» Sat Dec 10, 2011 3:03 pm
I haven't tried yet, is it possible to drop gold in Skyrim? know it was only possible through a mod in oblivion. One thing I did with my gold in morrowind was pave the floor of my house with it, mostly in stacks of a 100 to save time, coin-by-coin was a little too time consuming, but the overall effect was rather nice.
but anyway, on topic, yes, too much gold. Generally I try to pick up just about everything, and with perks and +carrying capacity armour, that's about 500 lbs of everything. Rather than let that stuff go to waste, I then set about selling it all. It does get annoying, usually have to end up fast travelling back and forth between 2 or three cities to sell it all (windhelm, solitude, and an optional one depending on where I'm headed next), but it gets rid of the items nicely. Anyway, yeah, i've got around 60k gold, and I do spend it on training and the odd house now and then.