Are you in the NI? I can't say that I find the mosquitoes an issue in Christchurch.
Also, someone else from NZ! Yay!
Yeah, I am. However I'd like to point out that no-one else in the house gets bitten. They probably aren't an issue for anyone else but me, heh. Maybe they don't like all the shaking down that end of NZ.
I haven't been bitten all summer.
Try citronella candles, the smell isn't that bad and it does a good job.
I'd thought about it, but is it ok to use stuff like that around pets? I've thought about it, many a time. I also really like candles. And live in a house made of logs O_o
Take lots of vitamin B complex pills. You'll start to smell slightly of vitamin B, and it's an amazingly good mosquito repellent. My mom figured it out when she was given some heavy vitamin B shots once, and then I tried getting it to work via pills, and it worked perfectly. They just hover over you and don't land. But if you put your nose up to your arm and sniff or something, you will notice the smell. It's not necessarily a bad smell though.
I'll try this. I wonder if eating a lot of bananas would do the trick. I can make lots of banana smoothies, yum. Also, smelling funny isn't a problem, I'm recently single and basically a hermit. I can smell all I want!

This is basically what I was coming here to say.

Finnish mosquitos have a habit of getting in your house no matter what you do. I can hear that horrible, whiny buzzing in my ear whenever I think of mosquitos. Gah, I hate them!
The best way to get rid of them is to keep them out. Even cheap screens stapled to your windows will help a bit, and you can always hunt down any stragglers by hand before you go to sleep. Citronella works a bit, or so I've heard. At our summer cottage in the Northern Finnish woody swamps, we have a horrible mosquito problem every summer. One thing that helped was spraying all rims of the windows and doors with bug spray once a day. You could do that with a citronella extract or garlic or something, if all bug sprays irritate your skin and/or are bad for your bird.
Hunting mosquitos is very gratifying.

Last summer, I kept count of all the mosquitos I killed and made it a competition with a few of my friends. 3 458! Needless to say, there weren't a lot of those little buggers around inside our homes.
I'll have to try convince my parents about this. See, I'm living in my parent's home while I'm on holiday, and it's an extremely nice house. They waited 17 years to build it, it's their dream home, so I'd probably get in trouble for stapling screens on >_< I don't even have curtains, which probably doesn't help. And before you tell me to get curtains, it's cause I'm not allowed them. I've asked many a time for screens over my windows, but they're expensive and I can't afford to do it myself, and my parents have thus far refused to get any for my room. Before I got the bird, I did actually try spraying the windows with bug spray, and it didn't work. Sigh. It just gave me a headache and a fuzzy feeling throat.
I love killing mossies. I usually feel bad killing even flies, but I have no sympathy for mossies. My wall is covered in black smears I really need to clean of...I did have a spider, which did catch a fair few of the damn things, as he was right above my bed near the light, which they were attracted to. He disappeared though

3458 is an impressive number, did you actually have time to do anything else or were you just killing mosquitos??
I think I'll give the garlic a go. I just have to find some way to make it bearable...I'm not much of a sugary foods type person so I can't really cut down on that much more, and I guess I'll find out if citronella is ok for animals. I guess if it comes from a plant, it should be fine.
And to Defaulted, I'm not that much of a pansy about my eczema, I just don't exactly want to make it worse. Looking like a leper is bad enough. If it flares up badly, it tends to for some reason, break out on my face as well, and this is something I'd rather avoid. I am prone to a little vanity every now and again, so I don't want to aggravate my eczema.
Hm. This is a huge post.