I mean it! Every single night, I get attacked by mosquitos. I wake up with about 7 new bites a day, and all in the most annoying places, like on the ball of my thumb, all over my fingers, on my face, and feet. I don't want to use insect repellant/toxic chemical-y stuff as I have exzema and allergies/hayfever so rash up pretty easy, I can't use any sort of spray, as my pet bird lives in here with me. I can't hang up a mosquito net due to A. The angle and height of my ceiling, and B. The often violent nature of my sleep.
Does anyone know of any surefire, preferably natural and easy ways to at least reduce insect bites? I've read that bananas and garlic are good for reducing bites, but I hate garlic so I'd like to know if it works before trying it. Is there perhaps some sort of plant, or odor-releasing thing I can hang up to repel the damn things? Anything?? I'm getting desperate.
It's not that you are so delicious, it's your pheromes that attract the mosquito in the first place.
Remove any standing water near the house, that includes houseplants that may be in your room with water in the overflow saucer.
The female will lay eggs in it.
Citronella is a plant that repels mosquitos. You can also burn citronella candles or oil in a tabletop lamp. Glade manufactures an electric plug in device that warms citronella impregnanted strips in a decorative device so there is no danger of fire from an overturned lamp. There are also personal battery operated devices that emit a high frequency sound that repels mosquitos, my son has a clip on Coleman ultrasonic repeller.
Screens on windows only work if there are no gaps between the screen and the frame. Othewise, the mosquitos will come through. I live in Florida.
We use citronella oil in stake lamps or citronella candles. We also have OFF spray, which I never use.
OUr mosquitos should be the state bird. Oddly, they never bite me.
Only the female mosquito bites. The male obtains his sustenance from the nectar of flowers.