well rested never occurred to me while playing Skyrim. I imagine that is because I would have thought the game builder's would have weeded out the useless waste and added all the timely reported good improvement's.
After 200 + hours I found something I would like changed. What a surprise!
I think 'nvde bodies' should only become nvde if I am willing to pull off the disgusting soiled undergarment's from the corpse's. Than I can have them to sell and achieve a better speech level so I advance my trade level to a better values. Than I can sell bucket's, shovel's, and useful other item's for at least one gold Septim earlier in the game. Greed? No! Just sensible bartering is what I am on about. I heard this line over and over in Balmora, "So I said, 'Where's the Money in that?!'"
I thought for sure I was going to get that option to take the loincolth or female top and bottom to the shore and wash them out after all these years. Am I bad For thinking it?