Hey guys.
I recently found out there are over 100 in-game magazines that each give you a new perk or perk rank. I know this is old information but I've been out of the loop and only recently found out. Is anyone else a bit worried that this suggests FO4 will have the same issue as FO3, in that players will be able to max out all their skills (in this case, perks and SPECIAL) fairly quickly?
To be able to obtain 100 out of 270 perks just by collecting a magazine seems a bit crazy to me. The beauty of Fallout 1 & 2 was the difficulty in improving everything and the fact that you were forced to specialise. If over a third of your character's "unique" set of skills can be obtained through a magazine just like everyone else - what's the point?
Sorry if there's already been a thread. I thought this was interesting.