» Mon Dec 12, 2011 2:51 pm
Wow, I cannot believe the range of experiences I have heard about dragons. Some people feel they encounter too many, some not enough. Some say dragons are too easy, others too difficult. If dragons are a problem (from whatever angle you come from), there are a few factors you need to consider. First, what difficulty is your game set on? Second, how far have you progressed in the main quest line? Third, what level are you? Fourth, what skills did you raise to reach that level? Fifth, what attributes did you increase when you leveled? Sixth, what shouts have you learned / do you use? And finally, what type of dragons are you fighting?
My experience: dragons appear often, but not constantly. I'm over halfway through the main quest, playing on apprentice (so what you will, I don't care), specializing in sneak and blades, level 41, increased each attribute fairly equally, and prefer the Dragonrend and Elemental Fury shouts. Now, a regular dragon might as well be a wolf at level 1. Blood dragons and frost dragons are only a minor challenge, yet elder dragons are still deadly, but can be killed with the right tactics (and a few potions). It's all about how you have been playing, with some randomness thrown in.
As a note, after the patch I'm seeing more dragons attacking other random NPC's instead of just me or towns I fast travel to. It was rather interesting to see an elder dragon get the drop on a bandit archer who thought he was getting the drop on me, only to have me Dragonrend his hide and steal his soul.